1. Kitty Flanagan aka Connie’ mum strongly disapproves.

    Connie has quite the tattoo collection and she is matched with someone from QLD.

    Ivan, the one without socks and weak bladder, is appalled that his Mum hijacks the reception to audition for the Voice.

    The judges think that his pairing with Alex is a match made in heaven as they both work in real estate.

  2. Just watching now, Maz. I see what you mean about Kitty Flannigan. TV gold.

    Connie hax a nice face, but the mum stole the show.

    • Ivan has an intimate relationship with his mobile phone, albeit a little clingy.

      • He’s a dork with a multitude of issues. Watch him try to go cold turkey without his phone. He has made his lippy ‘wife’ appear grounded. πŸ˜‚

      • The meltdown over his Mum’s innocent warbling at the wedding. A real red flag.
        The phone meltdown. Red flag no 2. . A true Rolls owner would just calmly buy a new Rolls and phone. Will need Dr Phil’s white board to chronicle this embarrassing Ivan stuff as it piles up. If he gets drunk and loses his phone at the dinner party, it’ll kill the vibe.

  3. Ivan got Alekxs who doesn’t like Ivan’s fashion choice, but she has caught the TML virus. It’s infected one in every 4 rtv entrants.

  4. Ivan behaved like a total dick just because his mum sang. Alexks actually was cool at that point.

  5. Wow…Mikey is trying to engage her in conversation and she completely ignores him. Stacy can kiss her law career good bye. We wouldn’t hire her.

    • Is she the one with the giant lips? She could kiss an entire law school, all in one go, with those.

  6. I think Connie is really sweet and Michael seems decent. I thought Dr Smith Steve was going to be off but he seems good. Turns out even Ivan…or Eeevan and Alekx are okay. I think Stacey needs to cut back on the eyelashes and would look nice without the giant clam lips, but her ‘husband’ hasn’t grown up yet.
    I’m not finding them as trashy as last year. They seem more normal, maybe not really normal, but rtv normal.
    I haven’t seen all of them yet as I missed a night.
    Did I hear them say commitment ceremony on Sunday???? I hope not.

    • Ivan seemed more hell bent on the search for his mobile phone than the search for love. What appalling depths people have fallen to when estranged from their beloved mobile phone. Half an hour rooting through the back of a Rolls Royce in a blind panic.

      Let’s hope these folk stay “normal” for the first dinner party tonight.

      • Hahaha. I’m not suggesting he isn’t a strange dick. But at least he’s not a tattooed, body building one. Instead of being ripped he ripped apart the RR. I am still preferring them to Dean, Davida and that screaming jungle animal; Cyrell. But we haven’t come to the dinner party yet;

    • You know, I thought about making a cheap joke about plastic surgery … but I called this back after the first episode. Some of these people have really deep, traumatic issues that they need professional help with, and channel 9 is simply going to turn them into a circus. It’s gross.

      • I held back on Stacey’s mum because she has been through enough sorrow and trauma. And even though I have mentioned Stacey’s clam lips, that’s easily fixed, and I balanced by acknowledging that there is an attractive girl in there. What sorrow they have had.

  7. I do think it strange that people have sex with a stranger on TV and talk about it. It’s such a foreign concept. I still think, “Who does that?”

    • “Who’s banging?” was an ice breaker at tonight’s soiree.

      ” I’m not jealous!” Not much . Train wreck. To be fair, her wife flirted with every woman at tonight’s pitiful gathering.

  8. I wasn’t even going to watch MAFS after the horror show of last year, but I prefer this year’s offerings.

    • I pledged the very same thing to myself…this yr I will NOT watch MAFS after the ultra trash it has been the last 2 yrs or more. And here we are. I thought..okaaaay I’ll just have a peek at the first episode and I’ll be so turned off that will be the end of it. But I too am finding them less irritating and appalling than bogan fish lips cheater Jessika, puffer faced cheater Davina, bee stung lipths Tracey, dickhead Dean, Kardashian wannabe Martha, life raft lips ‘I’m not about it’ Tamara, obnoxious and conceited fame whore Jules, shall I continue??

      By the end of this season I may well have a new list though. Early days still.

  9. I’m up to the, “Who’s banged?” niceties. Still, when the next line is, “Have youse?”, I ask myself, “Why am I surprised?”

  10. Who’s the, “Do you know what I mean?” girl.

    “We’re also really good friends. Do you know what I mean?” That’s stupid. Do you know what I mean?

    • I don’t know what these banging fools mean. What are the chances of making ” good friends” on these shows in a fortnight with a camera stuck up yer arse 24/7?

    • I think you’re thinking of Cathy but as your perfectly timed screen shot shows below, Hayley also favours the phrase.

      • Yes, correct and correct Calorie.

        Btw how was the massive vein down Hayley’s forehead. It looked ready to burst.

          • Iiis it??? I had better check my forehead.

            Better still, we should meet up again and you could say, “Who the hell are you?” πŸ˜‚

          • I don’t have solid evidence but it’s just something I’ve observed in these rtv contestants, most of whom are heavily botoxed. I’ve seen it mentioned in an article somewhere too at one stage I believe.

            Lol, I can’t imagine you would be having the amount they are so I’m sure you don’t need to worry.

  11. Connie was a bundle of nerves and the sexperts said she was being at ease. She was a tightly wound spring. But she’s cute.

    • I think the scratch mark her ‘husband’ received across his face was Hayley desperately clawing her way to airtime and the chance to remain on this show.

      • “Rough as guts”, my mum would have said.
        You might need to be a bit rough yourself to say, “rough as guts”. Mum’s inner $hauna.

    • Hayley’s comment about Mr $25 / hour having a vagina bigger than a woman’s…..yeah, not very nice. You know what I mean? Mean. Takin’ drugs with Hayley must have been fun.

  12. Well, from the comments, they all seem to be lovely people this year.

    Is it a condition of entry that they have teeth-bleaching before they get any air time?

    • Botox, bleaching; top and bottom (ew), hair straightening and lip filler are all probably offered free if charge.

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