1. So far the standout is the dog, Frankie. The Muslim guys seem cool. The couple who leave within two days are getting a smug villain edit. The bones of the weatherboard homesteads are lovely

  2. Not bad so far.
    I see the houses already have roofs so hopefully that means no skylights!

  3. Will give it a try. I like the idea of the country houses, but I agree that the skylights are overdone. Unfortunately they can be easily cut into an existing roof.

    Can’t stand the masked singer with all the shrieking so will be a bit lost without Hunted or the Commonwealth Games.

    • Ugh. Why do producers do this?
      The amount of money they are spending now is just grotesque. I can’t imagine where they will go next season. I’m guessing each pair of contestants will be asked to refurbish one of those spare office blocks in central Melbourne?
      I used to love this show back in it’s simpler days (sigh: feeling nostalgic).

      • Agree. Just too much. I some ways it feels like more of a display of what you can get from the sponsors in terms of “luxury” than real homes to live in.

  4. I understand that one couple are always chosen for the villain edit, but this pair really give them a lot to work with. At first I thought it would be Sarah-Jane who was heading that way, but I like the way she shows typifies how each of us have both endearing and annoying parts.

    Sharon and Ankur, I would not cope with at all. The entitled attitude, seen so often in those who have lived in the rarified air of tv/movie-land, is all the more repellant for being apparently invisible to themselves.

    Would love to see Dylan and Jenny (tradies) win, or Tom and Sarah-Jane (hardworkers). Also, the boys because of their integrity (except for the bleeped out language). I can’t quite warm to other team, mainly I think because they seem so unteachable. I really don’t like their French Provincial main bedroom, so out of touch with country Aus.

  5. The wardrobes were just ridiculous. Most sacrficied (the house designers, not the contestants necessarily) a whole bedroom so that the owner could have pretty pull out drawer for their cufflinks. It made me feel ashamed of the flaunting of wealth.

    Can anyone explain how it is not honouring a heritage house to take out all the period features, yet to fill a room with tacky French furniture is considered okay? I would have give that room a 5, four points off for the Marie Antoinette picture.

    I liked the smaller simpler rooms. The boys alcove, I like the concept but I agreed that it looked a little cluttered. Get rid of the plants and the desk, and put in a lovely antique bookcase filled with pretty books (not sportsmen’s biographys) and make it just a reading/relaxing nook, not a type of “study”. But I thought the judges too harsh on it.

    I put equal winners this week on houses 1 and 4.

  6. Lots of focus this week on the pair in House 3. As we always say, the editing can evoke any response from the viewer, but seriously, I just cannot like this pair. Some of it may be enhanced/spliced but when the builders are so clear about what they have tried to fix the situation, and then we see blatant lying from the contestants, I have to conclude that most of it is on point. With this pair, everything that happens is a personal attack, and everything is other people’s fault. All while constantly videoing for the blog!

  7. What happened to the other contestant’s walkthrough this week? About five minutes of whinging from two couples and that was it. I did turn off a bit later, so maybe they did more later in the episode?

    I liked the plaid room, except for the amateur artwork, but I understand there is a personal preference there. It far outstripped the hideous Marie Antoinette room. I can also see why the juding has seemed uneven this week. I agreed that T & S-J shouldn’t have won the topiary challenge – that really surprised me.

    The problem with this week’s room reveals was that they were looking at two opposite rooms in one go – a bedroom and a bathroom. I did think house 2’s bathroom was pretty good, and I didn’t like house one’s, especially the toilet wallpaper. But other houses had better bedrooms. I wish they would score each separately (each judge) so there are six scores to add together.

    I don’t follow the ‘rigged’ storyline but we can be sure that over the next couple of weeks the tables will be turned. I do think that the judges aren’t hard enough on shoddy or unfinished work.

    • They used to come down hard on shoddy work. Remember the focus on poor paint work?
      The good old days.

  8. Well, I don’t know if it can be done, but that Danny should be banned from future Block auctions. How rude he was tonight, acting like he owns the show. He is ruining the auctions for both the contestants and the viewers.

  9. It feels like cheating. Given that he believes that he overpaid, I wonder what his game is? Publicity? Choosing the winner? Who knows, who cares.
    This has happened in the past and the producers know that the public don’t like it. I remember when Hughesy bought a property and the backlash that came (he has said that his wife has never really forgiven him).
    Not that it matters. Nine makes money because they are property developers rather than television producers.
    Why am I rabbiting. I am never watching this show again. It was dead a long time ago and they just need to bury it.

    • I fell in love with the old houses in the promos, and so returned to the show after many years. But they did not respect the houses at all with the horrible boxy extensions, so I feel duped. I did like the contestants though, except Sharon/Ankur, and Oz. Omar is a gentleman.

  10. Every single one of the boofhead contestants drove a car along a country road with one hand on the steering wheel. I ‘d have a crack at the women for this but with the male bias on the show , none of them were driving.

    I love a bit of bad tv but gave this terrible show away years ago. Shithouse people building shithouse things. Hats off to the tradies who actually did the work.

    The greed really kicks in when the auction order is mooted. These poor bastards have had it soooo hard for twelve weeks.Go build a house in Ukraine.

  11. That must be the worst Auction I’ve seen , perhaps in my life. Shame on Ch 9 for airing idiots like Danny.

    I love the bush justice dished out to the two who ranked the auction order, Well done. Lost money and friends. Lose/lose.

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