The Block – Master bedroom and WIR week

Our five teams begin master bedroom and walk-in-robes week. After a dramatic judging, one team considers leaving The Block for good.
Drama, drama, drama.



  1. To put so much importance on a bath tub and not position it properly in the room for full effect is bad planning. Oh and at the beginning of the episode we see her hiding in bed but showing off her huge rock!!! I hope she does go!

    • Thanks Maz
      I wish they had floor plans. I’m getting confused about why thy are making the decisions they are!

  2. Very boring episode. I fast forwarded through most of it. Sara is still there. What a bunch of BS regarding the walk out. Don’t want to see “Schlock, the musical” with Hans and Courtney and not interested in the soap opera, “Tears and Tantrums on the Schlock” starring Sara.
    This show could be cut down to 2 days a week since most of it is filler and faux drama.

    • The fake walk out was fanned into a bushfire on Sonia and David’s Morning Show yesterday. Shame on Ch 9.

  3. Love the cheap $chlock captions. “Mother lode” captioned as “mother load”.This show has beige production values.

      • I’ll see them tomorrow. Still reeling at Scotty saying “hommidge” for “homage” on The $chlock”.

  4. Oh, anyone wanna bet on who gets the room win on Sunday? Anyone????

    I am still convinced that her walk out was so fake as you could see little princess turning her head down with a smug smile. She knows exactly that throwing that kind of hissy fit will grant her all the pity and a room win and only great feedback from now on.

    • Tempting as it is to say Sara, Hans and Courtney do have the biggest floor space and in the past that has been enough to win.

      Spence & Kerry are probably in danger of coming last this week not that they will do anything ergerious against good taste but they are too old to put up with some of the crap that is thrown at them and in a blow to the architect’s ego they keep tweaking the floorplan.

    • Sara and Hayden will most probably win. The win to the whiners. Threat of walking out continuing with Scotty bringing in possible replacements. More BS. If you are just going to walk off The Schlock then just go. No one will miss you.

    • Yes, I called a win for H and Sara earlier on. A shoe in for sure.

      They have an apartment to flog, give the buyer a possible incentive to buy, by having a win or two for your apartment design.

    • I’m betting on the ocka couple ( why can I still not remember these people names).

  5. It looks like S&H win. The TV guide states, “The judges’ feedback is delivered, causing one team to go from zero to hero.”

    We guess that Kerry & Spence get the “rip it all out” comment.

  6. Enough of the bloody singing to tell us what they are doing next. Ri.dic.u.lous.
    Qlder bloke tells wife to act like a bogan. And she thinks she did. Act like a bogan. No, she was the bogan acting like a gorilla. Apologies to the very noble species, gorilla.

    • …and did we have to see her walking around in a towel? Yuck!

      If I were Hans I would tell the Qlders, “No you can’t work down here to create more support for the pool.” I am surprised that the pool was approved.

  7. God, I’m the only loser who never misses an ep of the block. I do ffwd through most of it…

    • You’re not alone.

      I’m the loser who watches The Badgelor. I cop it all , even the ads but I play music over the captions. When it’s not on, I watch The Block. The walk outs, the walk backs. The confected blow ups of white trash getting bent out of shape. Great $cotty.

      Ch 10 are running repeats of Dr.Phil. I can’t accept this rose.

    • I watch The Schlock and The Schlock NZ but I do fast forward through most of each episode. Yesterday’s episode of The Schlock I ffwded through the singing, dancing, crying, whining, strutting around in a towel, etc. and there wasn’t much left to watch.

      The Schlock NZ is worse than The Schlock. Most of the challenges are totally idiotic like having one team member wear a cup on his/her head and then having the other team member try to throw marshmallows into the cup. Like that has anything to do with renovating.

        • They just completed “Block Stars”. Each team had to perform in front of an audience and they were judged by two More FM radio hosts. This season the performances were: theatrical, circus performers, ventriloquism and comedy act. Seriously stupid although the winners received a great prize.

    • I used to watch it religiously, but not for about four years. I dipped back in last year when it was real houses again

    • It is just too easy to miss eps of the Block, and miss nothing. So many people only watch on Sunday.

      The other shows make every episode important, and if you do miss, then the next ep doesn’t make sense.

    • From memory they had good workmanship and did some cool stuff with metal as that was their business – I think?

    • I don’t like the black and white theme for the whole house. Too much white does my head in, with black and grey throughout, boring.

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