As mentioned in the general chat thread there has been a positive COVID result for a Masked Singer dancer.
Everyone involved in the show – crew, performers, judges and Osher – is now in isolation.
However there will still be shows this week as they were already recorded.

Osher did an interview (well, a Zoom interview. Remember when it used to be called Skype?) on “The Project” tonight, and revealed that the show’s production is reasonably ahead of the airing schedule. They’ve filmed and recorded the whole entire show … except the finale. So they’ve still got three weeks worth of episodes, and surely, at some point in the next few weeks, they’ll be able to actually film the finale and screen it.
So, overhyped then?
Dirty Dancing. Infectious melodies. This show can make you sick.
Just think. We always thought it’d be MKR or MAFS that killed its own contestants, but it turned out the real danger was the show where everybody was wearing masks all along!
Osher made the point on the Project interview, last night, that if they don’t do a cover of “Ironic” on the grand finale episode, there’s no justice in the world.
So funny…
Are we on this thread?
I heard Sophie Monk’s voice. Not well disguised tonight.
I’m trying to hear Sophie Monk’s voice, for the Dragonfly, but I’m just not hearing it.
The Puppet continues to be Mark Holden, and I’m more sure than ever that the spooky queen is Kate MH.
Listen to these people prentend they are guessing. How annoying.
It’s when the guessing gets really ridiculous that annoys me a little bit.
No, Ursula, the queen is not Ellen Degeneres, because there is no way that (a) Ellen would be in Australia during the pandemic, and (b) you have the budget to afford her.
Puppet is Simon Wiggle I reckon. Fair bit of auto tune tonight but it was rather sad to hear Sophie Monk say she had stopped singing because everyone was so mean to her back in the day
I picked out Sophie Monks voice on the first episode.
My guesses
Frillneck Eddie Perfect
Puppet Simon wiggle or Twitter is thinking Nicholas Hammond
Queen Kate Miller Heidke.
For tomorrow night
Kitty Julia Morris
Cactus Lucy Durack
The wizard and bush ranger I don’t know but I’ll go with twitter and say Isiah Firebrace and Bonnie Anderson respectively.
I’m still thinking Mark Holden for the puppet.
The more I hear kitty sing, the more convinced I am that it’s Julia Morris.
I feel like Kate Miller Heidke is an actual A-lister (or close enough) that there’s not only good odds we’ve guessed right, but she’s probably gonna win, this year.
I want to argue about the Bush ranger but that’s only because I don’t know Bonnie Anderson. And I did utube her for about 5 seconds but i wasn’t impressed. I thought the actual Bonnie’s voice was a bit light on.
So I’m hoping it’s someone else.
As you know, I thought it was Melinda Schneider, right up to that down to the ground bending movement. You either have to be very fit or very young to do that.
Facebook got it right, the Wizard was Isaiah Firebrace, who I’ve never heard of before in my life, but it’s a damn shame they unmasked him, because he was one of the best performers they had.
More sure than ever that the kitten is Julia Morris.