Terrace week draws to a close and it’s the final reveal of the Blockheads’ apartments. Neale, Shaynna and Darren return to score some amazing terraces.
And here’s an article about the open for inspections, which includes links to the real estate listings for each apartment

FFS. The propaganda to make J&N lovable is pathetic. JN need to win the Domain cover so they can have another child. BS.
So, um, why exactly are they battlers? Isn’t he a working carpenter/builder, isn’t she also working?
Nothing different here to any other working Australian family.
My guess is that they have a fairly healthy income but live well beyond their means. Jess rattled off a credit card debt, personal loan and mortgage.
I think Norm could be addicted to internet porn and Jess has a pokie habit.
That’s why they need the cash.
JN win Alice Walkabout and therefore the cover. Jess played them all.
Kerrie and Spence: Alexa, start terrace week commands Neale and thus judging begins.
“It is a really lovely outside space. But, they don’t have a barbeque.”
Darren doesn’t think they have done enough, “The styling…is um, um…” He offers no words. Shaynna jumps in. She thinks the styling is elegant and classy but they run out of money.
Let’s be real. Terrace week is between the penthouses. The judges will go through the motions for the lower levels.
Courtney and Hans: Darren thinks the terrace is fresh, light and tropical. Even a bit refined.
Shaynna thinks it is boring as bat sh*t. She is sick of white rooms. In the context of their oversized living space, it is too much. They should have considered a dark colour on the far wall for relief.
Neale articulates what everyone has been thinking all season, Courtney and Hans do not understand space and how to use it. It is the only enclosed ‘terrace’. It is essentially a sunroom and should have been styled as such.
It makes no sense to use it as a cinema space and use an outdoor seating space.
The fridge shoved in the corner full with bottled water sums it up. Where is the alcohol and food? It a blank canvas.
Sara &Hayden: For Neale they have saved the best for last. This is the most sophisticated and resolved room that they have presented. The judges are particularly enamoured with the teppanyaki plate and extraction fans. It embodies the luxury cafe lifestyle. That is a new one.
Quick reference to the statement ‘plant life. Oh Gawd. Roll eyes.
What it is missing is a couch to slouch down upon.
Carla and Bianca: The judges acknowledge that the terrace has a different vibe to the other penthouse. They love the wood burning fireplace which you can see from the living room.
Darren loves how the cycad draws your eye to the skyline. Downside is that when it rains you can not sit out on the terrace and eat as all the dining zones are un-sheltered. This contrasts unfavourably to the other penthouse.
The lack of red wine may cost them the win.
VIC:9.5, 9.5,10=29
QLD: 10, 10,10=30
NSW: 9.5,9.5,9.5=28.5
WA: 8.5,7.5,7.5=23.5
SA: 8.5, 8,8.5=25
Ouch, what did Dave Franklin do to upset production?
Ta Maz
Why do people think bragging about their financial illiteracy is somehow endearing. Looking at you Jess. Been overdrawn is nothing to brag about.
Jess has all kinds of illiteracy in her arsenal. It’s a big arsenal, too.
Darren scored K&S the same as C&H. FFS C&H was woeful.
So the win is between the penthouses, building up pain in the arse ‘battlers’ for the win. I can’t stand the spoilt alpha sports jockettes either.
This series was so ridiculous, the lower levels never had a chance to win. I wish K&S had picked a penthouse.
It is BS. CH’s terrace was not great.
The penthouse couples got lucky with the weather. We think that is why SH and KS declined the opportunity for those spaces. They didn’t want to be constantly redoing things due to inclement weather.
My question is, how on earth did JN afford everything? The marble, the landscaping. We know that they were funneled random sums of money throughout the series but it does not add up.
Interesting floor plan for the Monopoly apartment. Basically, it has the layout that CH should have had if they thought more about functionality than hamming it up for the cameras.
hear hear POLLYB
Norm & Jess: How expansive is this? exclaims Shaynna. Neale only has four words, “Wow, wow, wow, wow” Darren been the wordsmith that he is declares , Oh my God,This is so much!”
Shaynna praises the sponsor. No people not Alexa but Vergola.
The Paal Grant screen apparently references St Kilda’s tattoo parlours. (And can be yours for a mere $5900 https://www.paalgrant.com/shop ). Where did the money come from for all that?
“Everything is artistic and sculpture,” effuses Neale. Can you imagine how good it feels on a good day?
Move over Dave Franklin, a new landscaper is in town.
I would also like to know where JN got the money from to purchase the marble, the screen, huge barbie and water feature, etc. Maybe they didn’t pay for most of the items yet and were hoping for a win.
I knew they were going to win because a big deal was made with this “David and Goliath” battle and it was fairly obvious that “Goliath” was going down.
This week really was a joke and I feel for the lower levels. All along it was just penthouse vs penthouse when it came to the terraces.
Have you watched D&D? It sort of implies around the 3.05 mark that they were given extra money: https://www.9now.com.au/the-block/season-14/extras/clips/clip-cjmyda6kk002r0gptk3j8ntr2
No didn’t see that but thanks for the link, Maz.
I would love to know how much they spent on that terrace.
Ouch, judging from the comments on FB, Norm and Jess seem super popular. Don’t know why, they annoy me. Norm is pissing out those tears constantly. Such battlers, aren’t they? Kerrie and Spence work hard as well, but as they do not have the sob story with kids and the Aussie battler aura and did not offer drama except for one time, they are practically invisible. Maybe Spence should have run around naked as well…
Auction, I really think it is between the penthouses, but I can see Kerrie and Spence getting a very solid 3rd place. Compared the the other two lower level apartments, it is far superior. Yes, CH have a huuuuge apartment, but changing the layout and redo most of it, is a big investment for an already super expensive apartment.
PS: I hope they redo the pictures on the real estate links. Dirt everywhere, especially on SH’s pics…
I don’t see why NJ are so popular either. Her whining about needing to win the $$ so they could have another kid was nauseating. She’s whined throughout the entire season and more than Sara and Courtney, IMO. He is a whiner, too.
I like Kerrie and Spence the best. I wonder if they now regret their decision not to take one of the penthouses. At least they got all the goodies in the safe. Sara and Hayden are probably kicking themselves.
I quite like all of the couples. None of them are super annoying this year which is a blessing.
But Sara and Hayden are definitely on the road to divorce. So much fun to watch.