1. Wonder what Reynold’s pièce de résistance will be – so says the ad. The ad was a bit OTT, almost like nobody else is cooking.

  2. So the MasterChef kitchen just happened to have four feather-shaped silicon moulds … right

  3. I LOVE chicken liver parfait. That’s the one I would eat, of the three dishes.

    • I know. I have never once wandered on the beach and thought “why don’t I nibble on the rocks as they may possibly taste like oyster and raw egg”.
      But the chicken liver parfait looked totally delicious! YUM. Callum is such a thoughtful cook. I almost always want to eat his food.

      I thought the golden snitch (four winged!) was REALLY impressive. But seemed to be variations on elements he has done previously.

  4. Any Harry Potter readers? Jock’s face listening to excited Mel and Andy describe a snitch was a hoot

  5. Oh no! Not another “cook anything you want” episode. Andy tried to talk it up, but it seems that we’ve had weeks of this sort of pseudo-challenge.

    I really like Callum – he seems such a gracious, warm person and his food knowledge is excellent. I giggled at his suggestion of ten minutes and making a toasted cheese sandwich. I thought his parfait looked delicious and I’d have loved to try it.

    I wish I could like Laura, but I just can’t warm to her. She’s an excellent cook but there’s just something about her that grates on me.

    I must be the only person on the planet who knows zilch about Harry Potter. 😆 But I was hugely impressed by the dessert Reynold presented. I can see why Reece was a tad intimidated. You wonder what else he has in his repertoire to better this incredible creation.

    • Reynold’s dessert usually has the WOW factor. When he was first on MC, I was so excited to see his creations. He was the one who started with the round mould. But now it is just a variation of the same old thing.

      Miss the service challenges. Reece and Reynold will have a problem with it. Reynold dishes are time consuming to plate.

      PS Its service challenge in the next elimination

    • Me too Marie – this is exactly me. Callum is wonderful – and his 10 minute suggestion was hilarious to try to kybosh Reynold’s setting time requirement! Good on him.
      I can’t warm to Laura even though I rate her cooking and would love to eat her pasta dishes – happily go to her restaurant any day.

      I thought Reece was super snarky from the gantry.

      Just saw your comment LP and I nearly said the exact same thing just a lot later than you! It was super impressive, but we have seen the red sphere many many many times previously!e.

      • I really like Callum. He just seems very humble and doesn’t whine or cry or flaunt his abilities. His 10 min. toastie comment was funny.
        I thought Reynold’s dessert was impressive even though he has done spheres many times. It was beautifully presented.
        I can’t warm up to Laura either. I don’t know what it is about her but she is a talented chef. I thought her dish looked messy but then it was supposed to be pebbles and driftwood on the beach.

  6. Callum has come a long way. I am liking him more and more. He knows how to think about flavour and texture. Will eat his food any day.

    Well, the golden snitch is on the Koi’s menu-$30 per pop!!! Good on him though to try to get some benefits from being on the show. One of the many reasons they are back to win.

  7. Although I’m not enjoying this series as much as earlier ones, for me the “snitch” is up there along with “croquembouche” and “snow egg” for entertainment cooks.

    Whilst it is unlikely you have 3 tonka beans, a food spray gun and a deep bowl of liquid nitrogen hiding in the back of a kitchen cabinet and equally improbable that your local Coles would stock them, just in case here’s the recipie: https://10play.com.au/masterchef/recipes/the-snitch/r200630upfwn

    • It will totally appear in a future MC as an elimination challenge. He will have to bring out a whole series of magical desserts, although I guess there would be trademark issues if he used the HP branding

  8. Did Jock really ask if you could eat the snitch? Was he thinking Reynold would serve something that couldn’t be eaten, or was he trying to work out what the snitch was?

    I’ve never read Harry Potter books or seen the movies, but don’t need to have to know that that was a spectacular dessert. Reynold continues to impress me, not only with his cooking skills, but his abilities to work quickly and to step back and re-think when something goes wrong.

    I liked Callum’s dish too, it was well-presented and I wanted to have a bite.

    Laura, yeah, all right, her dish looked good, but didn’t make me want to eat it. It reminded me of a beach scene that one would put up for a high school diorama project in science class. When Reynold was announced as the winner, I really wanted to see her face, but she wasn’t shown.

    • I figured Jock thought it was a food in Harry Potter. You can tell his kids are only little.
      There is quite a lot of food in the books and movies: the wizard school has long dining tables laden with feasts, the kids eat magical lollies- including mystery jelly beans with the odd bad ‘un being snot flavoured – and they drink butterbeer

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