1. Finally a Mystery Box! Probably my fave challenge, so I can pause the show and think what I would make

  2. “Ingredients from four corners of the globe*

    (Coles not included)

    • I think it was a time saver + a fake drama creator – by doing them together they are still tasting everyone’s dish (YAY) but tried to do it in a way that created some dynamic.

  3. What’s in the box? (Channel Brad Pitt in 7even when you say this): Manuka honey, chicken feet, cherries, black vinegar, coriander, galangal, spring onions, Chinese five spice, taro, King George whiting.

    I’ve eaten all of these things so I quite like this box.

    This year the judges taste all the dishes. Yes! I hated that in years past we would not even see what some people cooked so you would know they were no chance. Top five go into tomorrow’s immunity pin challenge.

    • Chicken feet? Not something I’d like to try. I have an aversion to eating animals’ faces (anything cheeks) and I think that might now include feet.

      • Tasted fine but as someone on the show said it’s a lot of effort for little reward. Give me a chicken thigh instead

  4. Mmm…:”this is the perfect balance of heart and soul and where you come from”…okay then

  5. Up to the chicken feet ice cream…it’s more than delicious..
    Jock does the “skoll the caramel from the jug” move…

  6. In the immunity challenge is:
    Laura (no surprises there)

    • Laura…predictable. 🙁 There were other dishes that were more complex and also had excellent reviews. Guess Jock pushed that one through.

  7. We got to see a lot of people tasted but still not everyone.
    So how many more episodes is Ben in?

  8. Nothing to do with the cooking. Just asking why do people have to wear hats 🎩 indoors. I hate to sound like a grumpy old lady, bug it’s one of my pet hates

  9. Dark-haired Sarah keeps tasting food by picking it up with her fingers and putting it in her mouth. Yuk. And Khanh held a fry-pan off the heat in front of himself and told it to “get hot”. Sigh. Come on, guys, show some basic knowledge.

  10. I laughed at Andy holding up 5 fingers every time he said you had to be in the Top 5 to progress through to the Immunity Challenge. If this gig doesn’t work out, he can always try out for Play School.

    I’m loving Reynold and his quiet, organised dignity. He seems like a great guy and he’s not buying into the manufactured drama. Good for him.

    And Icecream Ben, who wants to move out of his comfort zone and not be pigeonholed does … what else, an icecream 🙂

    Overall, quite an entertaining episode and I concur with Juz in liking that they are tasting every dish this season.

    • Watching Reynold is so calming. I want a camera on him 24/7 to melt away our isolation stresses

      • Reynold is such a pleasure to watch. I agree – so soothing and so faux drama-free.

      • Isolation? What’s that? 🙂 Ahhh … something the less enlightened countries do – 😆

        It’s sunny and warm today (well, warm by Swedish standards) and the parks by the sea are packed with people busy with bbqs. Big family groups, multi generations all crammed around a picnic table or on rugs. No social distancing – it’s like living in an alternate universe.

  11. Jock said that Simple Simon’s dish was a “beautiful concept but an ugly baby”. Sheesh, another series where Simple Simon (an idea free zone) has been made a sacrificial lamb (albeit where he wishes to occupy the sole vegan niche) until the truth is delivered in the final, as in the last series.

  12. At least most of them used more than one of the mystery box ingredients but all of them should have been required to use at least 3 ingredients, not just one. Make it more difficult.
    Ben U. with yet another ice cream. Doesn’t matter, though, since he won’t be around much longer.
    Would like to see Reynold in the finals. He’s not stuck in the dessert niche and is doing a great job with savory. His dishes are well presented and he is generally calm and humble. No tears and no…”I’ve sacrificed to be here” or “I’m doing this for my family”, etc.

    • Ice cream Ben must be really good with ice cream. MC has already launched his career. He has like 3 or ice cream shops.
      Last night he used galangal in his ice cream. I have never heard that before.

      It was the producers on MC that mde Reynold look bad on his first appearance. To push on the fact that he never stepped into his mum patisserie to learn. His whole family is involved in hospitality.
      He has always been cool, calm and collected.
      I wanted to try one of his desserts in his restaurant. It was totally overpriced, like $9 for a tiny slice of take away tart or cake. I didn’t buy any.

      • LP, I bought some of his cakes and they are really nice and the little details on them it’s worth it. I don’t visit often but if I do, it will be a treat for myself 😊. It’s better than a banana bread/cake at Gloria Jean which would be like $4.

  13. I am another in the loving-Reynold camp.
    What a shame that the producers will pull every string to eliminate him.
    I hate this idea that to be interesting on rtv you have to sweat a lot and laugh so much that the audience can count your tonsils.

  14. Sign me up for the Reynold fan club also.
    I dont dislike Laura as I think she makes food I would enjoy eating but it is so hard to see impartiality in the judging where she is concerned.
    Noted that we haven’t seen much of the super young Jess – I hope this isn’t a sign of later triumph!
    We have seen plenty of Dani, so hopefully that means an early boot and we are getting her airtime out of the way. Please.
    Sarah Tiong is awesome. I liked her last time I like her this time.

    • Laura has mature a lot. She is a good cook now. Even Callum is a good cook now. But I still remembered him like a deer in the headlights on his first appearance on MC.

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