Plate of Origin starts … soonish?

No airdate yet for Seven’s new cooking show, Plate of Origin.

It’s hosted by Manu Feildel (always happy to see him minus Pete Evans), Gary Mehigan and Matt Preston.

Plate looks like MasterChef meets MKR meets Family Food Fight and says it aims to highlight the cuisine of the different cultures living in Australia (something FFF did pretty well). However, for a show about diversity, note the hosts are three middle-aged white men.



  1. Plate Of Shite.

    It’s even worse when said middle aged men try to look like teenagers. Witness Gary’s blonde tips with “edgy” on trend haircut. Who’s he fooling? It’s obvious why he can’t be polished.

    • Yeah, I think the slow death of MKR left such a sour taste in my mouth (cooking show metaphor! Do I get extra points?) that it just turned me off cooking shows indefinitely, you know?

  2. Can’t believe they haven’t changed the name, after the abbreviation became obvious.

    • Not that obvious. I only just realised it, when you mentioned it then.

      Still, I feel like they made the right call.

      • Have you heard Manu braying “Welcome To Plait Of Orange Shit”, in the latest promo, yet?

  3. Will the producers make Gary wear nappies in their fruitless quest to make him look younger? Eyes off the young blondes, too, you dirty old man.

  4. I am looking forward to this now.
    All is forgiven since I started using Matt Preston’s cookbook. Best cookbook EVA. No, seriously guys. It is seriously the best cookbook I have ever used. I cannot wax lyrically enough.

    • I’m interested. I have tried a few of his recipes in the past and they were good. Not too cheffy, but super tasty.

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