1. Sara has mental health issues.

    Okay, we are bit judgmental but her occupation would suggest that she has the ability to be outwardly calm under stress. On the Block, as soon as she doesn’t get her own way she throws a tantrum. That would be exhausting to live with.

  2. Jess refers to herself as “this piece of white chocolate” Barf.

    She has no concept of personal space. Alexa guy drops his laptop because she wants to grope (sorry hug) him upon meeting him.

    • Yeah, as I said before, Jess and those bloody uninvited hugs she gives or tries to.

  3. Team SA

    Ooh this is glamorous coos Shayna as she enters the bathroom. Neale and Shayna think that the vanity is beautiful.

    Neale thinks that this bathroom is the grown -up sister to the main bathroom. Shayna and Neale both love the “face-level storage” aka medicine cabinets. It is regal, elegant and functional.

    They feel the couple are listening BUT Shayna hates the choice of floor wastes.

    • Thanks for the recaps, Maz. I soooo wish Survivor was on on Sundays, but I usually do fast forward through the reveals

  4. Team WA

    John McGarth immediately observes that this bathroom feels a lot bigger than the previous one. Neale states that size equal luxury.

    John believes the terrazzo will be polarising. Shayna disagrees as terrazzo is so St Kilda.

    Shaynna and Neale love the bath and matching vanity bowls BUT the vanity is out of scale and the glass concealment looks chunky.

  5. Team Qld
    The ensuite does not have a sense of luxury as it small bathroom but it is a small bathroom which is punching well above its weight due to the height.

    Again, Shayna refers to the scale of the bathroom. There is not room for two basins or two shower heads. The bathroom also lacks functionality with the lack of shower door. In conclusion it does not have the softness or luxury of their main bathroom.

    That said their bathroom is not offensive and won’t turn off buyers.

  6. Team Vic
    Wow said Shaynna upon entering the room. Exhaling dramatically, she feels that the bathroom has calmed her down. It does feel good agrees Neale.

    It is very sophisticated with the stunning marble and wood. These girls understand luxury and the beauty of simplicity where less is more.

    BUT Shaynna obsessing about floor drains again states they have prioritised form over function as it would be a bitch to fish hair out of the drain.

    Other than that, John believes the room is close to flawless.

  7. Scores
    John,Shaynna, Neale
    Vic 8.5, 9, 9.5= 27
    Qld 8,7,8 = 23
    NSW 7.5, 7, 7.5 = 22
    WA 8, 7.5,8.5 = 24
    SA 8.5, 9, 9 + 1=27.5 (winners using the bonus point gnome)

  8. Team NSW

    “Oh my God,” squeals Shaynna upon spotting the brass bath.
    But is it luxury? queries Neale. It is a different type of luxury counters Shyanna.
    John believes the bath in isolation can be polarising.

    They love the floor BUT the judges feel that the bathroom does not come together. It is a bit drab!

    The judges hate the choice of wall tile. The three dark wall closes the room in and there is too much black. Shaynna believes they should overlay at least two of the walls in white tiles.

    Other problems include the position of the toilet and the chucky overhead to hold up the glass.

    The bathroom is a mixture of disaster and triumph.

    Shaynna thinks they need a one on one mentoring session as their apartment lacks a cohesive design.

    As to the extremely over-hyped walked out…need to wait until tomorrow.

    • The toilet actually really stuck out being white when everything else was black.

      I would kinda get the tantrum if they were only getting 5s… but they are only a point behind 4th.

      Also you can tell by Sara’s hair and makeup, she obviously likes the styles of the 70s and 80s, which is fine, but not for The Block. I mean i totally understand wanting to keep some heritage features, in the apartment, i just think they are choosing the wrong ones to include.

    • I like Dani much more when she is not a contestant. Absolutely agree with her about the trim wrecking that marble

      • I wish there was a score for design and a score for execution/workmanship. So many dodgy showerscreems

    • Looking at the rooms on Dan and Dani’s run through, I can’t see any that are too small. These are meant to be ensuites, aren’t they? Four of the five are like large main bathrooms – what a waste of space that could be used elsewhere. I am not watching but from the comments, I think I like the couple who are arranging and styling like normal houses, and not creating monuments to individual self-worshippping.

  9. Isn’t Sara a precious little drama queen? But honestly, when she was starting her “I wanna quit, QQ”-tirade, I thought she was smiling and ran away. She just does it for the cameras. She knows what she is doing and hopes her little Damsel in Distress number works wonders. Everyone takes pity with her and she gets her way.
    I am sure that whiny person will not walk off The Schlock. “Ohh, I am such a victim, I get such bad feedback. Ohhhh, sooooook, sooooook, I wanna go hooooooooome. Soooooooooooook. I didn’t win the last 3 reveals, that is SO unfair. SO UNFAIR!!!!!!!!! I put my heart and soul in and 70k, they judges MUST love it. I demand that!” *tiny violin playing*

    Anyway, I thought the tiles in Courtney’s and Hans im Glück’s ensuite were too dark. It felt out of place.

    Kerrie and Spence did a really pretty bathroom, I thought they might win first, girls’ ensuite was also really nice.

    Norm’s and Plastic Bath Tub lady’s was boring, I also felt it was somehow very disconnected tile-wise.

    Miss Drama Queen’s bath tub was actually quite cool, but it is really hard to make it work and what they did around it, did not. I think the judges’ critiques were very accurate, I had the same feeling. (And I also shared their opinion regarding the guest bedroom last week) Just because you put in an expensive bath tub, you are not bound to love the rest of the bathroom. You have to keep the tiles and surroundings in mind and the bath tub got just lost in my opinion.
    The scores were still fair, 22 points. I might have understood if she would have been upset would it have been like 1 2 3 points…

  10. I’m finding all the bathroom designs a bit old fashioned. Current designs have a lot more texture, wood, concrete, tiles,etc except for some of the wood cabinets a couple of teams had, they are all feeling a bit stale. Maybe if they were able to have bespoke cabinetry it would help. It’s all very blah and very 2007

    And I also hate the salad bowl as a sink ALL the teams had. That’s going to date in about 5 seconds.

  11. The brass tub is not for me but I wonder why they did not put the dark tiles behind it? Surely that would have made it more “expensive” feeling.

    • I wonder, too, what it will be like to maintain that brass bath. I don’t think it will continue to look bright and shiny for very long – or at least without a lot of hard work.

  12. Based on the comments the judges made I was surprised that SH’s scores were not lower. The way she acted you would have thought that the scores were extremely low. This team does not listen to the judges at all and I wonder how Sara will react to any guidance that Shayna might offer. She has preconceived ideas regarding the reno and she needs to let go of them. That ensuite was dark and claustrophobic when it should have been light and bright and relaxing. Don’t have to spend 70K to create a beautiful ensuite. To center the design of the apartment around that garish, dark tub is crazy. The powers that be shouldn’t cater to them, should just let them leave and find a better team to replace them with but we know that won’t happen.

    My favorite ensuite was KS’s.

  13. I am curious as to how you are supposed to open the windows if a bath is right in front of it?? Practicality must come into play surely?

    I am predicting a win to Sara and Hayden this week, to sweeten the hard feelings and not to make them feel totally useless.
    Hayden has obviously learned to just let Sara rant, as anything he says can, and will be, used against him!

    • Hayden may have started out with two hearts and a diamond, but soon he’ll wish he had a club and a spade. Let the cards fall where they may.

      From the promo I saw this arvo, Sara will come back….as if it was ever in doubt. $chlock it to me, $cotty.

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