General Block chat.
The week that will go down in BLOCK history begins tonight! #9TheBlock
— The Block (@TheBlock) 1 September 2018

General Block chat.
The week that will go down in BLOCK history begins tonight! #9TheBlock
— The Block (@TheBlock) 1 September 2018
Why are they chastising Kerry and Spence? Other contestants in the past have acted worse and threaten to leave?
Remember Cry Baby and Whitney? Cry Baby II and Sacha?
The clip-gate could have been resolved earlier.
The toxic twins, too. Alyssa and Lysandra.
Great-now the Block is exploiting Spencer’s depression and anxiety. FFS.
The Block could rather better inform the public about the disproportionately high rate of suicide among tradies and building industries than milk Spence’s issues for sticking to his guns.
But this is a cheap, shallow show. Low expectations essential for viewing.
Thanks, Maz.
Totally disgusted.
Jess and Norm win Alice Walkabout.
I tuned in to see Scott bullying K&S. I have no idea what was going on but he was being a dick. He and bachelorette Romy would be a good pair
Kerry and Spence were just on Current Affair. $cotty’s brutalizing was glossed over as if it was just another day at The Gatwick.
That comes as no $chlock.
To be expected from ACA. Urgh
‘The biggest week on the block’ is in favt exploitation of contestant mental health concerns. ‘Scottie’ thanks them for apologising. WTF. Where is his apology. TV producers and politicians following the same script – whatever it takes. Losers
Right, let’s put a tree with a 500 year lifespan in the penthouse. Where is the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Plants on this show?
RIP Japanese Maple
RIP Olive Tree
Mmm. Wonder how many divorce lawyers have slipped Hayden their card.
FFS…we are not chasing drama but we wait until the coffered ceiling goes up and then tell Spence that it is too heavy for the bracing that this week’s whole drama has been centred upon.
So Keith and Dan will help Norm and Jess but will let Spence and Kerrie suffer.
Kerrie and Spence:
Neale loves the coffered detail but feels the ceiling is low.
Darren loves the orientation of the space towards conversation.
It has more ticks than crosses BUT Shayna believes the styling feels 90s, feels uptight and has a boardroom vibe. It needs an extra emotional layer.
They won’t win as they as scheduled to win Kitchen week.
An extra emotional layer, hmm?
Thanks for the updates Maz.
I’m orf to Russell Coight’s finale now. See ya , $cotty. You’re full of it.
Courtney and Hans:
Upon entering Shaynna exclaims OMG It goes on forever.
There is the obligatory orgasm over the Christian Cole table. Blah, blah, blah.
They love the lights over the dining table and the sophisticated pieces.
The most shocking revelation during judging is they choose to extend their living area. WHAT?!!!!
C&H have gone from zero to hero this week. (Judges love talking in cliches).
This was a ridiculous room, more like a huge wide corridor. It looked so boxy, no personality.
Shaynna loves the colour pallet and the softness of the master bedroom
And here the judges list their hates:
1. Living rooms are supposed to be conversation pits but this one focuses on the TV
2. Hate the mural
3. Hate the positioning of the second door
4. There is nothing that visually delights it is just a random collection of items
5. The fireplace is fake and Neale states that it is a metaphor for how unreal the room is.
6 Shaynna sticks the boot in after espying (S&D’s books) with her quip about it been a pity that NSW did not read them .
They love the virtue signalling coffee table, love the cushions, the lounge, the chairs and the olive tree looks spectacular.
Shaynna hates the tonsil (aka the fireplace from Gumtree). The placement of the fireplace is problematic as it cuts the space and the marble would be high maintenance to keep clean. It is polarising.
The dining table is mean for the space and Neale believes the pendant to be a visual cliche.
Can’t believe I found something Shaynna said that I agree with. I like those fireplaces (but doubt their practicality) but they need to be in a corner, and that marble is a trip hazard. Wonder how many will fall over it at the viewing? Not to mention completely unsafe for children with no guard against hot metal.
Darren, Shaynna, Neale
Vic 9, 9,9=27
QLD 9.5,6.5,9=25
NSW 8,7.5,7.5=23
WA 9,9.5,9=27.5 (winners)
SA 8,8.5,8.5=25
Ta Maz
The judges love the pendant. It is both modern and luxurious. It is a complete package.
It is a very well resolved design as they are using pieces that echo other elements throughout the apartment.
The living room does not have the same impact. The lack of lighting would make it impossible to read a book after 7pm unless you are hugging a lamp.
The placement of the air con duct looks ridiculous.
They have nailed the orientation of the room.
Is it me or are the rooms uderwhelming? Where are the sumptuous lounges, lamps, rugs, atmosphere?
To me, Norm and Jess’ apartment looks like a holiday shack with 70s furniture.
So Spence can use an electric air compressor / sprayer for painting after curfew? .I thought you couldn’t use any tools after the designated time?
We think the spaces were too big and budgets are getting tighter.
What on earth were CH thinking in enlarging an already oversized space. Like DD said in their walk through, they should have placed the kitchen in the space and added a fourth bedroom. Now they have cut their terrace and for what? A space that will be expensive to heat and cool.
We wonder about the thermal efficiency (?) of the build. They have air conditioner throughout but the contestants have added fans and fireplaces? It doesn’t make sense.
DD were split in nominating a winner this week. Dani awarded the win to the Girls and Dan to K&S.
Darren spoke about Jess and Norm’s fireplace spinning around? What about fire regulations? A spinning fireplace with nothing to stop crackling hot embers spewing out onto those highly flammable curtains?
We think they saw it on Grand Designs and went for it.
It needs to disappear before auction.
She doesn’really think things through. The fire place should be in corner, where there is only windows. It could be closer to the glass than plaster. And seating could be placed more ‘conversationally’.
I too agree with Shaynna for once, that marble looked shite.
Norm’s and Jess’ apartment may have been the largest in size but to me it was also the largest failure. I have to agree with Shayna. The fireplace placement was terrible and that piece of marble underneath was ugly. Weird placement of the two chairs. Light fixtures horrible and not impressed with their choices of furnishings either except for the interesting coffee table.
Based on the fact that these are supposed to be luxe apts. agree with Why that they were underwhelming for the most part. Did like the light fixture over the dining room table in the girls’ apartment. Unique and sculptural. Also liked the Christian Cole dining room table. How much did that cost?
They keep making a big deal over Alexa but anyone can go buy Amazon, Google or other smart devices and turn their home into a smart home. If I purchased a new home it would be nice to have it smart ready but I’d rather have better design and styling.
Here it is. Floorplans for Apartment two.
Completely agree with Dan. They should have put an extra bedroom it.
Kichen should be bedroom for sure. That is a really crappy floor plan.
Or a home office. Surely a “high end” apartment buyer would expect some sort of office or media area?
Yes, and it’s big enough for a client loo.
Why no comment about four of the five having the same dining table, and all five copying the same dining chairs (in a few different colours, but the first two rooms had exactly the same green). Only the girls had a light coloured table. IMO, the best room (of a bland lot) was the first one judged, with the old-fashioned ceiling. The room was balanced, with proportional furniture, and they had at least tried to inject some personality. The last room would have been top, for me, if it didn’t have black curtains which dulled the room down.
Last night was the first reveal I have watched in total and I was reminded why I stopped watching several seasons ago. The rooms are all so generic and bland. They purely show exactly what you would see in a display home ie this year’s pet design features – ugly artwork of women or safari animals, pendant lights, brown leather couches, all white walls, grey tiles, 60’s spindly furniture. In a way, this is because the end game is to get a high auction price and to do that they need to design as blandly as possible, so that people can see how they will change the design easily to make it livable. Somehow, makes you a little homesick for the Crime Scene bedroom.
Thank goodness I can get a good design fix on 9Life. Such a variety of shows with different and livable styles. The Block will never reach the quality design of the likes of Fixer Upper etc.
One thing I was surprised about, was that you could see all the construction and unfinished rooms in the background. They used to have all that covered up. I think it makes it hard to make your room look good when there are big gaps where the doors should be, and overflowing mess visible.
All these spaces were so bloody bland. Particulaly the winners IMO. K&S was ok cos the layout was the best, but still pretty boring. Girls should have lost 5 points for that black air con duct plonked off centre in a pale grey wall under the wall lights. Bloody horrendous.
Winners was shite. The ‘conversation’ area was so bland. The colours, with white walls, washed out to nothing. Two couches in the middle of a ginornous rectangle do not make a ‘space’.