Over to Daisy for a travel/life update: Now that we have met with Son’s lawyer and had good news, (well at least for us), I can write this post to update you on our travels. Just how you expect any lovely, gorgeous trip through Europe to end, we were diverted from our gorgeously divine beachfront apartment in Nice and our sunny beaching at Juan les Pins, where they had soft sand instead of galettes, to our first (and hopefully last ever), Bangkok Hilton adventure.
For those who have followed the trip so far, you will know that in Nice we had a call from the Australian Embassy, to inform us that our eldest son was in Koh Samui prison for theft. I couldn’t bear to continue on our merry way, so we diverted our trip to Koh Samui. In our usual fine form, Arthur booked 4 weeks at the Chaweng Regent. I don’t know how to describe the last two weeks. It’s been a nightmare. We visited the prison every weekday (weekends are closed) and what an ordeal! Pressure from Son, the horrible process of the prison, making a visit as difficult as possible for visitors, and the worry. Aaaah. Then dealing with Woolif and Son butting heads, so I had to be the speaker.
But today the lawyer visited Son and us, and the news was good. The charge was made by a lady Son knew. He was “drunk” (mmm) and took $4 worth of petrol from the front of her place.
Anyhow, the deadline for him to be go to court is the 5th Oct. That is the latest date. Then, according to the lawyer, having served several weeks by then he will be sent to Bangkom and deported. I saw the lawyer by myself (Woolif was taking a day off), and Son had seen him earlier. What a change there was in Son. Calm, polite, for the first time; apologetic. And a few smiles and tears when we talked about family, friends and especially his children.
He told me, “Mum, you can go and have a nice swim and enjoy yourself now”. And as a bonus, he told me, he would sign a letter authorizing us to be allowed to see the kids. That’s a bonus. Maybe 2019 might have a happy ending afterall.
PS. In Koh Samui it’s also pants on backwards, but the bums have all gone south.

And a sneaky pic of Woolif in the queue.
I make light of it but we are still both in shock.
oh Daisy. I think you HAVE to make light of it or the reality of being in this situation so far from everything you have ever experienced will drag you down. I am sorry you are having this experience, but it does sound like it is coming good now. Hope so anyway.
I am pleased there is some hope for you seeing the grandchildren also. This is a great outcome.
Holding my breathe for it all to be good news from here.
. How precious we are here in Australia.
Sorry for asking, but I thought the situation with your grandchildren had been sorted some time back. Is his signing authorisation more a formality? A bit like saying all is good now?
I love all these photos of people in their bikinis
My situation with my (she really was a daughter to us-we were close) dil was only salvaged not resolved. She was still making life difficult for us and the children. But at least we had some ‘crumbs’. I don’t think this is going to play out well for her in the long run, or for the children. You can’t let someone half raise your kids because it makes your life easier, then use them as a weapon of revenge. How can anyone disregard the hurt and confusion to the kids?
Anyway, life was great up until this year when Satan decided to drop a bucket of hell on us. (I am joking about Satan). I like to be silly but actually I’m a stable, careful, conscientious type. So I kind of think how did this become my life. I only hurt because it’s hurting people I love. But life goes up and down then up and down, so I am hopeful that 2020 will be better. Watch this space.
I know it doesn’t help when people say they understand because every situation is unique. One day I will share my story with you.
Long story short, I have no relationship with my son or his children. But life is okay because my relationship with my DD and her beautiful children is delightful. What you lose on one hand you often get given on another.
In the meantime, my views can is distilled down to one piece of advice: you go to bed, and get up the next day and then go to bed. Repeat as necessary and then eventually it is all behind you.
I won’t pretend that it’s resolved or even happily ever after. It just becomes part of the way it is.
I don’t think about it anymore. He’s an adult now and I’m sorry for his life but I can’t worry about something I can’t change.
I hope for better for you but just know that life is okay if this is a good as it gets.
Welcome home, Daisy. I hope things get better from here on.
Your doggies’ pic, and your description of their expressions gave me a good laugh. I have a non-smiler, too. His expression varies between resting bitch face and sullen teenager. He can’t help it though, that’s just his face.