1. I’ve actually been quite enjoying this season, it’s just up against Lego Masters which I’ve been enjoying a lot more.

    So far, none of the teams are too obnoxious or arrogant (although I see potential for this year’s villains in Pete and Courtney, the flamboyant dance teachers), and everybody seems to be getting on. And there’s a variety of residences, too, from the teachers’ gigantic double-storey brick monster to Lisa and Andy’s tiny 70s house.

    Also, the big-brothers/little-sisters vibe between the tradie brothers and the two surfing sisters is quite sweet.

    And I’m still hanging out for them to come to Caloundra.

    As for Durie, I don’t know, he’s kind of just … there. They’ve only alluded to his stripper past vaguely, and I’m gonna need more of those jokes. Besides, he’s better than that dull blond guy, they had for a few years.

  2. It would seem no one is too invested this season – yet. Maybe once LEGO masters finishes. I’m enjoying it but not loving it and tbh I’m not sure the contestants do much other than paint which annoys me, I’m sure they are given half the ideas too.

  3. When you mentioned Jamie it took me a while to figure out which contestant he wasn’t – so that shows what sort of impression he’s making.
    There’s a lot of filler in some of the episodes and not a lot of building/designing activity.
    Maybe some one (producers?) should bite the bullet and recognise that not all reality shows deserve four days a week. Can we hope that they learn from Lego Masters.

    • Definitely a lot of filler in most of the reality offerings, I mean I’m all good to remember what happened before the ad break, it was after all only 3 minutes ago, and I don’t need to know what’s coming up next I’m watching the show! I’m also ok with it airing 4 nights a week, but I think that the episodes need to be shorter, I don’t really want to watch hours of reality tv, I’d rather watch an hour tops and then a drama show to follow.

  4. I’m watching it. I don’t think Ch 7 have found offensive enough people to match MAFS and MKR.

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