1. No, after the photo-shoot episode, I gave up on this season. I’ve missed a few, but I’m assuming that nothing important happened.

    • I just watched the encore and your assumption is correct. I was hopng for two Dr.Phils instead.

  2. Gosh, poor Joey is like a puppy, and watching his big, beautiful eyes as she broke up with him? Damn it Ellie.

    Oh, and Becky broke up with the creepy Adrian (I never liked him, there was just something off about him) and decided that the other dude is her boyfriend, and it’s over. This wasn’t a bad season, it was just so incredibly dull.

    Joey for Bachelor 2021!

    • Oh, and apparently, Pete and Becky didn’t even last 3 days after the show ended. So par for the course for this franchise, really.

      • Becky didnt read the signals that well. I dont think he was really that into her. He seemed quite aloof.

  3. Becky said she won’t move for love. She done that before but it didn’t work out. Pete will not move out from Adelaide. He has a business to run. Adrian is from Brisbane and seems to be close to his family. Becky should have done a Honeybadger. Didn’t like Adrian but he seems to like Becky.

    • I love seeing Honeybadger being punished on SAS. Mind you, being a Honeybadger now includes punching women and urinating in mixed company. He’s a real keeper.

      Choosing Adelaide over love. How traumatic for Pete. I watched a few eps of this.

  4. After the initial eeew reaction to the choice of sisters as bachelorettes, I had high hopes for this season.
    I liked the girls.
    But, apart from the one or two exceptions that make the rule, the guys were a dud lot.
    I think the season should have been over early by just going, nuh, nup and no in week 2.

  5. Apparently it was a very rushed season and the guys hardly spent any tine with the women, hence no love connections.
    I couldn’t bring myself to watch it – was Osher there for the finale at least?

    • That’s not a surprise. They had two Bachelorettes and had to use the same number of episodes for two separate batches of contestants, one for Becky and one for Ellie. And Bachelorettes traditionally get less episodes than their male counterparts, so that doesn’t surprise me at all.

      Joey deserved better, you jerks.

  6. Hey Littlepetal, there is goss out there about Adrian and his family that is more than a little problematic. I can’t copy the link.
    You have an excellent vibe-radar going for you.
    If they are foolish enough to run this show again, you will have to draw me up a spreadsheet.

  7. So Pete’s family were worried that Becky would break his heart but it turns out he broke her heart. Didn’t give it much of a go. Wonder if she wishes she picked Adrian.

      • Holy crap.

        At first it was like, “Okay, his brother is a sexual predator” and then it became, “and his friend flew overseas to fight in a war” and eventually, I’m thinking, is there a single person Adrian is connected or related to that doesn’t have a history of serious, violent crimes?

        And of course, it was Caboolture. Caboolture, for those lucky enough to never have heard of it, it just one of the most awful places.

        Channel 10 continues to be all class. I didn’t care much for Adrian from the start, there was just something about him that gave me the creeps.

      • On Adrian insta, he said Becky after being dumped, she spent 3 days with Adrian. Adrian doesn’t want to be someone second choice. So that didn’t work out. Poor Becky being used by the producers and have to face the media in tears. The so call closed sis of her was not even there to support her. BTW no lovey dovey photos of Elly and Frazer. Something is not right in that front.

  8. Not surprise with the news. Its over between Elly and Frazer. Actually how can you break up when you weren’t together in the first place?

    • It was a bizarre season.
      Some really odd – as in extra odd – guys to choose from. Thank god we don’t have Bachelor in Paradise so that they are inflicted upon us again.
      In the end, I liked the girls. I hope they find what they are looking for.

  9. Just about every rtv show I can think of has attracted a criminal or two over the years.

    Career opportunities.

    Don’t get me started on the judges. Oh well, say, Pete Evans, George Calombaris.

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