House Rules – garden reveals

It’s a double whammy judgement day as our homeowners and judges return for the teams’ first garden reveal. With a place in the grand final on the line, who will top the leaderboard?



  1. There’s just too much stuff. I guess that’s just what happens when you divide a backyard into 3 zones. What about the front yard? They need to remove about 80% of the stuff, put in grass and gardens and a shed. No one needs an outdoor kitchen and a pizza oven and a fire pit.

    • I’d love to know how long it takes, to grab all that stuff and bring it inside or store it safely, when it starts raining heavily. You’re also right about the grass. The home-owners have two dogs. Even with the proviso that they were indoor animals, the house still needed a yard.

      Even the patios weren’t solid structures, they were latticed timber that would’ve offered very little protection from inclement weather. And even on a sunny day, how many of those pillows would you lose with a strong gust of wind?

      Meanwhile, the outdoor kitchen looked awful, and the obnoxious dance teachers were lucky to only get a “5”.

  2. Agree with all of the above. The home owners may have been happy with the areas but when it’s all boiled down how many similar “entertaining areas” does one need? The teams would have done better had they all worked together to make one great area and some lawn/garden area where the dogs and, in the future, the children could play. The patches of grass that were there would be a ****** to mow and keep tidy or else the grass would just die. Overall I thought it looked like something in a magazine but not very practical.

  3. I’m sorry if I offend, but what a total crock.

    How dare the judges give such scathing feedback, state that they couldn’t find anything worth praising, and then give 5s? The week where they gave three teams scores of 3s, the criticism wasn’t half as bad. That sort of criticism should have drawn 2-3s, and the other teams are right to question whether these undeserved scores will prove critical in the end.

    Agree with all your comments above about the clutter of the yard. I couldn’t tell where the borders of the zones were, because it was just so full of stuff. Of course, Andy and Lisa were too generous (as usual) but then they are a little skewed by gratitude to have at least something there. I don’t agree with the “…they should score us according to the vision that they could see we were trying for…” attitude. Work not finished should be marked very harshly, not the dream of what might have been. I suppose that is what LLB was saying.

    For some reason, our recorder missed the ep where Matt got heatstroke and I was surprised that they have ruined my favourite Re-do room week by morphing it into a Bonus Room concept. Someone on the production team must really love the Bonus Room, because they just can’t seem to let it go even though the viewers have been vocal that they don’t like the rankings dictated by pass or fail points.

    Added to this is the fact that, imo, the re-do was only a marginal improvement and still a fail in my book. Dark, drab room with no purpose, with baby-poo yellow chairs. If it was my house, first thing I would change. The leather lounge was the best thing in that room, and they took it out – go figure.

    The promo for this week was disturbing. Having lived in Melbourne, this rubbish about a “Melbourne vibe” gets my goat. Like the other capital cities, there are many faces and there is a lot more (and a lot better) areas than the tiny inner city area with laneways. It is all an urban myth, and many Melburnians would be a bit tired of the old cliche that has nothing to do with their experience. It is like saying that every Sydneysider owns a boat because it has a harbour.

    • “Added to this is the fact that, imo, the re-do was only a marginal improvement and still a fail in my book.”

      The only thing I feel, about that, is that the original room was *so* awful, they could not possibly have made it worse. There’s a TV and a couple of chairs, in there now. Which is so simple, but that’s better than what the sisters did to it originally.

  4. I wasn’t the only one who was vaguely horrified at the thought of Lisa on an excavator, was I?

    • I was comforted by the thought that there are licences to use that sort of equipment, so they would never let her start it up. It was a bit like watching a 4yo playing on a fire truck.

  5. It seems symptomatic of current thinking that none of the teams are making any attempt to make this yard appropriate for a family. Kids seem to be accessories now. A&L can be forgiven as kids obviously don’t feature in their lives at all, P&C have a child but you would never know it, but I am a little disappointed by S&C who had “play” specified in their zone name, and interpreted it as play for the adults, no mention of a cubby or sandpit, and they have older girls and should know better.

    In fact, not only have they not considered that this is a family home, many of their elements are dangerous to a toddler. That was the same problem with the interior, as was the over-emphasis on dark surfaces. I can see Tim and his wife pulling up the fire pit area and filling it in to turf.

    Also sad to see so much emphasis on creating a drinking zone, considering our society’s problem with alcohol. They should be putting all of that work for the back area into the area with the table.

    Will be interesting to see how A&L go with the main bedroom, which I think may have been theirs originally?

    • No, Pete and Courtney don’t seem to talk about their daughter at all, do they?

      I mean, I’m sure they’re good parents. Maybe it’s just the entertainer mindset, you know? The spotlight is all on them right now.

      • I’m a bit sensitive re alcohol at the moment, after going to the footy on Saturday, specifically choosing the only non-drinking bay (ironically placed immediately beside the biggest bar area), and then having to constantly remind people that they couldn’t bring beer into the zone. And many of these were Dads who had brought their kids to the game.

        We are not total non-drinkers, but really dislike people at games drinking 6, 7, or 10 cups of beer, becoming rude to others and abusive to the umpires, and throwing beer on others when they get excited. So we choose the non-drinking zone, which I presume includes ex-alcoholics as well as kids, and there was a muslim family near us, all people who have a right to watch the game without having to police the area.

        Sorry, rant over… (great game, though)

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