MasterChef Tues – ginger

In round one, contestants must prepare a sweet or savoury dish with one of Queensland’s finest ingredients: ginger. The winner will cook off against chef Ben Williamson for an immunity pin.

You can read about Brissy chef Ben here.



    • He’s not a young, blonde female.

      Is buttermilk never in the pantry? Store-bought buttermilk is fine; I use it making polenta or buckwheat pancakes. They don’t expect contestants to milk a cow, so why not supply buttermilk?

    • I reckon the camera people are OVER Abbey. They are definitely setting her up.

    • I was whining at TV that the shot before the fireball with a confidently smug Abbey, mouth slightly open in becomingly modest smile, ready to receive her just praise was a challenge to keeping my dinner in. . . my husband was better than me and he was all ‘don’t be so negative – they are setting you up. It’s layered cake woman’.
      YAY. Was super happy to have been sucked in on this occasion. Mind you, I agree with LP – I think the dumplings were all wrong for the broth, but I don’t care about justice as long as it is Abbey being robbed.

      Based on the preview I thought she would certainly bake a ginger cake instead she surprisingly made dumplings in a broth. She did say that she doesn’t like to use ginger in sweet dishes.
      Then she reverted back to her safety net and made yet another layered cake. Just the cake on the plate….boring and lack of complexity. I actually think the judges are getting tired of her layered cakes. So many other things she could have made with the pineapple.

  1. Common judges. Just because Anouska have some pineapple on the layer cake and without tasting they said it going to be close!!

    • That comment by Matt was ludicrous. How could anyone believe it would be close?

  2. Anushka is a layer. In my family I’m the duck who produces toothpick assemblies. Nothing paltry about either, but predictable.

  3. I have never eaten sui mai in a broth. If with broth, it will be wonton because of the silky skin in the broth. Not sure what Anuska was doing. Also the recipe said boil the sui mai in simmering water. Wouldnt the filling fall off in an open dumpling? Sui mai are always steam

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