1. This is the first time o have posted this. In an uncanny chain of events Rommel has appeared in my people you may know on facebook

  2. With no “extreme dating for bogans” on tonight, and no Bachelor in Fiji until mid-week, I guess it’s MKR or bust.

    And nobody’s getting eliminated tonight, it’s just about getting into the semis? Eugh. Gosh damn, they drag this out.

    • Not so bad. Only four episodes and we will have the 4 semi finalists. 3 will be eliminated in the 4th episodes

      • WIth the ratings this year, white noise would’ve gone half-decent against MKR.

  3. Looks like Ibby and Romel are being too clever for their own good – some of the diners seem to think it’s some sort of pasta dish.

  4. Didnt Ibby and Romel did the tarator sauce before. Same with Josh and Austin. Another red wine jus

    • I don’t mind if they’re making dishes from one of his restaurants. He may have seen it made 1000 times, but that doesn’t mean they can replicate it. I see that as no different to the hordes of contestants who have seen granny make something umpteen times.

      I don’t think any of them have made an original dish, even if they cook something most of us haven’t heard of. There aren’t any Heston Blumenthals in this crowd.

  5. Please females everywhere!!!!!! Stop doing the panacotta wiggle. From one female to another

  6. What’s the point of piping the buttercream beautifully on the chocolate cake and then squashed it with popcorn.

    The more Pat and Bianca cooks the more flaws in their cooking.

    • It’s weird that Josh and Austin keep getting better, but everyone else keeps getting worse.

    • Where were the layers? That was a chocolate non-layer cake and it was a very boring choice.

  7. I am only 20 mins in but the minute I heard Bianca say “buttercream” I went “I know”. Who orders a buttercream cake at a restaurant? You want a grownup dessert

  8. FFS Ibby what you so frightened of??? So you like older cougars… it happens.. and yes you’re hiding your homosexuality from your family and perhaps thought that national TV was the best place to announce/hint to them of your sexual preferences.

    The only thing I do question is your choice in partner…

  9. I had a bet in my household that Josh and Austin would not be the next eliminated and I guess I was kind of correct. I was betting on Bianca and not-her-boyfriend.

    All of the desserts looked awful. And why didn’t the long haired girls (Bianca and Big lips) wear their hair either in a bun or a hairnet? And one of the teams full on double dipped.

    • No elimination so far. Then in the last Open Restaurant, 3 teams will be eliminated.

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