1. Melissa yells at Dino that she has lost all trust and respect for him. We are more fascinated by her make-up which makes her look like an animated corpse.

  2. Cam & Julie desperate for camera time have purchased two plants and named them Harrison and Gemma.

    • Here you go. She needs to ditch the earrings and smooth the hair. She looks like someone who does a lot of yoga but I know she has said before she does not like working out

      • Channeling her inner Tina Turner from Max Max Beyond Thunderdome! She’s also just as cold and calculating as Tina’s character was!

        MAFS is a bit like Thunderdome I guess… “2 Men Enter One Man Leaves”…. “Break a deal, spin the wheel”…

  3. LOL, the judges intone that this experiment is not about cheating as Jessika moves in on Nic.

  4. Jessika does a slow striptease for Dan.

    Tamara tries to stake her claim but Dan has added her to his bedpost and is no longer interested in her.

    Just flipped to Just Married. You can not make this up…Martha and Jessika dressed in virginal white.

  5. So, at the dinner party, why did Heidi show up wearing a nightie?

    For that matter, why did Martha forget to wear a top?

    And does anyone else think they had to keep the knives away from Cyrell?

    • After appearing on tv wearing a latex face, Martha can pretty much wear whatever she likes now. Martha is as deep as a teeny tiny rockpool. Her day seems to consist of ‘beauty’ treatments. Havings said that, she is a French poodle next to Cyrell’s Rotteiller. Cyrell’s beauty treatment should be a muzzle.

  6. If there was an even more horrifically-embarrassing piece of Australian television, than the three morons watching the dinner party and having a long conversation about the sex lives of the contestants and the sexual temptation of Dan the convicted felon, I mean, Dan the intruder … I can’t imagine what it could be.

  7. Okay to fart in fart of ya partner if yaz are innimate? This should have been built into the “experiment” and put to the sword.

    Nic’s an idiot. He should take up Jessicka’s offer. His loyalty to Cyrell is lunacy.

    • I meant “fart in front”, there. I was laughing too hard. The classy conversation at dinner got to me.

      • What? It’s not on here yet. Are you saying that the panel of experts are asking about their front farts? Probably why Ning Nong refused to get physical at the gym. No one wants to do that on telly.

    • Meanwhile, Jessika has looked around the dinner party and set her sights on both Dan and Nic. Damn, girlfriend. One at a time, the night is young.

      When Melissa was freaking out about Dean (I missed the context, was it just about his weird hairline?), it looked like she was having a legit panic attack. Good thing she was in front of three experts who didn’t care about her well-being and a camera-crew who’s only obligation was to keep liquoring the contestants up to get some good footage.

      • Oh, highlight of the evening was Jess undoing her dress while she was sitting there at the dinner table.

        Good lord, imagine how much more interesting MKR’s dinner parties would be, if Jess showed up to them all.

  8. That was full on. Jess is sooo not interested in Nick – just trying to stretch out her 15 mins of fame. I wish Cam and Jules would adopt Mick and find him a girlfriend from among their friends.

    • He is just such a creep, that guy.

      I also saw that the new husband Billy (not the convicted felon) has done some nude modeling in the past. Gee, these people aren’t shy, are they?

  9. That Mick is a pig. They have chosen him because he’s a grub. It would be obvious to Jess that it wasn’t a genuine match but that she was set up with a dung beetle.

  10. I have a new least favourite girl; the mean blond one. She’s a draw with crazy kook lady in the red dress.

  11. Makes everything Cyrell said about Martha and Jessika be 100% spot on! Sounds to me that “the rumour” was specifically designed behind cameras by these 2 to enable J a chance with Cyrell’s man. Just because we first hear about J’s interest to Cyrell’s man last night… would not be surprised if these 2 had discussed this earlier and made that rumour plan…. or should I say the producers planned and scripted it!

    How far society has fallen if this is actually semi real!

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