I’m a Celeb premiere

Celeb starts tonight. The move to the early air date should pay off. People are ready for some light-hearted entertainment after weeks of anxiously watching the bushfires.
We already know some Geordie Shore lass is the “megastar” (underwhelming) but today chip pie-turned-TV presenter Tom Williams was announced as a contestant, as was Myf Warhurst, who was one of my picks.
More here.
It starts at 7.30 on Ten and goes for two hours.



  1. Myf? I like Myf. I am also surprised, which bodes well. I like it all being not too obvious.
    What is it with these very obscure reality stars being called mega? It can’t possibly be because I don’t watch enough tv.
    And I must admit I thought some time back that they had got the timing right on this one. Most people have some sort of streaming service (I do love SBS) and the days of taking a Christmas break are gone,
    I won’t say that I am excited, like I used to get for MC, but I have a pleasant feeling of antici ….. pation.

  2. Well the first 5 have gone in and I have to say “celebrity” is a loose term for 2 of them! I have no idea who Charlotte is.

  3. So. Who the hell are most of these people? Have we run out of people willing to go in?
    One of them did say, “I’m (can’t remember who she said). You might know me as the girl you are about to google.” Funny line. So that’s a good start.

  4. My recording failed so I have tuned in 90 mins late. I did not watch the MAFS series Ryan has on – what’s the scoop on him?

    • I have no scoop – after the first season, MAFS became too much hard work for me – but my first impression is good.
      Gotta love a man whose doing it for his mum.

    • Ryan was “married” to Davina on MAFS but Davina decidedly bored with Ryan embarked on an “affair” with Dean (who was sleeping with Tracey). The storyline created the expected faux-rage and the producers have been trying to re-create it ever since.

      Ryan consequently tried to launch a post- MAFS stand-up career riffing on his experience and Davina threatened to sue him.

  5. Can’t reach the remote – newest edition to the fam is sitting on my arm.
    Ronda Burchmore going on now.

    I do love that they have cast a lot of funny women – and Dilruk! He is going to cop it so much next time he’s on HYBPA

    • I’m not a cat lover, but I could almost turn for that one. That girl could never have bunjeed safely with her oversized lips and boobs.
      Rondah Birch more won’t last. She is already down to her ‘7th week in the jungle’ weight.

  6. Erin from Love Island is going in – I do remember her. She is a princess but quick witted.

  7. And she hid a lash brush in her bun! Of all things. At least Kellee from Survivor popped an idol in there

  8. I quite like the mix of celebs this year. I don’t know Nikki, Charlotte, the others i know the names but haven’t followed regualrly, Myk i liked when she was on Spicks and Specks. And the two footy players tomorrow night are the names i’ve seen people guess elsewhere. Erin (of Love Island – not me!) better not give all the other Erins a bad name!! she did have a couple of good one liners.
    Miguel needs to calm the F down or he will be out faster than he was on Dancing.
    the prank at the end ws funny, just for their faces, however they could have really taken it further by fake evicting the person and have them meeting next two celebs and participate in the trial with them.

    • That’s what i thought was going to happen Erin! The fake evictee would hang with the footy players then return.
      My kids and I watched the whole ep. A few funny peeps which to me makes the show far more fun to watch.

  9. Tonight I liked Erin the most. The Jordy Shore girl’s lips are ott. She looks like a grouper gasping on a jetty.

  10. Myf is surprisingly annoying. I’m hoping that it’s just a nervous tic. I’m guessing that she won’t appeal to the younger demographic, although she seems up for anything.
    I hate to tell Geordie Shore girl but, by not jumping, she will be on everyone’s hit list from here on. She will be nominated for absolutely everything until she is nominated to leave.
    I agree about Rhonda – she is too thin to be on this show. She will be stretchered out.
    And Erin is the surprise package. Being a nurse in a past life will mean that she won’t be put off by much. And she seems to be naturally funny. I’m guessing that some of the screaming is an act. We used to own a rat as a pet. She was a lovely girl (Fang, of course).
    I like Nikki but according to the internet, she has her own hate crowd so I’m guessing they will make sure she leaves. She has a son whose autistic and that brings out the crazies.
    Apart from that, I have no opinion. They are an interesting bunch but I can already see some potential conflicts looming.
    I would smother Miguel in his sleep. I don’t care how good his cooking is. Okay, I have some more opinions but I am easily manipulated.
    I hate the footy fellas already and I don’t even know who they are.

  11. Did I hear Grouper Girl say she has won this show, or similar, in the UK? It seems that not doing challenges doesn’t hamper your chances of winning, or getting into the finals, eg Chrissy Swan, Casey Donovan. I find that surprising.
    And screaming is a must for entertainment, eg Richard Reid.

    • I remember Chrissy being so obnoxious that I have never forgiven her for it.
      I don’t remember Casey not doing things. My memory is that she was up for everything but not necessarily very good at it. Wasn’t that the season that there were a bucketload of eating challenges? As nauseam (yes, I went there).

    • Hey Miss Daisy 🙂 Grouper Girl won Celebrity Big Brother according to her.
      Erin’s screams with the rats were fake as.
      I enjoyed the episode. Hopefully it keeps being entertaining. I only lasted the first 3rd of last years season but have watched every episode of the previous ones.
      I also watched MAFS with Ryan and Love Island with Erin. I’ve seen Dilruk on HYBPA,

      • Hi Bella. I watched Love Island but not with Erin. As for Grouper, I wish we didn’t get handed wannabes from the UK. I know they want UK and US audiences but they should raise the offerings.
        Bobi, as I recall, she picked out on quite a few things.

        Then there have been “princesses” who have surprised everyone and been challenge beasts.

  12. Was watching with my friend & neither of us can stand that English chick. My friend couldn’t stand her accent. Mega star? My arse she is. I don’t watch stupid English reality shows. Only watch a few of ours. Don’t watch Love island or Married so have no clue about them. I know Nikki from Hughsey we’ve got a problem. I like Dilruk, Rhonda Burchmore, Tom Williams. Chris is going to put shit on Miguel every chance he gets.

    • That English fish-face chick is annoying ooz too.

      I just can’t bear those oversized lips. And how very DARE Tom not be interested in her. What a nerve! 😜😜😜😜

      • Charlotte has also bitched her nose and stuffed her face with fillers – I what she’s done to her face is criminal and yet keeps getting work even though she clearly needs help: google what she looked like before , she shouldn’t have touched her face

        I agree Migel needs to calm a little bit it’s too screechy

  13. It’s interesting to read the different reactions to the celebrities. I watched the whole episode, for the first time ever, and think they are a good mix, except for the Geordie Shore whiner. Had to laugh when the MAFS guy called her out for not doing research on what the show involved. The internet/instagram/youtube “stars” I’ve never heard of, but they are okay so far. It seems I’m in the minority for liking Miguel. I think his exuberance is genuine, and liked his suggestion that they all eat together.

    I’ll keep watching until they start dropping the celebs into vats of elephant shit or hippo vomit. Those challenges are unpleasant to watch.

    The only person who annoyed me was Julia. She needs to keep her hands off Chris’s butt, and stop shaking her ass because no one needs to see that.

    • Von, I don’t dislike Miguel. I wasn’t going to form any opinions until after about a week, but I can’t help disliking Grouper. It’s not just the lips but also all the carry-on.

  14. Just a passing and unconnected comment. I am getting getting used
    to not having a Like button. I realise that I mainly use it to say, “Read your comment and agree”. Similar to a nod or a uh-huh. So it’s a social tic.
    I don’t really need that.

  15. Ok, so I have no idea who the footy players are! Obviously AFL players are counted as celebrities!

  16. So sick of Charlotte on my screen. And what’s with referring to herself as ‘we’ and ‘us’.
    She is getting a lot of airtime and it worries me she will get many trials just to annoy viewers even more 🙄.
    Miguel has calmed down thankfully.
    Am enjoying Tanya and Nikki.

    • Erin, don’t say “us”. It’s “Ooz”. I wouldn’t mind her accent if she wasn’t so annoying.

      I haven’t a clue who the two new guys are but I I don’t know any of them too well.

    • I think Miguel will be better when he shows some humanity (or do I mean human-ness?). He is a bit too perfect and nice and everybody on the show loooooves him. Losing his temper a bit would peversely make him more real.

      That type of accent has always annoyed me, just as some American dialects are painful to the ear.

      • On the first episode, Miguel said that he did his apprenticeship in an angry, shouty kitchen, so he won’t be that way in his own kitchen. That attitude may have extended itself to how he acts in general. And he can’t help the way he speaks.

        I was like the woman on the show…as soon as I saw that body and that walk, I knew it was Billy Brownliss. I’ve no idea why I knew that because I don’t follow footy at all, in fact cannot stand it.

        I’m having trouble staying interested for 90 minutes but am still watching. Tonight may be the test, since it seems to involve lots of elephant snot. Seriously, how did they collect litres and litres of elephant snot? If I want to watch something that makes me gag, I’ll watch Embarrassing Bodies episodes on genital warts and STIs.

        • Sorry, the accent comment was about the English woman. I should have distinguished that. No problem with Miguel’s accent.

  17. I think I’m cranky today because seemed like a ho-hum episode and yet I can’t my finger on why.
    Votes are usually an indication of audience irritation. Hopefully Charlotte will be the first to go because she’s really getting on my goat. Loud and self-absorbed: it’s the double whammy.
    I thought Tommy Little was supposed to go in?

    • Will they have intruders later on? Maybe he will. I am Wondering if any celebs pulled out last minute because of the fires

    • ‘Out aloud to myself button’; self-absorbed. That’s the word. Plus she can’t say any consonants that require lips. They are causing a speech impediment.

      Try again Britain. Freddie Flintoff she ain’t.

      • I think she’s quite funny, but she’s a nothing to me so I have not one zip of awareness for her. I will happily watch her get voted off without a qualm. Mind you, I can’t tell one Kardashian from the next one, so what would I know?
        I’m enjoying the comedian girl and the blonde one with the child story last night – they seem super self-aware.
        Miguel would probably romp in the eating challenges.
        Dilruk is being quieter than I expected, but it’s day 2!
        and Juz – I LOVE the kitty. We have an old cat who only likes my husband and I have been pestering for a new kitty for ages. He wont play. . . grrr. . . . So will just admire yours!

        • Her response to being caught out bathing in the sink had me laughing.
          It was dirty though and she knew what she was doing because she took a shifty, sneaky look around before hopping in the sink. I doubt she forgot about the cameras. She’s an rtv pro. But she got an LOL out of me during her rant in the treehouse thing.

        • Erin put it right tonight wither her comment about want to get to know Charlotte without the cameras.

  18. Ooops. Why is Chris wearing overalls. Is he channelling Leo Sayer or Mick Hucknel?

    • Haha, Dave, how did you come up with that one? He would have to rock up with hot chippies and hamburgers to get any sort of welcome.

  19. Okay, I’m dumb. I had the impression that the, uh, animal mucus and excreta on the show was real. Not real elephant snot, thank goodness.

    Maybe I’m thinking of the gross food challenges?

    • Hey, I thought it was real shit, too, Von. Too bad they’re not plastic impala legs they ‘re eating.

      A gross food challenge?

      Having to sit and have a beer with $cott Morrison.

  20. Does Ryan really like Hotlips Hoolihan, or is this reality TV camera time? Ryan is quite funny but he might need Specsavers.

  21. Crack-up. “Ooz planning on giving Ryan my first kiss but he finds out Ooz washed Ooz vagina in the sink”.

    • Oh my God, remember that guy on big Brother bathed in the sink? I had to laugh when she said she didn’t wash her lower half & only washed her hair. So the question is who else washed in there?

      • Worst of all was the blond girl on BB who washed dig poo off the sole of her shoes in the kitchen sink. Beyond disgusting.

      • She actually sat in the sink so her “bits” were in there. That BB guy used a dish brush on his bits, right? And was voted out soon after

  22. I quite enjoyed tonight’s episode. You can tell who knows how this works; Ronda, Charlotte, Ryan, Miguel. You can be funny. You can be annoying. You can wash your orifices in the kitchen sink. You just can’t be dull.
    Stupid luxury items from most of them. What a waste. I give a tick to the floatie and the frying pan.
    Interesting words from Charlotte, “What does it matter what you look like?” If she believed that, she wouldn’t have plastic surgery. It’s expensive and it hurts.
    I think Ronda has had my job, neck and jowls gone. She looks great with her crazy hair; like Pat’s from An Fab.

    • I’m liking Rhonda, and I love how she doesn’t give a rats how she is looking, but there’s no doubt that she’s had work done. She’s either the happiest person in the world or she’s botoxed the hell out of her face.
      Perhaps she could have a quiet word with Charlotte about how it’s meant to enhance, not change, your appearance.

  23. I was out last night (slightly embarrasing to say I was at the Opera House for a live performance of My Dad Wrote a Porno – but it was as funny as you might expect, lol) and missed the luxury items.
    My husband is convinced that Charlotte had mega injections before going to Boost her appeal. yikes.
    I want to throw in some random Collingwood bashing as I’m not loving Daisy, but who knows – he probably will end up my favourite. I have a shocking track record with picking people to like on this show.

  24. It has just started here. Rhonda teaching the others a time step was hilarious. All the guys looked so klutzy next to her.

    I could have done without a shot of Billy’s ass with his knickers pulled into his ass crack. No, Billy, no..

    • Snap! Von. Just watching now too.
      (Aside) we were in Perth yesterday. We took L and A and L’s lovely girlfriend, ice-skating at Mirrabooka, then for lunch and a swim at Hillary’s.

  25. The footy players joke book is funnier than Chris and Julia. They had the cheek to knock those jokes given their own desperate attempts at humour.

    Oh my God, could she be any less “Er er err” funny?

    • She used to annoy me but now she is part of the lexicon that is this show, and she is just wallpaper.
      Along with the mandatory cook, comedian-that-turns-out-to-be-not-funny-in-real-life, controversial reality star, footy player star we have never heard of (but who may or may not be a boofhead), plus secondary footy-fella for him to talk to because they may lack general conversational skills, the older person because their outdated views are just hilarious, and the fat woman.
      It seems to me that they are no longer making a big deal of either ethnic or gay. I am assuming it’s because those things no longer generate discussion.
      The new topic on point is internet influencer which makes sense.
      This show is very formula driven and yet still relies on that elusive chemistry. Tom ticked all the boxes but …. nothing.
      I would miss Julia if she was fired. She’s like one of the beats to show.

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