1. Who and who from where?

    One paper said this is the episode where they start to use precautions against corona virus.

  2. Maybe not tonight. I already don’t like the sweet team. Every course has some sorbet, parfait, ice cream. Can’t they do something else. Also the yuzu again

  3. I’m behind but if I don’t see both a sweet and savoury granita there will be rioting

  4. Can Reynold create a hibachi dessert? One that looks like a hibachi but the coals are actually edible etc and the smoke is liquid nitrogen

  5. Who eats a three course sweet meal? Though I’m not fond of desserts anyway, so maybe it’s just me that thinks it’s not something they’d like.

    I always think it’s a disappointment that we get no feedback from the diners – it would be nice to hear what they thought of the food.

    For a team challenge, it was far less shouty than the other ones, so I enjoyed the preparation times – they seemed organised and there were no high dramas (even though Poh made an attempt to create Rhubarbgate).

    • All the non dessert contestants are in the pressure test.

      Yellow ream should have won. Judges should also consider the 2 not so good dishes. Jock said he like the squid dish but not love it. Reynold dessert was too dry and the flavour didnt gel.

      • I agree LP.
        And I don’t get dessert guru Reynold not thinking about soaking the dry cake in something rather than throwing the ganache element at it? It remains dry.
        I would much rather the savoury one! Cannot get my head around the 3 sweet course option.

        • Even my non-cook husband (unless you count scrambled eggs) said to brush the cake with milk :))

        • Reynold wasn’t thinking straight. Switching to Dark chocolate will dry out the cake. He should know.

    • I reckon Tessa will be ok as she can follow a recipe, is precise and just came off her season, so is used to the pressure.
      I worry for Brendan.

      • I am worried for Brendan. Tessa will be fine as she is precise and organised. I am hopeful for pork Sarah.
        But If Brendan goes instead of Slimon, I will be cross as two sticks.

    • Yikes. They broke 40% of them at first? Cue broken boxes. . . Please be careful Brendan.

  6. The final decision didn’t make sense based on the fact that the dish they liked the least belonged to the Pink teams.
    Since the pressure test was going to be a dessert challenge the powers that be probably thought it would be more interesting if those who generally cook savory should be in that challenge.
    Shouldn’t the episodes with the Covid restrictions be starting soon?

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