1. SA:
    The judges are very impressed with the hallway once they invoke Alexa’s name. There is nothing more I love than a hallway that looks like an art gallery declares Neale. They love the position of the lighting and the practicality of the alcove.

    On to the laundry. It is ‘actually superb”. They have obviously managed the budget well to afford those tiles at this stage of the competition (the carrara marble they used in the previous bathrooms). It ticks every box functionality.

    The judges ooh over the smart toilet in the powder room.

    Expect high scores.

  2. WA: If the last hallway was a gallery this is a museum (obviously they have never been to GOMA).

    Darren hates the sideboard in relation to the rest of the furniture in the apartment. It is a great piece by itself he muses.

    The styling needs tweaking to bring it together.

    Their laundry is a functional blank space. Is it enough for the Block? teases Darren before we cut to an ad break. After the ad break, we learn that it does not rate as well as S&K.

    Powder room needs to be flipped to hide the toilet behind the door.

  3. NSW: A very strong first impression BUT the floors are dirty.

    The judges like the lighting selection but hates the garage sale styling of the misplaced shelf. (Sara must be obsessed with Meghan Markle. Second photo of Megs. This time framed). Tsk, tsk. tsk. They should have placed a bespoke Christian Cole piece in the hallway then judges can’t slag you off (as much).

    The judges question Hayden’s competency as a project manager.

    The powder room is a disaster. They have taken it to a new level of unfinished.

    • ” Alexa, make those Jehovah’s Witnesses go away” …….. and watch it struggle.

      • I still feel bad about lying to those two Jehova’s Witnesses ladies. I was 12 and my parents were not home, it was vacation time. So silly me opened the door and there they were, directly started talking. I said: Sorry, I do not live here. I am only watering the plants, the family is on vacation. Then they apologized and left.^^ Not before giving me their magazine. Which I directly threw away.

      • I’ll accept the Awake and Watchtower magazines and let them do their spiel but they’ve never made it past the front door. They’ve never asked for money…..and if I asked them for some, they’d still come back.

      • Love the current ABC Radio ads where the people are in emergency situations (eg fire or flood) and trying to get relevant information from the so-called “smart” machines.
        “Is the Georges river flooding?”
        “A flood is an event where excess rain water causes rising river levels…”
        “no..no.. no…” – gurgle, gurgle.

  4. Thanks , Maz. I’m hiding from Scotty in the kitchen. Was gunna try to see the $erena interview.

  5. QLD: The star of the hallway is the pendants and their Scandinavian functionality. They like the shelf and the simple styling (watch Sara spew come walk-through).

    Shaynna thought that the offset skylights were great.

    The judges like the artwork ripped from Trove.

    The laundry is lovely looking (note that the judges don’t enter the laundry) but it is a tiny space.

    Another powder room that needs it layout switched (or the door hinges swapped.)

  6. How many times are they going to show the slow mo of Scotty rocking up and yelling tools down? Roll eyes.

  7. Vic- Upon entering the hallway Neale declares that the hallway runner makes the space feel homey.
    The judges of course like the art lights under the Velux skylights and the use of the pendants that Beacon has been advertising ad nauseam.
    The artwork is quirky and Shaynna believes it is perfect but for the execution of the painting lets them down.

    The laundry room has finesse.

    The powder room is spacious and offers a sense of privacy.

    hall runner feels homey
    artlights in the velues
    stunning hallway-everything is perfect but execution of paint has let them down

  8. OMFG, I just saw Scotty’s butchering of O Fortuna. My eeeeaaaaars. So. Much. Pain.

    Anyway, congrats to Kerrie and Spence. 🙂

  9. Alexa overkill. The show has become a LONG Alexa infomercial.
    Close ups of Jess and then Norm on the toilet….WHY???
    S & H are delusional if they think they should have received higher scores for unfinished areas and the mess they left.
    Alexa: Fast forward through “The Schlock”.

      • Charity win and so predictable after Shayna spent time with them. Not that they necessarily listened to her but it was a given that they would win.

        • Yes, which actually enforces the self entitlement. Because one time it worked, so why not a second time in their minds…

  10. These hallways were all okay (but I did want to pull out the mop). The winning one was not to my taste, and I would have put it in the middle of the pack except that I liked their laundry. All the halls were white, and seemingly designed to offend no-one, so that people will just pass through to the other rooms. Really not a fan of the current fad in artwork, loved the framed newspapers but was surprised that the judges’ liked it too.

    Laundries were all in strange places, just off the entry. The room with the most dirty parts of the apartment (unwashed clothes, kitty litter etc) will be the first things visitors see.There will be a few bottoms touching walls as people bend to pull out their wash. The girls are really obsessed with black, even to putting it in the laundry.

    Favourite part last night was the hexagonal bathroom, although I agree about the placement in the room. Makes me wonder if they had no choice re the plumbing, as it was an issue in at least one other apartment as well.

    Gotta wonder about the architectural skill applied to these apartments. While the hallways gave the producers an extra room week, they really are a massive waste of space. A good redesign would have been able to include a proper home office or media room.

  11. So Jess and Norm “break into” Kerrie and Spence’s apartment and use the toilet and feel at liberty to snoop around, open fridges etc. What the?

    Jess thinks an uninvited hug, and/or a “luv ya” will fix everything, and this will enable her to have her own way. She wouldn’t look at your twice once she got out of you what she wanted.

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