1. I gotta be honest, I really don’t think I have the energy for this.

  2. I am moving in and out of the finale. There are better things to do.
    But I did catch Alisha and Jules breaking up.
    She’s a class act and he’s an idiot. She’s well out of that one.
    I think I’ll watch Britain’s Got Talent.

    • Bill’s still slime, but I feel for Jules (not as much as I feel for Alisha). It’s like he’s somewhere on the autism spectrum, like, he just doesn’t seem to understand how interpersonal relationships work. Watching him try to articulate what he was feeling was like watching someone listen to a language they’ve never heard before.

      • Friends Who Kiss is not a thing, Jules. If you feel like a dick it’s because you are. Yes, Windsong, I think he has trouble reading some social cues

      • See I feel that Jules has trouble articulating is because he’s a double-talking bullshirt artist. It’s easier to speak clearly and use a fraction of the words if you’re being sincere. Instead of saying, “I think we should leave under an umbrella of ambiguity”, he could have said, “I don’t want to be your boyfriend because I don’t fancy you….but can I continue having sex with you”. It’s less ambiguous.

  3. Bill is such a fraud. Just grinning like a Cheshire cat. No sincerity at all

  4. I am watching Nathan strut out.
    I must be getting old but I loathe trousers on big guys that stop high above the ankles – and no socks. Skinny men can get away with it. It just looks like Nathan got dressed in the dark.
    Okay, it must be an age thing because Tenille clearly thinks he’s a handsome dude,

    • So, basically, everybody broke up within a week?


      At least nobody tried to kill each other, like Sam and Tara. Yet.

  5. Jules doesn’t seem to be able to read people. Is he so dumb? He will drive me mad.

  6. Does anyone know, how long are they actually in Fiji for, days, weeks, months?

  7. Still watching Aleisha and Jules. It’s sad that she lacked the self-worth to tell him that she did want to be his girlfriend. Again he jibber-jabbered through an excess of words. And he blamed her for kissing him too. Really? Big difference as she was interested and he wasn’t.
    Yes Parrothead. You are a dick. “I was just trying to be nice”. Bullshirt.

  8. Ouch. Ouch and ouch.
    And Zoe and Rachel, lhell hath no fury. They came across as very bitter women. Nathan was no sweetheart, but he was right about this; Rachel did go from guy to guy trying to get a rose, even 11th hour bids, so that makes her a hypocrite. Even Zoe was willing to couple up with Mack for a couple of rounds even though she didn’t like him. So that’s two hypocrites.
    But for me the worst was still double-talking Parrothead for continuing to spin Aleisha enough lines just to keep her dangling.
    Had I not seen Aleisha being nasty on the previous Bach, I might have liked her more on this. Her friends need to conduct an intervention. Clearly Parrothead has been sleeeping with her during and after the show.
    Some of these guys might end up getting a hard time on the outside now. I’m looking at you, Bill.

    • Oh I’m thinking Ivan’s future on the outside involves people running and screaming. If it doesn’t involve court orders and jail time.

      How many of these idiots come back for next year’s Paradise, though? 🙁

      • Agree. Ivan LOOOKED sorry, but he had still been pursuing T on the outside. Unlike Zoe and Rachel, who I thought seemed like bitter shrews, T (name already forgotten) conducted herself well, but I am not sure she realized she should have zero contact with Ivan. His sort of behaviour needs lots of therapy and even then he could be a risk.

  9. I don’t think Jules is on the spectrum. I think he is typical of every entitled guy in this day and age who believes that it is his right to sleep with every girl before they even have their first date – with no commitment to even go for coffee.
    And he is struggling with the concept that more may be expected of him.
    It will take more than four weeks to change that sort of ingrained behaviour, particularly when it will be reinforced by all his mates around him.
    Growing up is hard. I know of men in their late 40’s who have now decided that it’s time to settle down and have a family, but are finding – surprise,surprise – that the young 20 year old girls that they approach are not interested.
    I see Jules’ future stretching before him and it is bleak.

  10. I didn’t watch muc( of the show. Can someone do a bit of enlightenment?
    Ivan looked extremely uncomfortable ( but good on him for showing up). Did he do a mea culpa?
    And did I hear someone imply, on a preview, that they were going to become stalker-ish when he talked about someone else becoming the mother of his children? It was confusing and I found something else to do.

    • Bobi, Ivan’s behaviour was addressed. He had shown all the signs of very dangerous obsessive behaviour with Tenille. Although he owned up and said he was embarrassed by his onscreen behaviour, he didn’t specify which behaviour. He could have meant his threatening behaviour. The fact that he continued to pursue Tenille outside of the show, tells me that it’s still not addressed.
      The “mother of my children” comment was made by Davey, who partnered up with Flo but had a girlfriend outside.

      • Davey and Flo’s on-and-off-again relationship could make for an entire melodrama all by itself.

        If we see either of them on next year’s Paradise, I swear to goodness…

    • Thanks. There was something really creepy about Davey. I initially thought it was because his face was botoxed beyond the ability to show any expression but I now realise it was his inability to accept the word no.

  11. Hey Rose Lovers!
    For those who are missing the love fest, US Bachelor – Colton’s season, is on 9now. The whole season! I’m up to ep5. Woo hoo!

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