Beauty and the Geek is back, and check out Sophie’s bogan accent

Reality show Beauty and the Geek Australia is back on TV after a hiatus and this time it has a female host: Sophie Monk.

Perhaps plans for a new series of Love Island were scuttled by covid. They switched the format but kept the host the same.

It’s almost worth watching just to listen to how delightfully bogan Sophie’s accent has remained over the years.

It’s the usual format: a geek is paired with a beauty to support each other as they undertake challenges. The geeks have been told to grow beards to look extra geeky, and a few are regular guys just with bad haircuts. Surprisingly, not every girl is an Insta botoxed to the max wannabe. Sure, there are a couple of super vapid ones but also a few with seemingly kind hearts. And the producers did well with one pairing in particular, in order to bring out the best in the geek.

Beauty and the Geek airs on Nine



  1. I used to love “Beauty and the Geek” when it was on, on channel 7, like, a hundred years ago.

    But I think channel 9 has MAFSed it all up, a bit. The original series was simply about people from these two different worlds coming together to learn from each other. It was usually an unintended highlight if the contestants started crushing on each other (and usually happened across team lines), but there was never a big focus on the show as a dating show.

    But last night, Sophie couldn’t seem to stop reminding us that, maybe the geeks and beauties will fall for each other? It seemed a little contrived for my liking. It’s not meant to be a dating show, you know?

    Anyway. We’re only here for the makeover episodes, when the geeks get haircuts, proper shaves and clothes that fit … and end up being incredibly good-looking. I’m intrigued, but not enough to keep watching, although I’ll definitely tune back in for the makeovers.

  2. I will tune in and out. It’s not the sort of show that you can watch all the way through. Some people will be annoying and the editing will be awful.
    The make-overs are my favourite bit, obviously.
    But I will be tuning in for the sweaty guy, definitely. How are they going to fix that?

    • Sweaty guy is just so lovely – and is a great pianist. Yes, the date angle is awkward and icky. One beardie guy has already been revealed to be an actor. Tonight’s costume party revealed just how unworldly some of the girls are. Some had never heard of Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz

  3. I have recorded last night’s but only glimpsed.
    Sophie has a good sense if humour but her voice grates on me. She should go into politics because she could join others famous grating voices; Anthony Albanese, Julia Hillard, Bob Hawke.

    Actually, she probably would do very well running for a seat in an electorate. When she isn’t over conforming to producer’s direction, she is very likeable.

  4. Ooo, that new blond girl said, “I want this date HONEY”, like someone who calls you Honey in a fight. Lise her fast.

  5. Rob had a couple of cuckoo birds, and he probably already has scratched them off;. “Love is like two trees that don’t grow in each other’s shade”.

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