Old shows return to TV, new shows begin

It’s a busy week in reality TV land, with Australian Survivor finishing and a slew of new shows hitting our screens.

SAS Australis is back at 7.30pm on Seven, going head to head with the Masked Singer starting on Ten.

The local version of Making It kicks off on Ten on Wednesday. I watched the first season of the US original (mainly because it was hosted by Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman – an actor who is a fabulous woodworker) and it was a good bit of fun. Expect many puns about sewing, wood etc.

Will you be tuning in to any of them?



  1. I’m probably not going to watch The Masked Singer, because I’m not very familiar with modern day singers. But I do think one of the promos for it is cute – at least until they start beating the crap out of the pinata.

    Making It sounds as though it would be entertaining, so I will give that one a go.

  2. I’m not watching SAS.
    I heard an ad in the car where the highlight seems to be the pain and suffering inflicted upon each contestant.
    There is something wrong with thinking of glorified torture is entertainment.

  3. I’ll also be passing, hard, on SAS.

    I’m not interested in watching famous people be tortured on-camera for my amusement. I think that’s a little messed up.

    I’ll probably give “Masked Singer” a try, I quite enjoyed the first two seasons. Even if Dave keeps guessing the most unlikely, ridiculous names.

  4. Anyway, in TV-related news, today I watched the first episode of a new five-part drama series on cable, “Scenes of a Marriage”. Foxtel advertises these big American productions, and last year, I started hitting the little green button on my remote control which records them, so I can watch the first episode. I’ve watched some good TV that way.

    Anyway, this first episode wasn’t very interesting, and it had lost me by about the half-hour mark, so I’m probably not going to follow it.

    But I will say this. The opening 30 seconds of the first episode was a scene of the main actress arriving on set (and all the production assistants around her are getting the set ready, and wearing masks, and being covid safe, and everything), and the very last thing she does is put the prop wedding ring on her finger, before the director yells “action!” and the actual show starts.

    And I found this, unnecessary, and maybe a little pretentious, but it was such an interesting choice. Rarely will a serious production even acknowledge the fourth wall (you know, the screen that separates the actors from the audience), let alone set fire to the damn thing, right off the bat. And I couldn’t help thinking, is this making a point that the marriage we’re about to see is just as much a production — a contrived and forced act, put on by the players, ie, the husband and wife — as the actual television show we’re about to watch, being put on by the actors? A reminder for the audience to step back and remember we’re just watching a performance, whether it’s a dramatic production or an actual marriage?

    Like I said, I didn’t much care for the rest of the first episode, but I thought that was a really interesting way to start the show, because it made me think.

    • Windsong, I think this is a remake of an old Ingmar Bergman film. I usually found his films to be hard going and I haven’t seen this one.

      It might be worth sticking with it for a couple of episodes, or it might be too much like hard work. I am not a fan of remakes.

    • I saw about 20 minutes of the Scenes of a Marriage later on in the episode and it is hard going because it sounds like there’s no script so the actors are the writers and writers they’re not. It’s basically yea, no, okay okay, etc. inane. So it’s still a hard slog and it’s a hard no from me.

      I saw most of SAS last night because the interesting parts are background stories that sound authentic rather than the ones you see on teh Voice, Idol etc where they try and milk the melodrama.

      HOWEVER, one of the trainers got into Alicia Molik’s face spitting and yelling at her for what seemed ages and that was confronting. There’s trying to treat both genders the same on the show and then there’s the data of at least one woman being murdered by a partner or ex partner every week in Australia. Those idiots don’t need to see their opinions on the treatment of women validated.

  5. I’ll tune in to The Masked Singer. I find Dave Hughes a nob and his “guesses” are contrived and not funny. And the other judges reactions just as contrived and not funny.
    I’ve never been a Jacquie O fan.
    Still, I do enjoy the performance and the game of trying to work it out. Sometimes it’s obvious – people have surprisingly distinct voices – and some people just sound same-same.
    I can’t wait for MakingIt. I so have my fingers crossed that it doesn’t disappoint.

    • My first thought for this season of “The Masked Singer”?

      The mullet is Jay Laga’aia.

      We know the guy can sing. And when he was talking to the panel, he mentioned that he doesn’t have to get his hair wet, anymore (when Danni asked him if he was a swimmer). Jay used to be on “Water Rats”, although I know him from being one of Xena Warrior Princess’s arch-enemies.

      • That all makes sense. I thought there might have been a football connection but I can’t pick it.
        I have no clue with this lot but at least they can all sing.
        I thought it was a stretch calling Vinnie Jones a Hollywood A Lister but, in spite if that, I was pleasantly surprised. He seemed to be very good natured about it all.

  6. Until something comes on, maybe Big Brother, I will stick to my daytime TV recordings and Netflix etc.

    We watched Good Girls and are now giving Mind Hunter a try.

    • Daisy, Mind Hunter is a slow burn but gets really good, then slows again. I am sad they only made two seasons. We are currently hooked on Vigil but I think it is only on pay TV.

    • I tried Mind Hunter. I like psychological stuff but I found this one unrelentingly miserable.
      If you watch it for to long, you will be looking at your neighbours through the blinds and you will never leave your house again.
      Maybe it was because this one was loosely based on real people. Horrifying thought.
      I am starting to wonder if there is something particularly awful about Americans. It might be the nature of publicity, but do they have more than their fair share of horrendous.

      • Is it going to be all serial killers because I don’t like serial killer movies/series, or ones about people being kept in a basement or cupboard. Weird because I can watch docos about them.

      • I can’t remember for sure but it felt like it. From memory, the real people interviewed real serial killers to find out if there were common threads. It was used for the basis of “profiling” which, as you know, has good aspects and bad aspects.
        So interesting from that point of view. And these people should be admired for their work but I can’t imagine how they sleep at night. They must be the very definition of PTSD.
        So if you like true crime, this should be right up your alley.
        It was just a little too up close and personal for me.

        • I like crime docos but for some reason entrapment/imprisonment and serial killer series, no. I couldn’t even watch Hand Maid’s Tale because of the entrapment theme.

    • Some of these people look like they are desperate for any sort of publicity – has Dan Ewing’s name been mentioned more than once? – but Sam Burgess takes being oblivious to a whole new level. I can’t see what he hopes to gain from this shmozzle except a truckload of money. He seems to be the poster boy for domestic violence. Out of his own mouth.

      • I’ve always had a soft-spot for Dan Ewing.

        He played Dillon, the Black Ranger, on “Power Rangers RPM” the 17th season of the show (and the last season that was owned by Disney, before Haim Saban bought it off them in a partnership with Nickelodeon. Yes, I know these things).

        • I didn’t mind him in H & A.
          I get that referring to yourself in the third person is a form of self control. It’s just irritating.
          And how lovely that he was a Power Ranger 🤣. Oddly, so was that previous contestant who ruined his career by going on this show.

          • Oh! I totally should’ve remembered that.

            Firass was in season 14, “Mystic Force”. It was a season mostly disliked by the majority of the PR fandom, but I thought it was one of my favourites. Firass did a really great job there. Plus, he was so pretty.

  7. I watched the first episode of Making It. It was a bit of fun.
    I think it has potential.
    The hosts were easy to watch and mostly charming.
    It was long but I’m guessing that was because there were 13 contestants and we had to be introduced to everyone.
    There is a huge gap between the best and the worst so I am also assuming, as the numbers get whittled down, that the episodes will get better.
    I don’t think that it’s as good as Lego Masters but I’ll tune back in.

  8. Making It.
    Episode 2. Sill too long.
    I can already pick the final three contestants.
    My favourite contestant was eliminated tonight. I shed a little tear. Maybe I am getting invested.

    • I’ve been watching, too. Sometimes it seems to drag and sometimes I think I’d like to see more of how the contestants make their things. I was sad that Russell was eliminated last night. They were good value and an entertaining competitor.

      • Using that pronoun made my grammar eye twitch. But, that is their choice, and I think I should respect that. It costs me nothing to be courteous.

      • I did not know that they was a they.
        I see your twitch and up it one.
        But I, too, think that that this is a minimum level of good manners and I am happy to comply.

    • I have been watching on fast forward. Mr Juz and I started the first one together but he dropped out halfway when we kept discovering new contestants. I swear the US one only has about eight. It’s obvious there are some talented artists in there and then some crafty types but good on them for having a go

    • I quite like DWTS. There’s something comforting about it.
      You dance, you hum along to the tune, you tap your feet, you admire the costumes, you get cranky with Todd (if he wasn’t a greyhound owner, I would have no time for his snarkiness), and, generally, you are happy the end result.
      What’s not to like?

  9. The contestants on The Voice have been a surprise this season. Must be all those people available due to lockdown.
    I know who two of them are, btw. Just sayin’ 😄

  10. I really enjoyed Making It tonight.
    I am either getting into the rhythm of it or it has found it’s feet.
    Not quite at the delightful stage yet but certainly very enjoyable.

    • I keep forgetting to look for it.

      I did a day (not enough time) of the Margaret River Open Studio trail.

    • I watched most of Making It and am enjoying it more as it goes along. I think it is easy to watch because it’s pretty laid-back, and the hosts are playful without being too corny. The contestants seem like nice, normal people, much less inclined to turn into conceited twats than other reality shows.

      I changed over to Lost For Words on SBS. It’s a 3 part series about a group of adults who struggle with reading and writing, who are taking part in an intensive course to help them improve their literacy. I was in tears at the first part, not from pity, but from seeing the battles the people went through trying to cope with everyday life, and the systems they each had come up with to get by. I’d never thought much about it; what would I do if I couldn’t read the destination on a bus or train?

      • I had to stop watching because I got teary.
        I decided it’s a morning show for me and look forward to watching it over coffee and scones.

        • I have seen bits of the UK version. Like Old People’s Home for Four Year Olds I end up bawling. Same with some of those ambulance/emergency dept shows

  11. Another enjoyable episode of Making It.
    I was hoping at the beginning of this show that there would be no eliminations and the winner would be the one with the most number of badges. Of course it couldn’t be so. The episodes would be just too long.
    Another of my favourites has been sent home.
    I am really liking these people. They are all my favourites.

  12. There were two surprises on The Masked Singer.
    The first was Kyle Sandilands. He can actually sing. 😯 I know.
    I mean he wasn’t great-great but he was good enough that I thought that he might have been a older country singer or a retired rocker.
    And when the clues were explained, it was sooo obvious but then that’s what I enjoy about this show – not necessarily working it out because I recognise the voice but because of the cryptic clues.
    Jackie was surprised. There are a lot of jokes all over sm that she will win a supporting actress award for her performance but, honestly, I don’t think she is that good an actress. Maybe she exaggerated but I don’t think she knew.
    Or maybe she did. Care factor = low.
    The second reveal was Macy Grey. Truthfully, she didn’t look that thrilled to be here. I’m guessing that the costume wasn’t much fun. It was very top heavy and it was clearly awkward to manoeuvre. She did make a reference to feeling like she was in prison.
    You know, when they have overseas artists of the calibre of Macy on (and I’m guessing that there a couple more similar overseas acts to come), it feels a bit off.
    Times must be really desperate for the entertainment industry, and the money must be really good, for someone to spend 24 hours on an aeroplane, two weeks in quarantine, a couple of hours shoved into a suffocating costume with no one recognising them (how embarrassment), and then to suffer the indignity of wild and possibly offensive guesses by those inane judges.
    And what is with all the shouting? They have microphones. They don’t have to be that loud and repetitive. Thank god for Ursula – she can be funny – and I suppose I can tolerate Danni. She, at least, knows what her job is.

    • The clues are too cryptic. I would prefer they make it a little bit easier to guess who it is. Some are ridiculous.

  13. Alli Simpson was tonight’s evictee from The Masked Singer.
    Osher asked Alli what was it like to be able to go about unrecognisable.
    The audience just laughed and laughed.
    We don’t who the hell this woman is, and Osher shouting her name half a dozen still doesn’t help.

    • Yep. She’s a total stranger to me.

      We can’t guess “celebrities” we’ ve never heard of. It might as well have been Homer Simpson.

    • She was on I’m a celebrity this year. A lot of people think Jack Vigden is the Kebab & he was on I’m a celebrity this year too.

  14. Ella Hooper was tonight’s evictee. No surprise. She has a very distinctive voice.
    I couldn’t match any of the clues (too obscure for me) but I knew who she was as soon as she opened her mouth.
    Not complaining. I’ve always like Killing Heidi.

  15. Ohhhhh so upset to see Baby go last night. I wanted her to win. Why are stupid Mullet & Kebab still there? What idiots keep voting for them?

    • I agree with you.
      I don’t love Jack’s singing. I have never been a fan of the new style of screaming and warbling. Vocal gymnastics just is a cover up for having no control, imo.
      The fish is alright. 🤷‍♀️
      I am assuming that things are being slightly arranged so that all the men are not eliminated. Cynic? Much?

  16. I have been pretty busy and my spare time has been taken up with pottery and drawing.
    I am going to teach myself watercolours next, and try and improve on my illustrations.

    • Watercolours come under the heading of Too Hard For Me.
      Pretty, delicate, glowy but unforgiving.
      Good luck. Those I know who have taken up watercolours, just love it.
      And you can take it with you easily. Just a tiny pack in your handbag and you’re good to go. I envy that.
      But everything I do just looks like a 5 years olds finger painting.

      • Yes, I have mostly avoided them until now but I think I can give them another go. Find my own method.

  17. I watched the second episode of Lost for Words. Such a lovely show.
    It was a happy episode because you can see them making progress. I am feeling warm and fuzzy.

    • Damn, I forgot about that last night. Maybe it will be re-run later in the week. I’m happy they are making progress.

    • I’m sure they will. SBS repeat a lot.
      You could also watch it on SBS streaming. It’s free.
      I have given up all other streaming services except iview and SBS. I struggle to keep up with just those.

    • As always, I begin by being very excited.
      MC has very fond memories for me. It is one of those shows where my enjoyment is entirely governed by the contestants and it seems, if the ads are to be believed, that the contestants are going to be delightful.
      And like the rest (51%) of Australia, I am totally in love with Matt Le Nevez, and so happy to see him come back to life.

  18. Today’s news…woh! 😁
    But it depends who follows Gladgate.

    Kerry might be knocking back a red wine or Scotch tonight. Gladys won’t be taking calls and getting hammered.

    • You’ve probably already gathered that I have mixed views about Gladdie.
      I dislike intensely the double standard of a man being allowed to sleep around but a woman is held accountable for the sins of her boyfriend – and don’t get me started on the comparison between Federal and state. Ffs.
      On the other hand, ICAC. 🤷
      The interesting point to me (me, me, me), is the reading by the media of her farewell speech. Leaving the content aside, some body language expert said that she was “broken”. I thought she just looked relieved.
      I mean, obviously upset that she has to resign and the humiliation of it all (taking into account that most political leadership roles end on some note of humiliating defeat. It’s almost as certain as death and taxes) but that she now can take a break.
      There is no job that she will be given that would be as relentless and difficult as dealing with a pandemic. Jokes about idiots, change that to her political colleagues, can be inserted here. Heaven help us if either Hazzard or Ballario get chosen as the next premier. This is seriously a case of, “we could all be worse off, folks”.

      • If you want to buy your boyfriend, or girlfriend a present maybe a watch? And use your own money?

        I don’t think she was as perfectly honourable as she told as daily that she was.

        Still, my biggest resentment was her letting her ego get in the way of shutting the borders, and showing no remorse. Male or female, I don’t care. I equally dislike Buzzard and Morrison.

        I’ll be honest with you, I have been raised voting lib, and almost almost voted lib since the 70s. But since Glad and Morrison, I am healed.

        • But I was raised with a grandfather reading me China Reconstructs, teaching me Russian and praising Kruschef, in the late 50s- early 60s.

  19. It’s a Saturday night and Making It is on.
    I don’t remember it being on Saturdays. I’m not complaining because there’s usually a dearth of shows on Saturday nights.
    I am relaxed. There is nothing competing for my attention and I am enjoying it a lot. They made musical instruments. How clever these people are and now they are making a game.

    • An example of someone who has been told everyday that she is “special” by her parents and hasn’t moved on.
      She is a good advertisement for the show because, of course, I will be tuning in to see how she deals with the competition and the inevitable rejection. So looking forward to it.

    • I know five.
      Possibly seven if you allow me to include name recognition of someone else as a criterion.
      I don’t understand why some of these people keep popping up on tv. If I was Wayne Carey, I would be so embarrassed about my past history that I would be out of sight forever. And this show is designed to humiliate so there is no possibility that every torturous, excruciating detail isn’t brought to light.

      • I am now up to nine – didn’t spot Paul French at first as he looked so mugshotty

    • You’d all know Orpherus Pledger but probably don’t recognise the name & he looks very different. He played Mason on Home & Away a few years back.

  20. I tuned in to The Masked Singer “final” and all I can say is, fftt.
    What drivel is this I see before me?
    Everyone involved should be mortified and embarrassed.
    The good news is that I found a BBC reenactment of a true crime drama on 7 (season one is on ABC iview). Only the British can make make absolutely nothing happening truly tense.

    • I went to an art portrait drawing group last night. It’s only once a month.
      I’m a beginner at this so bear with me.

      • Very nice.
        I find it surprisingly hard to get a likeness. The nose is always a problem for me. Never where I want it to be.

        • Likeness is always the trick. Unless you you impressionist or expressionist.

          You’ll know this, but what makes a person unique and recognizable are minute differences in things like facial proportions, so naturally it’s difficult to draw a person as opposed to their identical twin. 🤣

  21. And our brains are so annoying, telling us to see things we don’t see because it has a mind of it’s own. 🤣

    I was watching a video on neurophysics and it showed two squares on a checker board looked white and dark grey, when in fact, they were both the same mid grey but our brains interpret the information and they come out grey and white. Damn brain.

  22. Speaking of new shows, there’s a rtv show about parenting coming to Ch 9.

    From the creators of MAFS. Need I say more?

  23. I enjoyed the finale of the Masked Singer.
    Of course we knew who they were. So annoying listening the judges pretend that they didn’t. BS.
    But it was lovely to see how genuinely happy the contestants were to be on the show and how much fun they obviously had. Love to see people not treating it as just another job.

    • You know, I enjoyed the Masked Singer finale too.

      Sure, we all guessed the vampire was Anastacia (and it was almost a sure bet that she was going to win) because she has such an unmistakable, unique voice … but people pay money to listen to Anastacia sing, and we all got to her her sing for free. I thought it was great.

      And you’re right. The cast who are actual performers all seemed really glad to be able to actually perform, which was nice.

  24. I watched the finale of Lost For Words. Everything is coming to an end. Soon the Christmas decorations will be out.
    It was a lovely series, only three episodes. There were happy tears everywhere including at my house.

  25. Taralli with fennel seeds. They are a bit like pretzels but smaller and fennelier.
    You have them with a dip or cheese or, as in my case, wine.
    Mine are not pretty but I’m on my second glass of wine so I have moved on.

    • You are getting adventurous with your baking. I would smush up a quick avocado and yogurt dip and then eat all of those – with a glass of wine.

      • They even use wine instead of water. Right up my alley 🤣.
        The Pinterest algorithm is flooding my feed. It is quite pleasing.

    • I love cooked fennel seeds. Fennel itself, not so much. For a picnic I yesterday I made pork sausage rolls with fennel seed and they were a hit

  26. The Bachelorette promos don’t augur well for this season. I’m glad a lot of these shows can be filtered painlessly via Gogglebox, saving a lot of wasted time.

    • It’ll be interesting to see them playing up the bisexual angle, so the mansion will be filled with guys and girls, so I guess that’s kind of new? Except they’ll all just have too much champagne at the cocktail parties, head upstairs and hook up anyway. And, honestly, Brooke wasn’t that interesting in the first place.

    • I like Brooke. I liked the fact that she walked out on that numnut. Hopefully that means that she won’t put up with any manufactured drama. Non-manufactured drama is good for me.
      I didn’t watch Bach in Paradise, so I am assuming she was not quite so interesting there?
      She is a pretty girl. I hope she finds what she wants. Girls don’t tend to do well out of this franchise so I am not holding my breath.

      • Brooke is bowled over by a fake tradie. I say fake because, he’s not smoking, or sitting in a ute looking up stuff on his phone……

  27. Just to let you know, I am officially in quarantine.
    I have been for a COVID test and I am waiting on the results.
    My mind set is interesting. I can’t quite get my head around the concept of full quarantine and denial is ever present.
    I’m not expecting a positive result so I am more irritated than worried.
    As everyone says, inevitable.

    • Good luck Bobi,
      The first time I had a test, was early days, last year, no symptoms but there was a bus so I did it for fun.

      The second time was about 3.months ago. All the kids at school were coughing and sneezing their mucus everywhere. I had an op coming up and wanted to be responsible. I got tested and told under threat of a $50000 fine to get my butt straight home, do not pass go. And stay there until notified. Luckily I still made my op.
      But it seemed inconsistent that they sent me into quarantine but didn’t ask about or shut down the school.

      Anyhow, back to you Bobi, good luck. You won’t have it, unless you can catch it making bread.

    • I got a txt from the check in app. Unfortunately the timelines matched up exactly.
      It was all handled very well. They must be in the swing of things.
      The only thing that was bizarre was going to the testing centre. It had all been set up for thousands of cars and yet, there were only 20 of us at the end point. So all these people at every bend directing me for a long twisting drive. Just me. Lonesome.
      I got my negative result back almost immediately but, from here on, it’s a bit vague. I have decided that I will just stay put for a while. I couldn’t afford the fine if I got this wrong.

      • I’m relieved to hear that your test was negative, Bobi. Hooray for those who use common sense, follow the protocols, and most importantly, are vaccinated.

      • Good news, Bobi.

        What a way to be living. Good idea to stay put. I wouldn’t be running around Victoria or NSW at the moment, even if the premiers declare open season.

  28. Muffins.
    Why did I not know this stuff before?
    These were the most delicious.
    I have accepted that my cooking will never take prizes for looks (I swear I only took my eye off them for a minute 🤣) but definitely 10 out of 10 for eating.

    • They look delicious.
      They need a muffin tin. I’ve been using cookie cutters. It’s about time I went internet shopping.

  29. I am watching the Australian version of The Dog House.
    Firstly, dogs ❤️.
    However, it’s not quite as charming as the UK version. It’s a little more contrived and feels more scripted.
    I will keep watching but it won’t be a problem if I forget.

    • Thanks for the heads up, Bobi. I won’t watch, because if I think the dogs may not be really kept with their new owners, it would make me too sad.

      I’m thinking of adopting another dog and am trying to get past feeling disloyal to my old boy if I do. It may not make sense, but that’s the way I feel right now. 🙂

    • I know that feeling.
      I am aware that my beautiful doggo is getting old (he is 10 and greyhounds live to about 12) but I can’t imagine a house without a dog.
      Plus, the grey misses the terrier so much, as do I. I often think about getting him a companion which would give him company. Still I’m not sure that I could manage a second dog, Two greyhounds would be 80 kilos of dog – a bit much for me and feeding him is not cheap (digestive issue) – and a walking a big dog and a small dog together would be impossible so that could end up with 4 walks a day.
      I have a friend who is approaching 80 who said that she wouldn’t get another dog due to her age and then inherited her son’s whippet (a busy house was too much for the dog). She is so happy. I wonder if it was a “plan” by her children.
      I have never owned a puppy but have always had second-hand dogs. All the problems that they come with have been minor, and mainly health, so I can reassure you on that issue. Having said that, I took doggo to dog school. All the dogs there were staffy crosses and all had behavioural issues. I don’t think the RSPCA does a great job of vetting the dogs.
      It is all so complicated and difficult. I have no advice. Just sympathy.
      I don’t know what I am going to do.
      I hope you find a solution. A good dog is a joy.

  30. Thank you, Bobi. I agree, a house without a dog just doesn’t seem right, the house feels empty. I am too old to get a puppy, but an older dog will be good. The shelter from which I got my old boy does vet dogs and prospective owners, and I trust them. Getting past feeling guilty about a new dog is something I have to deal with, but I will get there. Yes, a good dog is a joy…almost any dog is a joy. I even miss dog hair everywhere :).

  31. Cop this.
    The dehumanisation, self righteous arrogant contempt, vilification, bullying and ostracism shown toward people who have chosen not to vaccinate is toxic, heartbreaking and divisive. Most people I know who are not vxing are well educated, have spent weeks researching before making that decision and many of them are well informed medical health workers. Like Sam, they deserve respect and inclusion, not derision and abuse. They are part of our community. We belong together.

    I couldn’t resist commenting when I read “weeks”. 🤣

    Oh throw away that 6 year epidemiology degree then.

    • Those “weeks” of tireless “research” on Facebook really inspire confidence….

      I better watch Home And Away tonight to see how to live with Covid.

      However , if you see Dr.Phil today, you’ll know that Colloidal Silver is the magic bullet in the Covid deal…..( that IS a joke, don’t try it , gice)

  32. Making It was its lovely self again tonight.
    I’m sorry that it hasn’t grabbed an audience. It’s would be surprised if there’s a season 2, but pleased.
    It’s just a nice show with nice people, and it runs at a nice pace now. It was way too long in the first couple of episodes.

    • Scheduling it for 6 pm on a Saturday night is not going to help its ratings. I’ve missed the episode now. That is disappointing

  33. I’d like to make book on how many more ads for The Bachelorette will be shown before the show actually airs tomorrow.

    I’m going with 1500.

    • Ch 10 are hoping to breathe life back into a ratings corpse the Honey Badger created. I’ve seen them , too, Von. Brooke’s game to go back for more.

    • I swear there are only ads on for The Bachelorette. I’m guessing they have a lot of money riding on this. They seem to have spent an absolute fortune on her wardrobe. Not that I’m complaining. She looks fabulous. This is going to be better than the red carpet at the Oscars.
      I will watch the introductions and then step out for a while until the crowd is whittled down to about 10.
      I have to say that if the ads are anything to go by, Brooke really knows how to play the Bachie game. I hope that makes it more interesting than the last couple of seasons.

      • Her wardrobe is impressive. I really like the red dress that is in the first ad I saw. Now the sight of it is the cue for me to grab the remote and hit Mute.

  34. Speaking of flogging, The Dog House, Australia seems to be on repeat every day.
    Putting it on again and again doesn’t make it a better show.
    I wonder, in these days of COVID distancing, whether it was one of the few shows that could actually be made.

  35. The Bachelorette was just as expected. A beautiful dress, contestants being introduced in what-were-they-thinking kind of ways ( a lawnmower, ffs), and hints at the front runners.
    Just a hint to the lass that thinks that they formed a friendship in Numnuts season, if there was something there, you would have kept in touch. The clue is in no Instagram following.
    After that, it was a parade of women taking Brooke off for private chats while the guys sat about fuming. I don’t know if that means that the guys are a polite lot this season or that women are better at dating techniques.
    Someone is sent home 🤷‍♀️.
    What’s the bet it’s a woman sent home next time. It’s like my brother sorting out the lollies – one for me, two for you. We all know how it’s going to go until it gets interesting.

  36. So I thought I’d mention this for interest sake.

    Yesterday on FB, a producer from “Beauty and the Geek” approached me and asked me if I was interested, since they were currently casting next year’s season.

    A couple of other friends were also approached, and we did some slight research on the person, and yeah, it was legit.

    I turned the lady down. For a start, the age cut-off for the show was 20 to 35, and I’m 38 (a young 38, but the silver temples and receding hairline would give me away), and secondly, “Beauty and the Geek” has been repackaged as a dating show, and I honestly can’t think of anymore awful than dealing with my hilarious lifetime of traumatic dating issues in front of a national audience.

    Still, it’s not every day you get offered to be on TV.

    • How lovely to be invited.
      I get why you turned it down. I would to. It’s not that I don’t admire people who are capable of putting it all out there but I’m not one of them.
      However, you know that we would have all tuned for that and we would have all cheered you on. It may not have been a delight for you but it would have been a delight for us.

    • Yes, Windsong , well done on the offer…and the refusal.

      I watched the Bachelorette tonight. That creep Darvid got a rose , yet still tried to hog Brooke’s time. He’s more like a Davros.

      • Early days but the betting is on Davros. I hope this isn’t the winners cut. I want to be kept guessing until the last second.

  37. Popovers.
    Firstly, not really bread related.
    Secondly, they didn’t popover.
    Thirdly, they were not light and fluffy.
    I won’t do these again.
    But I share.

    • Thank you for sharing. Some of them sort of popped. You have a muffin tin now!

      I’m sorry they didn’t turn out well.

      I’m even more sorry that…I kind of laughed :(. I was reminded of the last time I pulled some mostly flat, mostly hard scones from my oven.

      • I suspect we each might have made something similar.
        Little, tiny, soft bricks. 🤣🤣🤣

      • You created “nuffins”. Deconstructed Muffins. The Ma$terchef judges will go for them.

        • I would talk about my nonna, cry a tear or two 😢, and how it’s all about the flavour.
          Everyone would conveniently ignore the fact that you could break a tooth on one of these.
          Automatic immunity pin. 😄

  38. After my edible brick disappointment, I made Simmit.
    They’re Arabic.
    I remember them with fondness from my days overseas.
    These taste the same but they are a bit fat. I’ve given up on elegant plating.

    • You’re making things I never heard of :), is it a yeast bread roll sort of thing? I Googled simmit and got results ranging from Teletubbies to builders.

      Regardless, I would tear one open and slather with butter, maybe some Vegemite, too.

    • Sorry, I made a spelling mistake. One M.
      My bad.
      It is yeast based but very easy because it’s supposed to be more on the crunchy side. I didn’t roll it thin enough before I did the twist. Impatience doesn’t make for a good cook.
      Ever so slightly sweet so I don’t know about Vegemite. I don’t see why not.
      Absolutely butter.
      Delicious with cheese.
      Tomatoes with salt and pepper. Any sort of dip.

  39. I know you’ve all forgotten that The Block is on 🤣🤣🤣 but just a quick update.
    It was backyard reveals.
    Here’s the conundrum. How can you make every backyard look exactly the same? Beats me, and yet every pair of contestants managed to do so. It’s a miracle.
    Surely, after all this, this franchise will finally lies down and die.

    • Maybe, but we assumed that about the Bachelor franchise about 3 seasons ago, and that thing is harder to get rid of than covid.

    • I’d be getting the tradies to dig graves for the appalling host, jaded judges and obnoxious contestants. They do everything else.

      $cotty called it ” his show”.

  40. I have been working every day this week and it appears, next year they might need me more than I really want to work as anti-vaxers are deciding their “freedom and rights” are more important than their health, community health, their jobs and being able to feed their kids. Well good for them. 😑

    • I find it incredibly stupid that anyone would rather risk their life, the lives of those around them, and losing their job than get a safe vaccine.

      All they’re demonstrating is their ignorance. I hope those who lose jobs rather than get vaccinated against covid are not eligible for the dole.

      • It’s very frustrating being around such stupidity, especially when they think they have all the answers.

    • I have no problem with someone deciding not to get vaxxed as long as they take into account the consequences.
      If you are not immunised, you can’t work with anyone that might be vulnerable – young children, sick people, old people, immunocompromised. Did I leave anyone out? I think that covers … e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e.

      • Daisy, are people more anti-vax there than the other states that have had more covid in the community?

        • Not Daisy, but I’ll chip in anyway.

          I think people here are simply complacent and lazy about getting vaccinated because we haven’t had a lock down, or community transmission despite a few scares, since June this year. It’s astounding to me that there wasn’t an outbreak after the Grand Final.

          There was an anti-mandate/anti-vax demonstration in Perth recently, following Mark’s announcement that something like 75% of the work force would be under a mandate to get vaccinated. News reports said there were “hundreds of people”, but it looked like more to me from photos I saw.

          Our fully vaccinated rate is 58%, which is disgraceful. Assume the stupidity level is similar to other states.

          • Thanks, Von. I live in a middle class suburb of Adelaide and our double vax rate is around 80% but in lower socio economic areas it’s around 50. And in some regional areas it’s the same, in part because the infrastructure was not there to support the vax rollout.

  41. Dami was eliminated from MasterChef tonight. Spoiler alert. I know, sorry, too late. I’m sorry to see her go. I would have liked to have seen more Korean cooking.
    I enjoyed tonight’s episode. These are pleasant people. Normal contestants could learn a lot from them.
    Thorpie was his usual irritating self. Not irritating enough that I actually dislike him but just irritating enough that I wouldn’t willing go to any event that featured him as a guest.

  42. Harry is lonely tonight like an only child. His sister, Maggie had an operation today, to get bladder stones removed, and us staying at the vet’s overnight. Poor baby girl.

    • Aw, poor Harry. And poor Maggie too, although no doubt she is being well looked after. I hope she recovers quickly and doesn’t have to wear a cone for long..

      I imagine you’re noticing her absence as well :). Give Harry an ear scritch from me.

      • Ok. One ear scritch.
        ATM, the boy is in his usual spot; at my feet with my foot touching him. He’ll get spoilt tonight. Like a circuit connection.

        • Oh dear, I meant to say as many ear scritches as needed.

          Your puppers always look cuddly…my hand is randomly scritching empty space now.

          • When we find a way to hook up, I will send you a bit of video.

          • I watched The Doghouse last night for the first time and she’d a few tears, even though I am a cat person.

    • Oh goodness, sad, missing his sister, with a touch of drama queen thrown in for good measure. He likely will be fine as soon as Maggie comes home and he can have a good sniff of her.

  43. If there are any fans of slightly cheesy, very old horror movies here, The Fog is on SBS World Movies tonight at 930.

    • I’ve seen The Fog. I remember that it scared me silly. I think it was the twist at the end. There was a twist at the end, wasn’t there? That’s the joy of these older movies.
      My favourite horror movie was The Blob. Now that was seriously B grade. So much fun.

      • I didn’t find it scary, suspenseful, yes. It was less gory than I remembered. There was a little twist at the very end that was startling.

        The original The Blob scared me as a kid. It was fun and hilarious when I saw it again as a teenager. At the drive-in, on a date :).

        • At the drive-in. I remember those days 🤣🤣🤣 with absolute fondness. My kids have never been to the drive-in. I am sad for them.

  44. The Bachelorette seems to have turned into a 2 horse race. Unless this ends next week, I am just wondering why we are all here.

    • Would the two horses be the blonde chippie guy and the blonde woman who said “sparks are sparked” (barf)? I’m not watching, but the ads are on so often that sometimes I can’t hit mute quickly enough.

      I wonder if it is in her contract that she has to pick one of each gender for final two because IT’S SO EARTH SHATTERING THAT SHE IS BISEXUAL!!!!!!

      What would be earth shattering would be if her bisexuality was mentioned once and never again.

  45. Bert Newton has died.

    He wasn’t one of my favourite tv hosts, but I give him props for being a strong old dude, hanging in through many health problems over the past few years.

    Rest in peace, Bert.

    • That pretty much sums up my views, too.
      He could be funny – mostly not – but you knew what you were getting and it was comfortable.
      And then he had all those problems, health and otherwise, so he was relatable. I liked him much more when he abandoned that silly toupee. One of the best fashion trends in recent times has been acknowledging that it is okay to be bald … except for Josh Frydenberg. Something went terribly wrong there.

  46. The Block is still on (who knew/) and is staggering to the finishing line.
    The Twins continue to moan, complain and bitch that their glory and magnificence remains unnoticed.
    This week they have decided that they are going to get the judges fired for refusing to grant them winning scores. 🤣🤣🤣 Their sheer conceit is mind blowing. Is it a millennial thing that assumes that this is even possible? Their parents must be so proud. Or delusional. Either /or. 🤷‍♀️ Someone spent years telling these two that they mattered so much.
    Maybe I do want this show to have another season. The low points this year have been more memorable than the high points of the last six.

  47. On an old episode of Spicks and Specks tonight, there was an older woman, country singer I think but I didn’t catch her name. She also yodels.

    I am not a fan of yodeling and would not go out of my way to hear it. But this old dame yodeled to The William Tell Overture and did a damn good job. Respect to you, lady.

    It left me with a big smile on my face. I don’t care if you laugh, it was an impressive performance.

    • I think I remember that episode. Mary Schneider? She is a famous country yodeller. She’s sure she’s not dead. I have vague memories of her being entertaining. Not all guests can claim that.

  48. You know, we don’t normally comment on real life news on this site but I just switched from Bold (because it looked like a repeat or a rehash – same/same) to ABC News to hear that Cleo had been found.
    Goodness gracious, who saw that coming. Not me.
    Obviously, I don’t need to say that it’s a happy day.

  49. I’ve finished watching Annika (ABC).
    It took a while to get into. It’s a bit odd at first in that it breaks the fourth wall but once I got over that, I found it fun.
    It’s not heavy but it’s just Murdery enough for these times. I persisted because it’s one of my favourite actresses.

  50. Channel 10 needs to learn that showing excessive promos for a show turns off a lot of prospective viewers.

    After wearing out the Mute button over Bachelorette ads and episodes of Celebrity MC, we’re now being inundated with IAC ads. IAC starts 3 January.

    • Goodness, they are starting early. By the time it gets here, I am going to be over it.
      I do like IAC though. It’s one of the few of these franchises that can still throw up surprises. Even though in your head you know that actors are not like the people they portray, you still kind of feel like there is an overlay.
      I remember meeting a H & A actress in real life. In the series she was an overworked, depressed, dour wife/mother of three. In real life she was this pretty, tiny (why are they so tiny IRL) vivacious, delightful woman. I wonder what she’s doing now? I couldn’t quite get past it.

  51. The Block finished last night. The whole season was about the cheating scandal. No wonder no one watched.
    It turns out that “she” did cheat (colour no one surprised) and the twins helped her out. Still, it’s not her fault because … no, she lost me at this point. The twins apparently weren’t part of the cheating scandal because they only guarded the door, so … nope, I’m still not understanding why they are not equally culpable but the twins insist that it’s all on “her” and who cares anyway because now they’ve now got a bucketload of money because the auction is rigged 🤷‍♂️.
    Firstly, everyone ganged up on the producers and forced them to lower the reserve price thereby increasing the amount that they would end up taking home.
    Secondly, it seems that some guy with way more money than sense has bought three of the properties and he did the same thing last season so he is a serial offender. I’m getting the drift that it is not a judgement on which is the best house but just some rando decision by someone who is probably money laundering. Why else would you do something as stupid as this? Past buyers have lost big time on the purchase of houses from The Block.
    So here’s my final observation. The producers buy 4 properties, Bunnings donates a s**t load of goods and services writing the costs off as advertising, all the properties look exactly the same because the contestants use exactly he same providers, all the work is done by the same tradies and the contestants do their best to get air time by being awful human beings because the show is no longer about the actual renovations and why would it be when the actual contestants don’t do any actual work.
    And I don’t know why they bother with the auction. Just hand each contestant a huge check because basically their lives are ruined from here on.
    Everyone should hang theirs collective heads in shame after this mess.
    However, I can almost guarantee there will be another season because $$$$$. Nothing to do with viewers. Why did we ever think is was?

    • I watched last night, Bobi. Some of the worst television ever broadcast. A mindless celebration of greed and cheating. Good summary. Once upon a time, this show rated hugely.

      Hard hats off to the tradies who did ALL the work.

  52. You all okay down there, Daisy? We had a severe thunderstorm this morning about 4am, with lots of lightning and thunder. Lightning or water burnt out main switch and blew fuses in power box. It was fun times finding an electrician who could fit us in today. The one we got said there were something like 1200 calls in the southwest, don’t know if that was to SES or sparkies, but that’s a lot of calls for help.

    • I’m sorry to hear that, Von, although it does bring back fond memories of candles, oil lamps and snacks to get us through those hours that the grid went down.
      I’m caught up in that dilemma of loving the rain (because of years of drought), enjoying the thunderstorms (because of my years spent in FNQ) and being concerned that this rain is never ending. I have a drought proof garden that is drowning.
      You will be pleased to hear that I have put in an expensive solution, fingers crossed, to my rat problem (another by-product of the rains). I am the proud owner of heavy duty gutter guard. Any rats trapped inside will die, and then smell, but it is a small price to pay.
      I am really bothered by climate change. I don’t understand all these people who continue to insist that nothing is happening.

      • Everything was fixed and power was back on by late afternoon, so all is well. I haven’t got the electrician’s bill yet though.

        I had an idea that gutter guard was not expensive. Maybe it isn’t when installed during construction. I hope none of the little bastards die inside your walls. That smell is disgusting, no matter how short lived it is. Knowing there will be no more rat parties overhead must make you happy.

    • Say what? No. Clear and sunny down this way. Not hot yet but clear, sunny sky.

      Woolif said the same so I don’t know what they mean.

      • The storm was yesterday, Tuesday. I heard we had more than average November rainfall on that day alone, but didn’t watch weather reports last night.

        Nothing down your way? Huh. Maybe the guy meant southwestern suburbs of Perth. 🙂 Monday was fine, then the massive storm yesterday, and today there are blue skies and sunshine.

  53. The next season of the Australian Amazing Race is currently casting, the advertisement popped up in my FB newsfeed.

    I don’t know how I feel about this. The covid/Australian-only season worked, and was quite entertaining. But the season where the show actually tried to be global (like any good season of TAR is supposed to be) was an unmitigated disaster.

  54. Colossal Fossil. Take that, Scotty, and think about it.

    I almost put a smiley face, but it isn’t funny, is it?

    • Yeah. My mum liked the Beatles. I can recall her and my Auntie cooing over them.
      I liked them but they weren’t my favourites. They sure produced a lot of music.

  55. Scott Morrison is such an annelida; totally spineless.

    BTW today I heard an older male staff member encouraging some young 20 something new staffer to stick to her guns (anti Vax) because everything will work out. 😮

  56. Visitors coming to spend a few days. Yay.
    I have had a busy week, working, but also cleaning windows etc etc; to make everything nice.
    “Keeping up Appearances”? Or just making my guests feel nice? I am clean and tidy anyway.
    Dick will bring his guitar and in Sunday night m, curry night, my son is bringing instruments too.
    I am excited.

    • I’m having visitors in a couple of weeks. Starting to clean too. It just makes everyone (including me) feel nice.
      I am going to make a Matt Preston eggplant curry. It’s delicious.
      I’m guessing these are all Australian traditions.

  57. Watching the promos for The Bachelorette.
    “That” dress is coming out. I’m here for all the dresses.

  58. I tried watching the Christmas revival of Lego Master with Celebrities.
    It was a bit of a disaster. Boring as, and I resorted to a good book. Disappointing because Lego was one of my favourite shows.
    Sophie Monk (she of, on her own words, every reality show ever 🤣) summed it up best when she said, “Who knew that Australia didn’t have any celebrities “. Gotta love Sophie.

  59. Has anyone else been watching the Bachelorette? I couldn’t find a page for it. At the start of the episode & through most of the season I was 99% sure she would pick Jamie-Lee. Then she went on that date with Darvid last night & I wasn’t so sure any more. I felt bad for Jamie-Lee as she clearly really loved Brooke. I was really shocked she didn’t pick her. Wonder if they will last till Christmas? I really hope I don’t read in a few months that they have split up.

    • I’ve been watching encores here and there but note that last night’s finale was thumped in the ratings by Home And Away.

      The result is a shock to me , too because I took Darvid for a fraud since he was batting eyelids at Brooke early on. You don’t see that every day. He lacked a silver tongue, punctuating his love patter with brain farts; like , kind of , etc. More Pervin’ Prince than Persian Prince for mine. He was rude from the get go to the others when he cut in like a vulture on their time with Brooke. Red flag.

      I think Brooke’s backed another loser in Ch 10’s struggling meat raffle.

      • It’s like this Brooke. You want love, get a dog, you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.

        Brooke may well have a dog, but these fickle folk leave them pining at “home” to be on tv shows before you can say “Instagram”.

    • I watched it on and off but on streaming services. Apparently the producers are happy with the buzz and the online presence. I think ratings don’t mean much anymore. I watch very little free to air these days: Breakfast news, The Drum, Bold – that’s about it.
      I like Brooke. She did her best to make it interesting while trying to cover up that she had picked her favourites fairly early on.
      I know she liked Jamie-Lee (and I’m guessing that Jamie-Lee may be the next Bachelorette?) but I think if there was going to be something between the two of them that it would have happened after Nick’s season.
      I was expecting the last woman standing to be the blonde dancer (Holly – had to look it up) but not wanting children and not wanting to move for Brooke were always going to be major hurdles, irrespective of anything. Those two things narrow the pool of eligible suitors for Holly. Tbh, I don’t understand why this convo didn’t come up much earlier. Surely Holly’s been around long enough to know that it would be a big deal for almost everyone. I disliked Holly from the moment her mother had to raise the issue. I could rant here about the definition of deceit but you get the drift.
      I liked Darvid because he seemed comfortable around Brooke. We’re all idiots in private 🤷‍♂️.
      And the Finale dress was as lovely as I expected it to be. The fashion this season was extra special. Almost everything Brooke wore was worth a second look.
      Overall, I liked this Season more than I have liked any season since …. Angie? Anyway. A long time. Bachie’s have been generally awful since Nick.

  60. Did anyone else watch Snackmasters last night? Spicks and Specks reruns weren’t on, so I put it on, mostly just listened. The challenge was to duplicate a Hungry Jack’s burger, hot onion rings, and chips.

    I’ve seen enough of Poh to last me a few years and don’t know the other presenter. Evyie, ex Gogglebox, was promoted as snack investigator, but I missed her contribution completely.

    Competing chefs were Anna Polyviou and pasta guy Mitch Orr. Seeing them trying to work out what was in the burger and onion rings was mildly interesting. They got to use their own cooking teams but none of them seemed to know that using very low-fat mince would result in low-flavour meat patties. Anna made a huge deal out of counting how many sesame seeds were on each bun, Mitch forgot to put his tomato slice on his burgers, blah blah blah.

    The most interesting part was the judging. Judges were some executives of Hungry Jacks, and Jack himself. Their critiques were intelligent, pertinent, and unbiased – so refreshing.

    Mitch won. Anna doesn’t handle losing very well.

    4/10, watchable if nothing else is available. I will watch the one where the challenge is Twisties. I love Twisties if I have a mega junk snack craving, but what is in them besides oil, radioactive orange dust, salt, and more oil is a mystery, and should probably remain so :).

    • I’ll swing by and give it a watch. I wanted to watch it on streaming so that I could fast forward through “those bits”.
      Poh is seriously overexposed and I couldn’t bear to sit through another show with her at the helm.

  61. I’m feeling my sister’s pain today. She was invited to be part of the $80 million Powerball with her gym gfs but didn’t have cash on her.
    They won first prize.
    She said, “7 stages of grief”.

    • Noooo. Seriously?
      Perhaps she can be comforted by the stories that most people stuff it up?
      Not all though. I knew someone who won the lottery. He invested in his own business, successfully. He did lose some “friends”. It’s amazing how entitled some people become.

      • It’ll be the best “dine-out” story ever, and by three degrees of separation, I will steal it 😀.

        • It’s a put yourself in these shoes story.
          My “nicer than I am” sister, consoles herself with, “It couldn’t have gone to a nicer bunch of women”.

        • Your sister sounds lovely. I wish I was that kind.
          Unfortunately I am bitter twisted and slightly vengeful.

  62. I watched the latest episode of Bluey earlier, and it was prefaced with the statement that the show Is Audio Described for people with impaired vision.

    Has anyone here with a modern tv which has that option available tried it out? I don’t need to use it, but am curious as to how well it works. Wouldn’t audio description interfere with the dialogue of the show?

    I did a short Google search, but couldn’t get a satisfactory answer.

    • I don’t remember how, where or why I came audio vision but I have seen it and it’s weird. It seems like it would be much less satisfying than being hearing impaired and reading subtitles.

    • I don’t have access to audio described but I had no trouble imagining that it would be wonderful.
      Brooke looks at Deacon, looks, away, looks back, looks down, smooths the non existent wrinkle from her hideous white skirt, looks back. Contemplates more Botox.
      But as you know I always have a preference for scenes between Sheila and Deacon.
      Sheila slinks into Deacon’s broom closet, laughs with a slight manic cackle while stroking the mop handle suggestively.
      Please. I don’t want to know that my version isn’t true.

  63. Juz, could a new general chat be started please?

    The only thread that seems to be going is B & B, which I don’t watch, although I do read the comments to enjoy all the snark, even if I can’t follow the story-line.

    I miss ongoing chats on whatever. Poor me :).

    • I can do something short and sweet for Christmas and submit it to Juz.
      I have been in a bit of a funk lately and it has been hard to motivate myself to do anything. We have had mask mandates reimposed here and everything is starting to close down or be restricted. They may not call it a lockdown but it feels like it.
      This website makes me feel less claustrophobic, a bit like travelling around the nation. And I, too, enjoy snark.

      • It’s beginning to feel a lot like lockdown. Am keeping to myself, as there will be more turkeys sitting around tables than on them this weekend. Bah! Covidbug.

        I feel unmotivated, too, especially after a rare trip to the supermarket to see boneheads without masks loose.

      • That would be good, Bobi, thanks. I’m sorry for your Clayton’s lockdown restrictions, but it’s not surprising, is it? I suppose it is too hot for you to bake more lovely items?

        We are reasonably safe here until 5 February, when we have the grand re-opening, ta daaa. But masks on public transport and some other places have already been mandated. Then we just wait for the shoe to drop…and the other shoe to drop…

        I’ve tried at three pharmacies to buy masks, none had any. I see that as a sign people are being sensible enough to anticipate the risks we will have. Well, I hope.

  64. Dave, Bobi, Windsong, so sorry. And sorry for us too come February 5th. But Gladys led the charge with her Gold Standard and Scotty the idiot expects us all to follow. . Unfortunately Mark has succumbed to public pressure, but I am still hoping that February the 5th doesn”t happen.
    We get our Pfizer today. But that won”t save us from the Covid New Normal, masks, over-loaded hospitals and lock-downs. And deaths.

  65. Woolif bought what appeared to be a very nice tee shirt. But when he put it on at home we found it had a gaping hole at the hem on the back. He googled and it’s part of the design; stressed. Now I am stressed because it will be my job to mend it.

    • Thanks, Daisy. It was inevitable, only the time was unknown. Definitely remain cautious. Hundreds of people could have come into contact with that dude when he was trundling around all over the place.

      With all my planning and early shopping so I didn’t have to go to any store after yesterday…I forgot to refill one of my scripts. I went to the pharmacy about 3. It was packed but many people were already wearing masks. Yay for common sense. and protecting your community.

      The newspapers are writing that this guy may have the Delta variant instead of Omicron, and treating that as a good thing. Is that good news?

      • We don’t have to wear masks but why wouldn’t we. The guy had 3 weeks to spread it as did the people he gave it to. Gawd knows how many people have it and it’s not as if people have been coming and going between Perth and the south. One look at Bussell Hwy tells you that.

  66. I don’t know why this new virus bothers me the most. Maybe I have just reached “I give up” point.
    The good news is that everyone is wearing masks and being careful. Those who can, have booked appointments for the booster.
    Bless your Premier over there in WA. I am absolutely certain he would have been given a huge incentive to open up so I am sure the payoff for you will be something special.
    I can’t complain about my guy. He has done his best but we are in a unique situation here: an island in a cesspool of swirling germs. Plus, of course, it is not possible to keep out all the pollies and their staff. There are about 2,000 of them all up flying in and out almost weekly. We have actually done very well all things considered.
    I am just tired and the grandkids are too young to be vaxxed so there is limited contact with that bright and cheerful outlook they bring.
    I am surprisingly optimistic about next year.
    I will form a new plan, put on my white sneakers, gather up my skirts, and charge forward, completely oblivious to any obstacles before me because life is too short. Any reference to the fact that I can absolutely be an idiot will be completely ignored 🤣.

    • That sounds like a good plan, Bobi.
      When we had a pretend lockdown, we enjoyed take away coffees on the beach and it was great because Perthies were all home. Unlike the Eastern States and Perth metro, we were allowed to sit on comfy park and beach seats.

    • I was trying earlier to book an appointment for my booster shot, but will now leave it for a few days. I’m going to have a little time where I don’t think about bloody corona virus. One of the health.gov.au sites ended with “if you have more questions about a booster dose, have a yarn with your health care worker.” Have a yarn? Am I in a knitting club or trying to protect my life? Bozos think talking down to people is cute.

      For the next couple of hours I will do some house cleaning, and cook a couple of things for Christmas dinner so I’m not in the kitchen for long tomorrow. Then I will plop on the couch and have a few glasses of wine.

      Spare a thought for us in Perth, with forecast temps of 43 tomoroow and 44 on Boxing Day.

      Merry Christmas, Bobi. pats for your doggo. Be safe :).

  67. Some of the best comedy I’ve seen has been provided by the CEO of the Xmas Eve Sydney Fish Markets. This turd polishing liar is falsely claiming masks are being worn and social distancing being practised. Then you see umasked boneheads on both sides of the counter, packed in liked sardines, though sardines are smarter.

    I had to brave a supermarket this morning for dog food. More boneheads . Quasi boneheads wearing half mast masks.

    The WA Premier is a champ. $como is a chump.

    I hope everyone here has a safe , peaceful time.

    For some Silent Night, others Violent Night.

    Bold and Beautiful returns Jan 3.

    • Even the pictures in the papers of the Sydney fish markets showed two guys behind counters with masks half mast. I guess 5000+ infections doesn’t impress some people.

      Yes, thanks Dave, our premier is a champ. He hasn’t done everything right, but he has busted his butt for a long time to keep us safe.

      You keep yourself safe too. And pats for your old doggo as well. I’m missing my dog.

      • Honestly, the whole omicron thing in Queensland is starting to freak me out a little.

        We’ve done so well up here. Sure, the premier was maybe a little too lockdown-happy and that’s caused a few issues … but it worked. Any time covid reared it’s head, the south-east locked down for a few days, we stopped the virus from spreading, and dealt with it. And this was great, well, in terms of public health.

        But now the borders are opening up because enough people are vaccinated (which is me), and the omicron cases are doubling every day, and the vibe is different now. It’s unsettling, to me. It’s like, oh well, this is a thing now. We’re just going to open the borders and let omicron go nuts.

        Even with the proviso that omicron might not be as dangerous as delta (although it seems twice as infectious), it’s still troubling, to me, that this is what’s in front of us, and it’s just going to happen this way.

  68. Healthy and happy new year everyone.

    I was sort of looking forward to IAC, but the thought of more Poh is putting me off. She needs to go home, tend to her garden or whatever, and stay off tv for a few years.

  69. Hey guys, IAC is already looking good this season.
    Po fell down a tunnel. It was really well done. Fancy that.
    She is obviously our resident cook so she will last weeks.
    She was also given a secret mission. It’s a good one. Looking forward to that.
    And Julia is looking lovely. It is always a good episode when Julia looks lovely.

  70. We have the group now.
    I don’t know all these people. I think I like these people. The pretty one has the potential to become annoying but still, on whole, they seem to be a nice bunch.
    I am looking forward to this season.

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