The Real Love Boat starts soon

Do I need to explain this one? The name of the show says it all: The Real Love Boat.

Think Love Island meets Below Decks.

Hot singles are ready to mingle on board – letโ€™s hope no one gets seasick. Or covid.

This is what Ten hopes to fill the Bachelor/Bachelorette gap with (the Bachie they filmed with three blokes has been bumped).

Hang on – no neck tattoo. Is that allowed these days when casting reality TV?

The Real Love Boat (the Australian version) starts Wednesday night on Ten at 7.30pm.



  1. I’ve seen the copious promos. It does look like these desperate airheads will root anything that moves.

    More appropriate titles might be

    *Ship Of Fools
    * The Meat Boat.

    • I’ll probably be afloat. I expect a ship wreck. I saw the host on Celeb apprentice and he was a mean bustard.

  2. Dr Phil dug deep to find yesterday’s cream. I think Phil was catfished by the catfishers.

    I’ll bet he and Robyn went home and said, “Oh my Gawd”.

    • I’ll still watch. I’ll enjoy peeks of the Mediterranean coast and maybe the show.

    • Agreed. This show works best when one pretends that there is no boat and view it as a travel guide.

      I could n’t believe how dense the Rock Of Gibraltar is. Ain’t these contetstants like, dense? Is there a need for so much alcohol to get them into a stupor.

      A tattooist on board would be appreciated.

  3. This show went to a new timeslot very quickly. It’s on it’s way to Davy Jones’ Locker.

    • This show kept my attention for as long as it took me to realise that my wine glass was empty.
      I canโ€™t even get annoyed at the host.
      I think they missed the boat on this one.

    • Still watching. Worse things happen at sea. The host is a real anchor.

      All are bored!

      I can’t resist a good ship wreck.

      • I was quite restrained saying, ” really awful person”. Horrid. ๐Ÿคฃ
        It means wa***er.

  4. Caught up to Dalton the Bait n Switch love rat blind-siding Chelsea.

    Why do all the guys love Chelsea? Woolif keeps telling saying, “Noooo”.

    Say what????!!!!!! Pickleball again???? Channel 10 must have pickleball shares.

  5. I’m still “on board”. Keanau was interesting. ๐Ÿ˜†
    Really, what a selection. Chelsea must be feeling special. She has an odd body shape. I know. I’m not supposed to say hat, but aren’t these shows all about gawking and judging. If not that, then what? It’s not like they are going to last.

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