By Daisy
This chat, I thought I would talk about those things that brighten your day. Sometimes life is bright with happy things and nice people. Sometimes life is really tough, so tough it’s unbearable. So tough, you feel yourself going under a landslide of despair.
Lately I have recalled days when sixpence worth of lollies and climbing a tree with my cousins was all I needed.
Or a day at the beach. Or Gilligan’s Island. Or riding my bike. Or dancing in a ballet concert. Or drawing a picture. So many things.
I have so many happy memories, like lying on a cane chair in a cabana with my grandma, in her garden, while she invented stories set in India.
When you’re older, joy can be more elusive. So this chat, I want to tell you those bright things that drive out gloom. For me anyway. The love of a family member. Love in action. Laughing with my kids. My siblings. Laughter and coffee with good friends. Good music, happy music played loudly. Sunshine. The sun at any time of year. The sky. Photographing clouds and sunsets. The beach. The ocean and swimming. Going to pottery. The new woodheater in my loungeroom.Escape to the Country. Exercise for my endorphins. Chatting on TTV.
Travel and holidays.
I need a pick-me-up right now. Perhaps a bag of lollies?

No, Juz. I hate gummy lollieds. Always have. And marshmallow. Bluggghh.
The only gummy lolly I ever ate were those hard Tarzan’s Jubes. No one ever poked fun at Tarzan’s Jubes.
I did do shopping therapy last week with the 84″ TV.
And chocolate therapy, which didn’t help at all.
I also went to the Nannup flower festival.
No, Juz. I hate gummy lollieds. Always have. And marshmallow. Bluggghh.
The only gummy lolly I ever ate were those hard Tarzan’s Jubes. No one ever poked fun at Tarzan’s Jubes.
Gummy lollies are the best!! I’m partial to the odd killer python or spearmint leaf. Although as kids we favoured musk sticks.
I remember going to the pool, smothering myself with baby oil and baking in the sun. Heat still makes me happy.
Who knew?
I miss coffee with friends. This one especially.
And my favourite lollies from the above are the teef.
Every now and then, I do get a craving for Allen’s Party Mix. I can’t control it, it’s just an itch that needs scratching.
It’s amazing how after a few snakes you have no desire to eat them again for a good six months. It’s like KFC
This is true, but my last few experiences with KFC were so awful that I’ve successfully continued to fight that urge. I haven’t had KFC in years.
But no, Party Mix and the Retro Party Mix are sometimes exactly what you want.
I can now smell those lolly teeth.
I like chocolate eclairs; both kinds.
Nannup Flower Festival
Milk bottles.
I can eat a packet, mainly because of the way you eat them – top down.
It’s like eating Freddo Frogs feet first, not that I really like frogs. Too much wrong chocolate.
Bobi, sunbaking with lashings of oil mixed with salt and vinegar…like a potato chip.
I am thinking now of a fun day with my cousin at Cottesloe beach, both of us about 10years old, swimming, playing in the sand and jumping off the high boardwalk. Then getting cold and both imagining how good a chicken and vegetable soup would be at that moment.
Ah, the smell of warming coconut oil on sports day.
I still find that unbearable. Mmm.
I’m off to ukulele lessons. This is so hard.
I’m a big believer than parents should do their kids a favour and have them learn a little bit of everything while they are are young and adaptable: cooking, ironing, how to eat with a knife and fork, skiing, horse riding, tennis, golf, how to pronounce human (it’s not ‘uman), and while we are on the subject – how to use apostrophes, piano lessons, ballet, a language or two, etcetera, etcetera.
My mother missed guitar lessons off this list. If wishes were horses …
So, just for fun, please find attached a photo of a spider to cheer you up.
I saw a news report that said ukulele sales have gone up by like 700% over the course of the pandemic, so I don’t think you’re the only one who’s learning a new skill.
Cute spider Windsong, and I usually find them on my opposite to ‘my favourite things’ list. But then you left off the worst bits; the legs and the back.
Oh don’t get me started on people who don’t know how to use a knife and fork, or hold a own. Although in the case of the pen, I blame the education system.
Oh, cute spider Bobi.
Anyone else having trouble with the thread bouncing around all over the place lately?
I’m not; response is as usual whatever I click on. TTV was slow to open for a few days, but all sites were, and that was a Chrome/Google glitch that seems to have been resolved.
No bouncing but I do find when I click to remove the pop-up ad it takes me to the home page, not the link I clicked on. C’est la vie
So it’s just me then. The comments box keeps appearing mid thread too. I might have to flick.back to using my tablet and see if that helps.
Oh, I’d get the comments box popping up when reading on my phone. I figured out that, when scrolling with any finger on my right hand, I’d inadvertently hit Reply sometimes. Move your finger in a little :).
I had a session earlier in the week where the landing page was completely different, big pictures followed by the start of the blog. I was about to comment that I didn’t like the new format, and then it switched back on the next screen. Gremlins.
Definitely Gremlins for me.
No flies on my old laptop.
My sympathies.
Yesterday was blissful.
A gf and I did a little road trip down south. We went to this groovy, comfy book/wool/knitting shop and I had a splurge on wool, giant wooden knitting needles, books and cards. Oh and some knitting patterns.
Then we went to The Barnyard for lunch. I always love it there. The food is so unique. They had changed the menu and the pork with prawns and black squid ink pasta was gone. But OMG what I chose instead was divine. No really divine. I was going, “Mmmmm” after every taste.
If we ever open up WA, maybe in 2030, you must head to Smith’s beach turn-off and eat at the Barnyard. It’s a great spot with chooks and a vineyard. And rabbits, although I think I ate that in these kind of ravioli. Sorry, Dave…and Peter the Rabbit. My friend had pasta with truffles, and mushrooms (pictured). Also really, very, very yum.
After that we went back to Dunsborough so my friend could get a shopping fix buying hats and a tee shirt.
Then back in the car, driving home to my music.
My friend thought I was good at knowing all the singers and bands, but she’s just a baby.
Clive Palmer’s lawyers must absolutely love him.
Clive is going to give himself a heart attack. He needs to chill.