MKR grand finale starts at 8pm

Here we are – finally. It’s Ibby and Romel versus those cricket dudes who cook meat.
It goes for two hours and does not start until 8pm, as House Rules launches at 7pm.
The blurb says:
A magnificent end to a milestone season as our two best teams of home cooks compete for the title of 2019 champions. In a series first, there’s a panel of 10 judges in celebration of 10 years Of the show.
So, we have to watch 10 people chewing and grimacing! Urgh.
And now a flashback photo:

Ibby is smizing (that’s one for Top Model fans).

A reminder MasterChef starts tomorrow on Ten.



  1. Ibby and Romel are trying to convince viewers that they can’t cook when they started. Really? Ibby mentioned in the article that he knows about flavours but he can’t cook!! So you entered a cooking competition but you can’t cook.

    If you can’t cook, you will be like Josh and Austin and some of the other teams.

    I don’t believe one second that he can’t cook

    • Heh, now I have to watch until I see what he used the blue chux for beforehand. Wiping the sweat off his face? Drying off some chicken?

    • Jazzman, I switched over to SBS Food for a few minutes. Justine Schofield made a dip of fresh wasabi, mayonnaise, and vinegar to use as a dip for fried lotus root. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Except she stirred the dip, tasted it from the stirring spoon, and then put the spoon back into the dip, and used the same spoon to plate up the dip. Ack, puke, Justine, that’s disgusting.

      Few things sicken me more than people adding their spit to dishes. Former MC contestants should not be thought of as chefs unless they are properly trained, which would include basic kitchen hygiene.

      I’ve worked in restaurants as dish pig and kitchen hand, many years ago, and still, only cooking for myself, use a clean spoon for every tasting.

      Rant over.

  2. Why didn’t Matt and Luke put the ravioli on baking paper to stop them sticking to the tray?

  3. As the world constantly changes, there is one thing I can count on. Every year the MKR grand final comes around. And every year the eliminated teams from this current season will return for their last glimpse of 15 mins reality fame. And every year I’ll sit here watching, thinking – who the hell are you?

    • I can’t tell who all the people sitting at the judge’s table are. Where did they all come from?

      • One of them is Rachael Khoo. The other 3 judges did appear earlier in the outdoor challenges

  4. I am not sure you would want a five course meal with every dish full on on spices

  5. Once upon a time on MKR grand final day I would have been excited, almost counting down the hours, checking websites for hints as to who the winners might be.
    This year…. I forgot it was on. I was watching Lego Masters and happened to flip channels.
    Have just changed channels to catch the results. Juz, your summary at the top says it all. Ibby and Romel vs the cricket dudes (I have no idea what their names are).
    So, good luck to the winners of this, the 10th and worst season of MKR. May you enjoy your 5 minutes of mediocrity! Bring on Ma$terchef!

    • I watched Bachiedise, fast forwarded through a few MKR tastings then fell asleep on the couch so looked here at midnight to see who won!

  6. Nice guys – in a season that sunk to all new lows in the drama stakes – Matt and Luke came out smelling of roses.

  7. To be honest anyone but I&R should have won the cash. Because Ibby’s restaurant/s got waaaay more than $250k publicity plus all the new business he’ll get. Their food looks great.
    The cricketers are both in social service roles – teacher & social worker – so the cash will give them a deserved boost.
    Everyone’s a winnaaaa!
    Ibby wanted to kiss Romel soooo many times.

  8. Considering the season has gone for about 47 years the grand finale was very underwhelming. Normally we see them stir the same icecream 356 times from different angles but tonight seemed like we skipped a lot of the making and focused on the plating up and tasting. At a tick over 2 hours it was basically regular episode length. Not complaining just wondering if it was edited to be that short due to lack of ratings?

    • Could be so, Kylie, and perhaps they did not have as many advertisers wanting in this year, so the ad breaks weren’t ridiculously long?

  9. It was a surprise that Luke and Matt were in the Grande Finale but no surprise that they won and it’s not because they cooked the best throughout the season (although maybe they did cook the best in the finale) but because the producers probably wanted the underdogs to win and also Ibby and Romel did not need that $$$. Their dishes were certainly not as complex as Ibby’s and Romel’s but I am glad the boys won. It was not enjoyable, though, watching them cook and seeing them wipe the sweat off of their faces and then touch food or utensils and also see the sweat drip down. Did MKR cut back on the towels? Why did they not show the individual judges’ scores?
    Victor and G are obviously bad sports, especially Victor, based on their behavior and comments. Wonder why the didn’t show up….because they were angry, producers didn’t want them there because of their bad attitude or what?
    A boring ending to a boring and what seemed like a never ending season.

  10. I watched it all to the bitter end. It wasn’t bad , couldn’t tell who was going to win.

    Thanks to those who watched and commented, giving me something to feel thankful I wasn’t suffering.

  11. I haven’t watched the season at all, but found out on Anzac Day that Luke cricketer is my niece’s teacher (and was the other niece’s teacher last year during filming). SIL says that he is just as nice in real life, and the school is thrilled he has done well.

    • That’s really cool.

      It’s a small world, isn’t it? The team of House Rules from my town, not only did my uncle and father sell them hardware supplies, but their neighbour is the brother of a kid I went to school with.

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