1. LOL…Mark has gone to the Meghan Markle self-pity school. You must check out the the quivering bottom lip and the hung head as he walks pass the camera…🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • Hahaha, how pathetic was he! As soon as following the rules means they won’t be top of the pops he’s done, it’s too hard. Loser.

  2. MM
    Upon walking into the terrace, the judges declare ‘it is a little oasis’. The party house continues to another level. Shaynna queries whether it is the the party house or the trash house indicating to the empty beer bottles and discarded shoes and clothes on the floor. The styling is tacking. Darren is expecting a dirty ash tray. There is a fine line between a joke and trashy. Broil King BBQ must be a featured product as Darren declares he wants one. Shaynna thinks it is a perfect layout but all she can see is the empty bottles.

    To the redo room – for Neale they took everything he liked out of the room. Shaynna had hoped that had removed the tiles from around the fire place as it references nothing else in the house. Neale is disappointed. Darren thinks it is a nice room.
    Garage: Shaynna squeals OMG. The audience questions how did they afford a vintage Kombi van. Another plug for Tesla.

  3. TL
    Terrace: This is more like it. It is a small terrace but really great. They like the softness of the timber. The judges think the space is aspirational and they have done well for their circumstances.
    Redo Space: How good is this? This is the dining table fit for a house this big. It can be a trend setting (having a dining room in the front room), The styling is really tasteful. Next door is the party house. This house is the (Come Dine with Me) dining party house.
    Garage: Gyrock and paint.

  4. DA
    Terrace: It sparks joy. This terrace has connection straight to the city sky line. It is a complete room. They could win the Block. This is now the front runner to the party house. This is designed for buyers (plural) as opposed MM’s buyer.
    Redo Room: Wow. It is so good to see the paint on the walls. It is a great redo room.
    Garage: Plaster and Paint.

  5. EM
    Terrace: Can you smell something? OMG…it is a fireplace. This is incredible. This is fantastic. They have esplaider lemons and peonies. They love the curve when the tile and timber meets. Their house feels real. It has a purpose to come up here.
    Redo Room: The kitchen is so much lighter and connects to the living space better. Another plug: Bosch induction stove. The pallete is quintessentially Australian.
    Garage: What a mural! The image is absolute genius. Even properly lit. The garage even has proper storage.

  6. JM
    Terrace: This is such a clever use of space. You can still see the city from here. Clever that the lounge also acts as dining seating. They create a glamourous space. BBQ area is great. Plug for Outdura.
    Redo: It is boring as batsh!t. They only change the artwork and bedside table.
    Garage: Paint & Plaster

  7. I said it yesterday, 30 or 29,5 for Apostrophe plus gnome. The thing is, the terrace wasn’t even Apostrophe’s doing. But yeah, Dave Franklin needed the scripted win. Would have looked bad if he lost a second time on this season.

      • The previews gave it away anyway. Highest score ever, could only mean that one outcome with either 30,5 or 31 points for Apostrophe. But all I see is her extorting money out of Andy and Deb. So yeah, Block auction winner will be her or TL. I hope they all make good money, but I finally lost interest. In other seasons that happened much quicker.
        Sometimes this show is so badly scripted I wonder why I keep watching.

  8. I’m assuming the Kombi in MM’s garage was just on loan from VW because I don’t believe they could afford to purchase one.
    The terrace with the shoes, clothes and beer bottles might have looked trashy but it was sort of funny and that stuff can be picked up quickly in a few seconds. Judges OTT regarding that.
    ME may have won but no need for the graphic in the garage, IMO. Waste of $$. Sooner or later it will be painted over. Have a feeling the neighbors will not appreciate the smoke from that fireplace. The bench seat in front of it looked very uncomfortable.
    Shayna’s squealing, jumping and flapping were too much.
    Thanks for the summaries Maz. Should have passed on watching and just come here first.

    • We watched a little bit for the first time this year, so don’t even know the people. I remember why I dont watch anymore! All the hoo-haa over some dumb styling decisions – honestly what a crock. As Smythe said, picking up the trashy rubbish bits could have been achieved in seconds!
      I once was at an open house where the open economy-size packet of condoms on the bedside table and the pile of marking on the study gave me all the information I really didn’t want about a local teacher. Now that WAS tacky. But I still managed to notice the stuff I cared about in the house!!

  9. Did you know that those palm trees cost $40,000? Must of miss that little fact the first twenty times they mentioned it.

    • I bought some small palms for less than $10 and now they’re two fuckin’ stories high. To stop the rich bastards in the soulless mansion next door literally looking down on me. It was a brothel before that.

    • I killed a potted palm tree once. Feeding it with cough syrup, tea, cola, Tequila Sunrise and other stuff wasn’t a good idea. But, I was a silly little teenager back then who didn’t care about much stuff anyway.
      Anyway, 40k? Woooooow. 😀

  10. Did you know that those palm trees cost $40,000? Must of miss that little fact the first twenty times they mentioned it.

  11. MM
    Wow. Look at this. Today is going to be like tying a bow on presentation. How beautiful is the plant selection particularly the cycad. The also like the small patch of grass. Shaynna thinks the chairs are quaint. Darren thinks the porch is where the party begins. You can ultilise all the various spaces across the house to entertain. Shaynna appreciates the simplicity of the styling. The judges came back at night. The garden is not as glamourous at night. The lighting plan was not well thought out. Does not highlight particular plants. For Neale, the comp went one week too long for the boys.

  12. TL
    Wow. Goodness me. It has a sense of grandeur. They like the dark paint on the rendered walls. It feel pretty good though it doesn’t feel finished. When the plants mature it will be a traditional garden.
    Neale thinks it will be a great party house too. For Darren, it has brought the house back to life. Shaynna gives some marital advice.
    In the evening, the light is better distributed. They have used less lights than MM but have utlised the lights better. For Darren, it is beautifully resolved. For Neale is more of cultivated garden than an entrance-way (re MM).

  13. AD
    How lovely is this central island where you get to traverse up either side. The bluestone, once again, is perfect for this garden in St Kilda. They love the lights embedded in the steps. For Neale they have chosen the perfect complement of plants.
    They love the pots and the chairs. For Shaynna, it feels like a 19th century seaside country house. For Darren it is a very sale-able house.
    Back at night…Oh lalala . This feels seriously glamourous. At night, the garden goes up a level . It has a sense of theatrically.

  14. EM
    Wow. This is different. Glamour.
    This one is all about the details. The tiles takes it to a whole new level. The kumquats adds colour. E & M have the knack of making a space feel like it has been there for decades. It is this eye for details that give the house a sense of home.
    It is not cutting edge but feels like a genuine home. It feels expensive and authentic. It is reassuring and comforting. For Neale it reminds him of a grand home in London. It is very confident and classic.
    At night -it is so grand and spectacular. It does not have the razzmatazz of next door but it is soft and will only get better with time.

  15. MM 7,7,7=21
    TL 9.5,8.5,8.5=26.5
    AD 9.5,9.5,9=28
    EM 9.5,10,10=29.5 (Dave Franklin won)
    JM 8,7.5,7=22.5

  16. JM
    They have taken a slightly more minimalism approach. The judges point to the ocean of gardenias. This is the budget version but the tiling is well done.
    It doesn’t stack up against the other gardens. It doesn’t look impressive. It is not high end but it is complete.

    Based purely on effort would have gotten 10s across.

    At night-the lights lift it. This is one of the gardens that will benefit from time. It is still rough around the edges.

  17. Hmm, another win for Dave Franklin?
    And Jesse and Mel, I thought they held all the money back for their entrance?

    Anyway, who might win on Sunday during the auction? If it repeats the win from last year, then we will have TL or Apostrophe win the whole show, biggest whiner wins. AD in the middle. JM and MM (even though I think they whole layout is great for St. Kilda, I read about the area a few weeks ago, who would want to move there with a family?) fighting for last place.

    • It has been a rather odd season when it came to budget. One moment contestants who have the least amount of cash are flush the next. We were only told where one team ended up (TL with nil) and somehow after been strict budgeters all season with the entrance nominated as their final flourish, JM seemed to have exhausted all their funds prior.

      Not really surprised, DF won as we think he designed all the hard landscaping with the teams responsible for the soft landscaping. Again, how did MM afford all those Grass Trees. BS, they just happen to have them in stock at Mitre 10. We are curious where their budget finished.

      It is hard to tell who will win. It comes down how the reserve is manipulated and auction order. We think it may be between DA and EM. One as a family home and the other as an AirBnB. We think if you buy MM’s place, you will need to budget to spend on the flooring and fixing the hideous wall paper protected by the lift and fully converting the top floor to a self contained unit. https://www.bmtqs.com.au/news-media/media-releases/jesse-mel-hidden-advantage-on-the-block

      The last two episodes were odd. The contestants praising each other and extended thanking of the trades. Just odd.

    • Hand the Tiguan over to Dave Franklin. He’s the reason they won but I preferred DA’s to ME’s. Didn’t like the busy tile or the furniture which looked both cheap and uncomfortable. DA’s looked like a comfortable and relaxing area. I was hoping that they would win.

  18. According to the popular vote:
    1. DA

    Guess that means TL will win.

    • The least deserving couple…
      Their house isn’t that great. So many dark colours, like JM. I wear only black clothes or very dark colours, but I would never use dark colours for my apartment. It looks depressing after some time and white or at least lighter colours are looking friendlier.

  19. Glad that DA won the popular vote.
    TL’s formal dining room….seems a bit far from the kitchen when you have to carry food and dishes and I don’t like that as soon as you open the front door you step into that room.

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