With only one spot left, dishing up food that splits the table is the last thing they need. It’s high stakes and high stress on the Kitchen HQ battlefield, where even the judges are up for a fight.
So, who do we think will go through? It has to be Mr and Mrs Hat, right? Just so we have to watch her met down while he calmly goes about his business. Stella and Jazzey have obviously been studying up on technique but they still have a lot to learn.

I just don’t think I’m ready to deal with 90 minutes of Emily’s histrionics tonight.
I figure I will record it so I can fast forward every time they are on screen
What a shame, I got a work call and just “missed” half an hour. Mouth was just starting to warm up – sigh…
The NRL game is close and it’s probably not rigged. I’m juggling it with this.
I very much want Ch 7’s deluded darlings to fall.
Actually, I’m switching over to the Broncos/Bulldogs game as well.
Emily’s just too much to deal with. I want out.
Do the Vietnamese mothers sound bored to you? It’s like, the super-dramatic music plays, and we cut to them watching on from the balcony … and it sounds like they’re barely awake.
So it’s Hat and Hysteria versus Stella and Jazzey, innit? I’ll either watch with the sound off or not watch at all. Hysteria was bad enough last night with her sharp intakes of breath and continual covering her mouth with her hands. You’d have thought she was watching a massacre of innocents instead of an almost semi-interesting cooking contest.
And I think “semi-interesting” is being generous, to be honest.
The judges should be able to see Emily’s stress on the plate. Running round like a spatchcock with it’s head cut off. Not cooking from the heart but from the adrenal gland. Fail. Not with love, cooking with fear.Fail.
I’m guessing the name Emily is finally going to be removed from the most popular girls baby names list.
People will be driving stakes through the heart of anyone called Emily.
The mad hatter has made it to the tea party.
And he brought his bunny boiler with him.
Yeah, it’s what we all thought. Team 5000 Ingredients versus Mr Hat and Ms Hysteria.
*sigh* This season has really been an act of endurance. Like, it’s almost over. We just have to hang on for one more episode.
It does feel like Alex and Emily were a protected species, though, doesn’t it?
If they win, they are one of the most unpopular winners.
Finale will be battle of the broth/soup
A one-sided comp tonight. Hats will win the comp – we just have to fast forward through Mrs Hat’s panic. They will have spent the weeks between the semi and grand final practising madly. That prawn toast looked awesome.
Hats have got it in the brown paper bag. Emily’s crying through the cook in the Grand Fiasco promos. It’s a sucker punch from Ch 7. Home is where the hat is.
Ui, that will be such an exciting finale…!
Alex and Emily:
Course 1: Red snapper ceviche in salty tears and loads of alcohol (Special Alex and Emily twist!)
Course 2: Crying zucchini blossoms stuffed with extra salty cheese and topped with an alcohol foam
Course 3: Super salty pasta with alcohol sauce
Course 4: Extra salty beef filet with a cocktail sauce
Course 5: Mousse au Kahlúa with salty tears drizzle
Kim and Suong:
Course 1: 1001 ingredients Goi cuon with a side of nuoc cham
Course 2: Pho with 4923747 ingredients
Course 3: Another Pho with 30943747438 ingredients
Course 4: Ga Tho Ko with 34943989435789357 ingredients
Course 5: Vietnamese inspired crêpes with a spoon of semi-whipped cream
Anyway, Vietnamese food is sooo delicious. :O
Your menus hit the target for both teams, Zhee.
I did watch the Hatsters vs the waitresses but fast forwarded through a lot of it. The outcome was predictable. The Hatsters didn’t even make their own noodles or bread….isn’t that cheating? LOL
As for the grand final, it should be renamed the sham final.
I tried my best to bring out ALL the clichees. 😀
Maybe, just maybe, the final will be a bit of a ratings flop.^^
Hope Monday with MCA starts very well and it is enjoyable.
Ch 10 should have the guts to premiere Masterchef on Sunday. Then thst will teach Ch 7 a big lesson. People will watch MC instead of MKR
Agree about the noodles… these weren’t noodles that take 24 hours to make…
Vietnamese food is delicious but I am getting sick of seeing them cooking so many soups and the cooking style is the same but with different ingredients.
Stella and Jazzey didn’t have enough practice in cooking to fine tune their dishes. But generally their dishes have been good and full of flavour and not one dimensional.
With another year of practice they could be the winners.
It’ll be interesting who the winner is… doesn’t MKR film two outcomes and not even the real winner will know of their fate till Sunday??? This gives MKR the chance to pick the most marketable favourite come Sunday and pick the best winner from $$$ and public perception perspective.
To me was always going to be the Mums… ad-nauseum about their sacrifices, refugee status (which I’m not down playing… but MKR ramming it a bit too much down our throats). Also with an increasing Asian population in Australia a good way to grab a bit more of that Asian migrant market…. plus imagine the possibilities of running ads about the AFL match in Shanghai, and other such things to show migrants that Ch7 is a station for all people and cultures.
Stella and Jazzy although appreciate their dry wit and carefree-ness (nice girls… anyone with a son would be happy to have their kid date these girls), they just were’nt semi-finalist worthy. Did the fact the Russians, Italians have some commercial experience behind them impact the decision as was the Tassies being hand-picked (and possibly pre-trained on the cooking skills)???
Another intereseting note was 6 judges yesterday but swear they plated up 10-12 plates?? where did the other 4-6 go? sure perhaps Koreans may have got 2 but still that was some over-plating going on there?? perhaps to create more panic and rush in the final moments and for the producers to selectively pick the best/worst plates to help gain their best outcome??
I’m a cynical b@st@rd!
The Asian girls from the 2nd group, Italian brothers and Russians should never have been selected because of their commercial experience. I did enjoy the Russians, though. Witty and generally judging fairly. The only two teams I liked in the end were Henry/Anna and Olga/Valeria.
Don’t care who wins the sham finale. Was tired of hearing the mothers’ backstory and can’t stand Emily’s whining, crying, voice,and behaviors.
These weren’t the best teams when it comes down to it but they were the teams selected by the powers that be. One due to that backstory and the other due to the “drama” and antics.
If you want to wind up in the finals of MKR: act frenetic, screech and keep stating that you want this more than anyone or repeatedly bring up your kids, your refugee background and how much you sacrificed.
I don’t know how Mr. Hatster can deal with Mrs. Hatster on a daily basis especially when things don’t go her way.
I think a lot of us wanted the finale to be the Russians versus the Tasmanians, as they were the only two likeable teams.
I think the mothers are a bit off-putting because of the constant, “poor us” back-story. It comes across as very forced. I’d rather judge them on their cooking, you know? But channel 7 doesn’t place much value on that, for their cooking show *sigh*.
And Alex and Emily are just … eugh. Alex seems nice enough, but the hat just screams, “I’m a pretentious knob”, while Emily is just a hysterical mess and I could not deal with her at all. Calm the hell down, please.
I look at the finale, and it’s just, no, I don’t really care either. Just let it be over.
They always plate up 12 plates for semi finals and 20 plates for the 5 course final. Emily will need 1 hr to plate up each course
Re refugee status – I am sure I heard one of them, possibly Suong, say recently that she came to Australia as a 6 year old. Seems a long time to still be claiming refugee status.
That is true.
Yes there was an article on her in the Saturday herald sun a few weeks back how she was 6 when she got here and her siblings were raising her and she’s around 40 years old now as well.. so 30+ years in the country…?? My family being of Eurpean Jewish background, post world war 2 were also refugees and I never heard my grandparents ad-nauseaum complain about their hardships and status’ coming into this country and settlin… anyway probably the producers being in their ear and telling them in their best interests to ham it up for the sympathy and public vote.
One thing to note… the way it works is that the producers ask you a question so you have to put their question in your answer… so:
Producer: “K & S being refugees and away from your family must be hard, did you take a lot of that with you during your cook?”
K & S: “We and our families have sacrificed a lot to be here. Being refugees and leaving our kids behind has been hard, but we take that with us when we cook. we cook from the heart”.
Italians’ icecream half price at Coles
“Yousa da gonna eat it or sleep with de fishies!”
I thought those boys would have a nose for business.
I can’t even eat ice-cream at the moment. I hope I’m not missing much.
Who cares?
I don’t care either, but wouldn’t there be two pairs of cardboard cut outs?
You often see these things in Supermarkets. I was coveting a life size cardboard Kylie Minogue in Specsavers a few years ago.
I totally believe the Hats have got it. Kyle and Jackie are full of it.
Roll on MasterChef – nothing could be as bad as this season of MKR
… and I’d really like it if a judges’ non-favourite – think Diane (2016) and Elena (2015) – won. But I must admit that Adam Liaw (2010) is still my favourite winner, both for the win and what he has done afterward
I hope MC don’t focus too much on desserts. I also like Adam Liaw. Most of the other winners are not doing that well. Just some cooking here and there. Some of the non winners are doing better.