Helly Raichura, of Enter Via Laundry, bases this taste test on her popular dish, ‘pasta not pasta’. Contestants who guess the least ingredients correctly must replicate the dish in a challenge.
Ooh – love a good taste test.
Who is Helly?

The amata cooks go to some random clincker brick home in suburbia, called “Enter via the laundry”.
Hey, they can enter via my laundry and do a couple of loads if they wish.
No guest chefs with their wanky creations. Shines blown the budget on Poh’s and Hayden’s appearance fees. It’s suburban cooks /random nobodies that set the pressure tests in backyard tents. Ha ha , getting on the cheap Ch10.
Next will be the sausage tent At Bunnings with making the best sausage.
How annoying is Poh. God, she plays up to the camera. Love how Brendan and Reynold are watching intently and learning from the pasta not pasta cook.
Don’t forget Gordon Ramsey’s appearance fee. That would make Poh and Hayden’s fee look like peanuts 🙂
I also read somewhere that Kate Perry took them for a hundred grand just to pop in for an episode. So it’s Budget Bytes season after all that.
How have so many contestants never heard of asafoedita? Even I Have some in my pantry – in a container in a ziploc bag in a glass jar because that stuff is strong!
I know. I once did a masterclass with this mad Indian chef called Ajoy at Nilgiris and he used it – I frequently still make a recipe using asafoedita for a wonderful red lentil dahl. (if anyone is interested in recipes here ) but gosh you have to be careful. It stinks! I remember reading an Agatha Christie years ago where someone put a pinch in a room to make the occupant not sleep there.
Asafoetida is suppose to help with digestion.
A common name for asafoetida is ‘devil’s dung’ ;))
Lol – did not know that.
I missed some while I put the bins out. What is the pasta not pasta made of please?
Chickpea flour with turmeric. With a coconut sauce and chilli oils
Thank you. I wondered where the colour came from.
Not a surprising result tonight tonight. Apparently Helly’s website has crashed under the weight of people googling her.
I want to try those ball things that broke the tie and made Reece safe with his clever guess if “salt”. Google tells me they had a lentil filling.
I’m tired of Poh, with her drama-filled cooks that always seem to turn out well after all. Surprise!
I have enjoyed some of her shows on SBS Food, except for the one that had Antonio Carluccio with her. She didn’t show respect to an older man who is a better cook than she on one of her best days.
Now I’ve had enough of her. She should get over herself, she ain’t that special.
It is interesting that before this masterchef I liked Poh, but she is going downhill rapidly from this series. Now I see her as manipulative and mannered, whereas I used to think she was talented and interesting. Wow, over-exposure is dangerous!
I am one of the people who googled Helly and EVL. As someone who lives in the BURBS I am not super interested in going there. I know, this makes me boring and totally suburban. . . .it reminds me a flatmate I had in the 1980s who took a girl to Blue Water Grill (THE restaurant place in sydney then) and was bitterly disappointed in the outcome. “Pay $20 for a main course, expect a root”. (I had a friend visiting from the UK for whom this statement confirmed EVERYTHING he had been told about Australians!)
I feel like if I was paying $85 for a degustation I would like an actual restaurant. If I had money to spare, it would be different and yes, the food looked delicious, but I’m just not that interested.
I did think salt was a safe bet for Reece to guess.
The stress of watching Poh cook is not pleasant. Despite his lumpy mixture I much prefer Ben’s approach, although I know he must disappear any minute. Can you imagine how calming it would have been to watch Reynold in this challenge?
I am stressed waiting for Ben to disappear! How long is he around?
Some years ago there is a hush hush list where people were told only in the last minutes to go to somebody home for a delicious meal. It wasn’t cheap but food was good
As much as I like Rose, I think it was fairly obvious that she was out of her depth in this competition.
I didn’t notice if Hayden was wearing his cap, but was amused to see Chris without his hat. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him without that ridiculous hat, which surprised me as they were outside where you’d think he’d be wearing it.
Icecream Ben did well to get himself out of the pickle he was in, so good on him. I wonder when he is leaving. Do you think he was sprung with a stash of anabolic steroids – they are popular with those body building types.
Poh continues to be contrived and annoying. She is confident in front of a camera after all these years, so I can’t help feeling that she’s acting out some kind of role at the producer’s behest. Perhaps with her eye on a future tv hosting spot with Shine. They are getting more for their outlay with her than they are with hapless Hayden.
I can’t imagine who were the decision makers on this batch of contestants.
A half dozen of them are self evident, and we love them for it, and then some are cross your fingers and just hope it works.
But seriously, Hayden was never going to cut it. And, much as we love Rose, her cooking has always been iffy.
And, although he hasn’t gone yet, meat-and-no-hat guy is just awful. I feel like there’s a song here to the tune of Spam, Spam.
You have to be old enough for Monty Python.
A number of contestants have been complaining that they are getting no air time. There are two possible reasons: boring people or boring cooking. I am guessing the latter.
Don’t we love producers?