It’s the challenge apartment week one room reveals.
Here’s what our BLOCKheads are planning for tomorrow’s Reveals! #9TheBlock
— The Block (@TheBlock) 13 October 2018

It’s the challenge apartment week one room reveals.
Here’s what our BLOCKheads are planning for tomorrow’s Reveals! #9TheBlock
— The Block (@TheBlock) 13 October 2018
Kerrie & Spence: Upon entering the room the judges grimaced. “It is a lot to take in.” All the judges feel like they are falling down a rabbit hole staring at the massive wall decal of the graffiti laneway. It is visually abrasive.
The judges repeatedly told them to push the envelope, they have exploded it.
They hate the custom bedhead as you will literally wake up with a headache every morning banging your head on the overhang.
The wardrobe is a visual success.
More commentary on the wallpaper. Next week they need to take the middle road between their safe apartment and the psychedelic challenge room.
Thanks Maz. Still waiting for Honey Badger on Ch 10. They keep him right to the end. I hate that.
The bedroom makes you feel the experience of being homeless.
Psychedelic shit hole, more like.
Courtney and Hans: More impact but more serene. Shaynna loves the wallpaper. The paper is colourful and whimsical.
Neale finds the room charming. Shaynna finds it kitsch and they should sell llamas post Block.
Darren feels that they need sheer curtains to hide the different -sized windows.
I found this room claustrophobic. I didn’t like the wallpaper at all. Animals partying and drinking. Not serene, calming or relaxing. Can’t believe the judges thought it was relaxing. If I won that apt. I would rip that wallpaper off and send it back to London but then I would also remove that graffiti wallpaper/print in KS’ apt. The graffiti wasn’t scary and didn’t feel claustrophobic, just too loud for my liking. However the rest of that apt. was nicely done and I think the judges were just overly picky and critical.
Sara & Hayden: Nice! “This is beautiful,” states Neale but the judges spend more time demonstrating Alexa.
Darren hates the choice of tile. Shaynna and Darren love the vanity.
Neale is happy that the quirk is something can be taken out of the bathroom.
Let’s face it. No way they will win hallway week so this is their only chance to take money off the reserve.
Norm and Jesse: Darren said, “This is dull.” “It is a weird mismatch,” adds Neale.
Darren adds the bed is car crash. The cement sheeting is hated by Shaynna.
The judges also hate the electric fireplace. (So any future contestant DO NOT put an electric fireplace in).
The judges also comment on the weird placement of the artwork.
Bianca & Carla: Shaynna and Neale really love the quirky and fun wallpaper.
Shaynna loves the walk through shower and the placement of the tub.
The lighting is not functional for putting on make-up. Epic fail.
Some time management issues shown in the finishing off of the drain.
Vic: 8,7.5,8=23.5 ($10k off reserve)
Qld: 6.5,6.5,7=20
NSW: 8.5,9.5,9.5=27.5 ($15k off reserve)
WA: 9.5,9.5,9.5=28.5 ($20k off reserve)
CH have the kitchen. Generally, the couple who has this wins challenge apartment in that week. They could win this.
” Alexa,. please give Norm and Jess an umbrella to take the shower of abuse the judges are giving them”
Well, just when you thought they couldn’t make uglier wallpaper…they come up with stripes and kids’ book Aussie animals behaving like teens at a FB party. Just shows that this apartment’s role in the show is to compensate the contestants who have no hope of winning, and to bring down those who have performed consistently so far.
And much as I find Norm and Jess annoying, their bedroom was very nice. The room with the other wallpaper was OK. I am not a fan of landscape paper in general, but some people love it. Otherwise that room was fine, and the shelving arrangement also fine. There is a huge discrepancy between what Shaynna says she likes/dislikes on this show, and how she styles rooms herself on Selling Houses Australia. Many things she thinks innovative on SHA are slammed on the block.
Second place for ugliest item this week was the vanity with the huge buttons on the front.
Rumour has it that the kitchen is “amazing”.
Plus it’s hard to muck up a kitchen given all the advice that is out there from suppliers.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the kitchen wins.
Plus I hope that Sara and Hayden lose. They may be entertaining but I would not like to see their (read her here) behaviour rewarded.
N&J bedroom looked crap. The velvet couch thing was so out of place. The cement sheet screws were just that, normal screws with cap type thing. Looked shite.
Yes, it is a chance to share funds between the losers, units 2 & 3.
I was wondering last night, what are the real property addresses? The current unit numbers don’t work with a 6th unit. And, what is on the ground floor? Did they gut it for parking and a pool?
*with no cap type thing.
The mini sofa looked ridiculous. Looked like a fancy dog sofa or a place to display dolls. Other than that, what is it good for?
The comment about it being perfect for Snow White’s friends (think Neil said that) was very appropriate.
I looked through the real estate listings for St. Kilda and there are over 1000 listings for homes for sale which include apartments, houses, and townhouses. I really wonder how well “The Schlock” apts will sell. Several of the apartments look a lot nicer than “The Schlock” apts. Guess it will all depend on the final reserve prices.
Saw some very nice homes where the designers/renovators did an excellent job combining the original esthetics of the house with more modern design.
Sorry, I am not buying the budget stuff. How can two teams do almost identical bathrooms, and the designer of one not be able to identify how there is an at least $8000 difference (regardless of bad tradie management). It might have been more convincing if Bianca had said “well, their bath was half the price of ours, the tiles were cheaper, our lights were more expensive…” but she couldn’t, and it seems evident that the producers have “stepped in” so that the hallway had a chance. Clearly the tradies were told not to invoice for their wasted time (or it was paid from the show’s budget) and possibly the voucher suppliers told to undervalue their items.
It is well-known that whenever a budget is treated as an flexible guideline, significant overspend is always the result.
Gunna watch Ambulance tonight, $cotty. Ya gotta lift.
It is hard to tell who is the bigger fame whore on the Block: Courtney or Jess?
Oh, can you imagine it. Jess being given Today’s morning weather girl slot.