1. I enjoyed the first season, so much (and I really wasn’t expecting to), and I’m absolutely going to watch this one too.

    Plus, replacing Lindsey (who knew literally nothing about Australian celebrities) with Urzilla from HYBPA? was a master-stroke.

  2. I’m already watching the ads. I have guessed half the contestants.
    I have a dislike for Jackie O but her time will be minimised. Her comments are repetitive and short so she tends to get edited out.

  3. I’m not sure if the term “Masked ” is totally cool in these unprecedented times.

    It’s safer for the audience. i guess. Gimme Shelter.

    • I don’t know. Given how the Bachelor and Block had to shut down, mid-productions, because of covid, the Masked Singer is, like, the safest TV production on TV.

    • I definitely think that Kate is in the mix.
      Her voice is very distinctive so we will know in a heartbeat. .
      I wonder if our Kylie and our Nic are going to appear? They are both here stuck on lockdown and they can both carry a tune. A bit of fun, maybe, to keep themselves occupied?

  4. Ok I fast forwarded through the first ep but next time must pay more attention to clues. I didn’t realise the first person eliminated lives in Melbourne now

    • I got some of them. The spooky queen is definitely Kate Miller. Her voice is so distinct, I’d be surprised if it wasn’t her. Also, the people on Facebook are fairly certain that the puppet is Mark Holden.

      The frill-neck lizard stumped me. His clue package referred to South Africa repeatedly (while he was playing golf), and there was also a segment of LGBT flags being waved around behind him, but I couldn’t figure it out. Facebook reckons he’s Eddie Perfect, but I wikipedia’d him, and I couldn’t see a single reference to South Africa (or maybe I was reading too quickly?).

      • I also hit Wikipedia… Twitter says maybe rugby player David Pocock. He has played in Sth Africa and campaigned for marriage equality

  5. I enjoyed this ep while fast forwarding through the fill in crap.
    The singers were good so nothing painful.
    Ursula was a vast improvement on Lindsay (who send the virus wouldn’t bring some benefits).
    It was obvious that the echidna was going to be eliminated first. I didn’t guess.

    • The echidna put on a good show, but you could tell that he wasn’t a trained singer. That’s not to say he didn’t do a good job, but yeah, the competition tends to favour trained musicians and singers, and I figured he’d be going home first.

  6. I know he isn’t Australian, and the odds of him being part of this show are slim-to-none … but while the Hammerhead was singing? All I was thinking was “Robbie Williams”. It sounded so much like Robbie Williams. And he once did a duet with Kylie Minogue, and there was a reference to Kylie in the clue montage.

    • I did not pick this one either. I love it when we find out that random people can sing really well.

  7. There’s a convincing theory on FB that the Wizard — who was my favourite performer. His voice was amazing — is Zac Efron, who actually was in the country, earlier in the year.

  8. Is Rebel Wilson in town? She can sing and she could put on a really good American accent.

  9. And I decided, for no particular reason, that the sloth was Emma from the Wiggles.
    Let’s face it, I don’t know that many actual Australian singers so my guessing will be as good as Dave’s.
    Still, overall better talent than last year.

  10. I like this show but it would be even better with a bottle of red … or two.
    Anything to fill in the gaps while the judges talk.

  11. Another LGBT flag connection with the gold-fish. How many famous lesbians are there, in Australia, because I don’t know many! I still have no idea, but her belting out that cover of Bon Jovi’s “It’s My Life” was amaze-balls. There’s a lot of connections to “Play School”, which is another show I don’t watch much.

    The frillneck’s clue montage included references to a spat about somebody named Tony, so I imagine it was someone who got involved in a twitter war re: the plebicite with Tony Abbott.

  12. So the gold-fish was unmasked!

    Christine Anu! And you could tell she was a trained singer, because my gosh, the gold-fish could belt out a tune.

    And apparently her father owned a dojo, and she had black belt at the age of 12. How cool is that?

    • I was surprised that it wasn’t the moth/dragonfly thingy who is good but not as good as the others. I like the suggestion that it could Aly from the Bachelor.
      There’s no accounting for taste.
      I did not guess Christine Anu. I suppose we should have.

      • My friend says Dragon Fly is Jo Beth Taylor. I feel sorry for the judges having to pretend Queen is not KMH. Bushranger sings tomorrow and after googling Bonnie Anderson I have decided it is her – distinctive voice.

        • Yeah, I think the spooky queen is really a given, at this point. The judges mentioned the Jo Beth Taylor theory on the show, tonight. It’s as good as any.

          What’s funny about Anu is that, like Danni Minogue actually mentioned, Christine Anu was constantly being guessed last season, and it turned out, she shows up this year instead. I did love her cover of that Bon Jovi song. If you’re gonna do Bon Jovi, then do it right, you know?

        • I thought Jo Beth was on last season. I must have it confused with another show. I’m sure she appeared somewhere. My memory is that her voice is not very strong.

  13. I just watched an interview with Christine Anu on the Project. She was an absolute delight.
    I don’t remember her being that lovely on that weight loss show.

  14. The Sloth featured clues relating to Adelaide and Ireland, and there’s an Australian performer — Verity Hunt-Ballard — who’s mother was from South Australia and father from Ireland. I’ve never heard of her before, but Facebook makes a good case.

    I’ve changed my mind about the Wizard. I don’t think he’s Zac Efron (even though Danni Minogue thought he was), but he still sings amazingly.

    I definitely think the cat is Tina Arena.

    • Having said that, Jackie O put forward a great argument for Julia Morris as the kitten.

        • Yeah, I’ve changed my mind about that one. The kitten is almost one hundred percent Julia Morris.

          In my defense, she does sound a little bit like Tina Arena, but you can hear Julia’s voice in there.

          • Agree. the intonation sounds very like Julia Morris.

  15. The cat just sang my favourite song and sang it well. I have a tear.
    She made a fart joke.
    I can’t imagine Tina making a fart joke and surely there would be some reference to her heritage, or her name, given that Tina is not her real name.
    If Kate H-M’s voice wasn’t so distinctive you could swipe those two. Tina’s voice is almost as good.
    I prefer the Tuesday’s lot to the Monday lot.

  16. Well, I did not guess that.
    This is a better season than last year. I thought that most of last year’s singers were too easy to guess. This year, not so much.

    • I feel like I absolutely should’ve guessed Katie Noonan, particularly after the obvious Commonwealth Games reference in her clue package.

  17. I wonder if the kitten is Gina Riley? Gina has one of the best voices going around.
    I know that Julia has a good voice but she doesn’t have a great voice.

  18. I just watched an interview with Danielle Spencer. She has an album coming out.
    I’ve decided she’s the Dragonfly.
    What better way to get publicity.

  19. And I’ve decided that the Bushranger is Melinda Schneider.
    Apart from being a Country singer, she has a fabulous voice. She could easily do Lady Gaga.
    Right, I’ve got everyone covered except the frill necked lizard.

      • Everyone’s saying that about the Fill Necked Lizard. I’ve never heard of the guy, but people seem pretty convinced, so I’ll defer to the wisdom of the internet on that one.

      • I’m all in for Eddie.
        I’m a fan.
        And WS, please don’t tell me you didn’t watch Offspring? One of Australia’s best soaps for the first 4 seasons. People never know when to stop.

        • No, I never watched a single episode. Australian TV is so hit and miss, and I tend to be warier of the dramas on channel 10.

  20. I just saw on Facebook … and I assume it’s not a joke or a prank … that production of the show has been suspended immediately, because a member of production crew tested positive to covid.


    Here I thought, because of the masks, this would be the safest show on TV to watch. Yikes.

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