Junior MasterChef starts

Junior MasterChef starts Sunday, October 11.

The premier of Junior MasterChef starts at 7.30pm and runs for 90 minutes – bit late for me to watch with Mr 8, as planned. Why not start at 7pm?

Monday’s episode is only 60 minutes.



  1. I’m expecting that only a few of us are going to watch this. The time is problematic to my grand kids (the oldest being 9) so it is obviously not being aimed at children.
    That young judge is already annoying me on the ads. I hope he tones it down.
    Nevertheless, I will persist.
    I am looking forward to something joyful and happy. I already know that they are all better cooks than me. I just ask that they not be precocious. It’s such a small ask.

  2. I am going to have to record them to binge watch with Mr 8 another time, as we did with Lego Masters. But I will still watch tonight. In news interviews Andy comes across much more articulate than on the show, so perhaps he is more comfortable one on one.

  3. I am not minding the first ep.
    They are spending a lot of time introducing both the contestants, and their families. They all seem quite nice and none of them are overwhelmed.
    My hopes continue to ride high.

  4. Melissa is wearing gold shoes. ❤️❤️
    I have shoe envy. She is one of the best things to happen to MC since …

  5. Sadly Mr 8 had back to school jitters so I missed it. Hopefully will catch up tomorrow

  6. I’ll watch, but I feel as though we’ve seen already most of the impressive dishes because advertising for this has been so heavy. From the snippets, all the judges swoon and rave over just about everything the kids do. Theyr’e talking to the kids as one would to a two-year-old who has used the potty successfully for the first time. I dislike precocious kids, but dislike adults who talk down to children even more.

    • Isn’t that funny?
      I loved Jock running over to help all the contestants bring up their plates. I suspect it will turn in to a running gag and I am all there for it.
      I thought Melissa was great with the kids and they seemed to respond well to her.
      Andy was just as I expected but bearable. I think his problem was the same as on the real MC rather than talking down. He is not “authentic”, more acting the way he thinks a judge should act. I wonder who he thinks he’s imitating?

      • I’d only seen the ads before my comment. After watching the show, it wasn’t as bad as the promos made it look. The kids had to be somewhat food savvy to make it on to the show, so the judges needn’t have been so effusive in their praise of the first dishes. Maybe it’s because they are dealing with kids.

        I did see most of the episode and mostly enjoyed it. I’ll watch again.

  7. I liked them being introduced and being able to arrive with a parent / guardian. The episode did drag on a bit, I found myself fast forwarding towards the end. I agree about Jock helping carry the plates that was great.
    I heard Jock on the radio last week, he talked about asking the kids how / where they learnt to cook (expecting them to say mum or dad or nana etc) and apparently many of them said Youtube. Will be interesting to see how their cooking changes over time. Copying a video on YouTube is different to understand food and how to replace ingredients and create different flavours etc.

  8. Welcome to the Ma$terchef cult, children.

    I lasted fifteen minutes and left when the first brat started bleating about “taking it to the next level” “dreams” being “inspired”, “restaurant quality”. etc, etc. The use of “beautiful” to describe the mini amata’s own food.

    Behold the cultural damage Ma$terchef has done.

  9. Melissa is wearing red shoes tonight.
    I think I’m going to be tuning in just for Shoe Watch.
    Some of these kids are delightful. One or two have the potential to be irritating but, mostly, the editing is focusing on those happy to be there.

    • I agree, Bobi. The Cub Scout and Sashi’s boy stood out for me as likable kiddos last night. And a couple of the girls I didn’t warm to at all, but it was only the first episode.

      I haven’t seen Junior MC before. How do they handle eliminations? No doubt some of the kids will cry when they’re eliminated and that would be hard to see.

    • Bless the girl who messed up the panna cotta. She is an example to us all in how to deal with a set back.
      Absolute grace. She is going to be a magnificent adult.

  10. Well, that was a fun episode.
    I am actually sorry to see any of the kiddies go home.
    Sashi’s son is one of the eliminated. He seemed like a nice lad.

    • Where are you, Bobi? Your comments are the earliest of any of us.

      Only the state, I’m not asking for your home address. 🙂

      • I am ACT. So the right time 🤣.
        I try not to do spoilers but I thought it wouldn’t matter tonight.

        • Thanks. Spoilers don’t matter. I’m a big girl and can choose whether or not to read comments before the show comes on here. Sometimes they’re helpful if I have other things to do.

    • Ryan is a very nice boy. He is humble too. Didn’t assume his dish will be the best.

      Ben is cute too but I dunno he can take criticism.

  11. No one except me watching? I’m finding the episodes are very similar now – kids cook whatever they want, judges love almost every dish, only giving one or two some mildly negative criticism, repeat. I think one of the little girls is annoying, but can’t hate on a kid.

    I still have it on, but it’s mostly background noise now. Maybe it will get more interesting as they get further into the competition.

    • I missed the first two do I am saving it up to binge. How many more episodes do you reckon, Von? How many kids left?

      • Unless they step up the eliminations, I think there would be half a dozen eps to go, at least, There seem to be more immunity challenges than eliminations. But the first cull sent three kids home, so maybe all of them involve small groups going home.

        While it is a bit yawn-inducing for me right now, I think your young dude will enjoy it. Most of the kids are great.

  12. Aw, yeah, it’s Ruby who is annoying me, self-important little missy. There was bound to be one.

    • Awww I actually like Ruby because she was such a sweetie in one of the episode helping the girl next to her bench. Her messy hair , just what a young little girl looks when I was growing up.

  13. I stressed a bit through both of Ben’s cooks tonight and I’m happy he got through. Thinking of him only as the youngest, cute, and with a good sense of humour has done him a dis-service. A couple of his interactions with the kids on the gantry were not only hilarious, but spot on. After he was well into his second cook, when he began a “let’s go Ben, let’s go” chant, then told the gantry kids matter of factly that it was really sad that he had to start his own chant, earned him a little round of applause from me. He may not win, but I hope he goes far in this competition, because he works his butt off.

  14. There were some impressive dishes from these kids last night. I’m a little sceptical that they are all finishing within the time limit, but that isn’t spoiling the show for me.

    Five kids made it to immunity: Ben (yay!), Dev, and the girl who presented the “deconstructed panna cotta” earlier in the season, and two others. I don’t know everyones name yet.

    Tonight they have to cook a dish using hand-pulled noodles. There is a master noodle chef on. I love watching those guys.

    • I loved the line about “These judges have high standards”.
      I don’t know why. Something about it just made me laugh out loud.

      • Well, yeah.

        I must have got confused and the kids chosen last night are cooking for immunity tonight. I like watching them prepare and cook and don’t necessarily listen to the judges’ chatter.

        I laughed that the kids were standing there open-mouthed while watching the noodle master, Mind you, I was as well, in awe and admiration.

  15. I could have happily scoffed any of those noodle dishes tonight.

    What I am really enjoying about the juniors is that they can laugh at themselves when they make a minor stuff up, although they still try to correct it. They are not so deadly serious about every single thing, as the adults are on MC. There are lots fewer tears,

    Re doneness of noodles of any type, is that not a subjective opinion? Unless noodles are seriously over- or under-cooked, surely mouth feel or tooth feel when biting are subjective.

  16. I missed last nights episode.
    Ben has been sent home. I am heartbroken. 😢
    Here’s a prediction. This is a kid who is going to be compering his own show in a couple of years and I, for one, will be all in.

    • I, too, am sad that Ben has left. He is a charming and very likeable young dude, with a good sense of humour. Your prediction is probably not too far off.

      He gave a nice exit speech, saying how much fun he’d had.

      As for Ruby…bye Ruby.

  17. Ha ha ha, the last person those kids wanted to see at tonight’s final was their mums.

  18. I would have been happy for any of these last three to win, so it is impossible for me to be disappointed.
    This has been a lovely show.
    I haven’t tuned in to every episode and I rarely watch one episode all the way through but it is calming and happy and I would be more than pleased if they repeated the exercise.
    As long as they don’t overdo it.

    • I also watched the show on and off and enjoyed what I saw. I think most of those children could teach the adult contestants a thing or two.

  19. I really enjoyed Junior Masterchef. Those kids put us adults to shame. All those dishes looked spectacular. I really thought Filo would win. That chocolate hazelnut dessert looked out of this world.

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