1. Hello.
    How lovely.
    You have no idea the number of times I have something to say before realising that there are so few people who are even remotely interested.

  2. Hi Bobi! Sorry have been smashed with work so rather AWOL on here. But TWO seasons of Aus Survivor this year, so – yay!

    • Still my favourite. I would be hard pressed to explain why but it is different, and engrossing, every season. Never gets old 😀

  3. Hello, Von 🙂.
    Even if it’s just the two of us, I’m as happy as a pig in a puddle.
    And thanks, Juz. I’m sorry that there’s so much work but I’m pleased that you are gainfully employed.

  4. There was not a celebrity amongst this season’s bunch. Nevertheless, I found them a surprisingly nice bunch. Even Hughesy didn’t grate as much as I expected. He is seriously one of my least favourite people.
    Watching Reggie walk out on the plank was one of the most nerve wracking pieces of television I’ve seen all year. I’m not going to lie. I had a little tear when she jumped and caught the star. She deserves all the money they are paying her, just for that five minutes.
    So all and all, a nice start. I’m sure that I won’t stay in this happy place. Let’s enjoy while it lasts 🤣.

    • Heh, I had a big laugh when I saw Hughsey, knowing what a fan you are.

      I’ve been in and out so far, was doing a load of laundry – in which I left a tissue in some mystery pocket.

      I know two people among these celebrities. They all do seem okay so far. And I’m pleased the Olympic person wasn’t Raygun; nothing against her personally, but I think her 15 minutes should be over with.

  5. Every now and then Julia reminds us that she really can be funny.
    She came strolling out saying to the young lad, “So of course I’m a diva. I know there are budget cuts but I still expect to be carried around camp”.
    It’s a gentle reminder that most of the stuff we read is mostly made up.
    Of course I forget 😳
    I do like her taking it head on.

  6. I think Julia is more relaxed and genuine with Robert as her co-host, probably because he’s a kid and she’s known him for a long time.

    I didn’t mind the challenge tonight, apart from the dead things making getting the stars disgusting as well as tricky and scary.

    I didn’t like the protein for the meal. Who eats alpaca? They’re nice fluffy little guys. Boo.

  7. It was a funny episode. A lot of jockeying for roles and playing nice. It will be interesting to see how that all plays out.
    Blonde girl is much prettier without makeup. Sam. It’s Sam. I think I might like her.
    It got real for first-challenge-girl fast. I’m two minds. I’m still inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt.
    I have a relo (can’t remember which one) who has met Nikki more than once, a long time ago. Says she’s nice but is very odd looking IRL. Big head on a skinny body, and no eyebrows – like the Mona Lisa. And a face frozen in time. I’m getting it now.
    I’m finding Matty J a little annoying. Unexpectedly. Who introduces themselves as Matty J 🙄. I hear, “Bond. James Bond”. 🤣🤣🤣
    Episode 2 and I am Judgy. Judgy McJudgeface.

    • It’s close to MAFS. Matty J is already matchmaking.
      Speaking of, Robert and Julia are reading my mind. Every time Julia says Matty, Robert says J.
      I know it’s a lame joke but I am vastly amused. I giggle every time. It’s not getting old.

      • I noticed the addition of J. I also laughed at the elimination choice for fruit and vegetables for tonight’s dinner. I thought that was hilarious. Some things are just so dumb and silly that they’re funny.

  8. I don’t know.
    I watched the episode 🤷‍♂️.
    For once the hosts are more entertaining than the celebs.
    It was interesting watching Robert do one of the trials. No hesitation, no fear.
    If I was going on this show, I’d spend some time getting used to heights. Surely.

    • Well. I don’t hate anyone either. I’m not barracking for any of them, so far. I like the sports guys and a couple of the others. It’s kind of meh.

      I visited a friend yesterday and missed that ep Maybe it was the episode that would have made me get right into the show 🙂 I didn’t recognise the big celebrity from her boots.

      Is it going to be five nights a week the whole series?

  9. Now there’s a woman who’s had way too much work done on her face. Surely there’s an emoji that sums this up.

    • I’m glad they said who it was before we saw her. I would not have recognized her. Having some work done is one thing but she looks like a different person.

  10. I won’t say that it was a particularly interesting episode.
    How nice that they let Shayna know that she won an award. I did shed a tiny tear.
    I think that Robert has become quite a good host. He is very relaxed now. Colour me surprised. I wasn’t a fan last season. I think I might have been too too judgy. It’s nice to know that I was wrong.

  11. This episode was very ad-heavy, three minutes of show and then three minutes of ads, and repeat. It’s hard to maintain interest when they do that.

    I’m surprised that they chose Sigrid for the viper room. Snakes don’t bother me, but being closed in a box would have me screaming and clawing at the box. It’ll be interesting to see how she does.

    • I don’t know how I would go either.
      Snakes don’t bother me but just lying there, waiting, in the dark, would drive me to screaming. I wonder if Sigrid will put on a performance. She knows the game.

  12. I compliment Sigrid on how well she did in the snake pit. After that, it was background noise; and when all the stories of diagnoses of ADHD started, I left to make my dinner.
    Terri Irwin’s presence was not needed at all. And is not, ever.

    • Absolutely. To all of that.
      I don’t want to appear heartless or anything, and maybe it’s my complete lack of understanding, but everyone seems to have ADHD these days. It’s like the new handbag.

  13. This was a slightly better ep.
    I always like hearing about the celebs charities. It makes them a little bit more real.
    I hate eating challenges. Still Reggie being disgusted by kale was a bit of a highlight.
    And I did enjoy the play they put on. I was amused.
    So … more than one highlight.

  14. I didn’t realize The 1% Club was on opposite, so I saw the whole IAC ep. I think the first half was mostly silliness, but some bits made me laugh. Food challenges are my least-liked part of the show. Hearing of the celebs’ chosen charities was interesting. There were a lot of stories of people with dementia for such a small group. Then I remembered that two of my neighbours have been diagnosed with dementia, one with frontal lobe type, one with Lewy body type. It’s kind of scary.

    • I can confirm that amongst my friends and acquaintances, dementia is highest on the terrifying list.
      My ex MIL had frontal lobe dementia. So let me add that to the list of types of dementia that I would most like not to get. Truthfully, she wasn’t the nicest of ladies before the diagnosis, and it was just down hill from there. I always wonder whether she actually had the condition decades before the doctors became involved. I think that’s what’s most scary about dementia. Maybe I have it now and I just don’t know. 😯

  15. I don’t watch MAFS but one of the joys of Reality TV life is reading James Weir’s recaps.
    I thought I would share this one because it has that balance between lovely snark, and hope and sadness. It reminds us that some of these people go on these shows for absolutely the right reasons which is what brings us back to these train wrecks.
    My heart breaks for this woman and makes me so cross with all men.

  16. This was an odd episode. I watched so I must have been entertained. Still, I have few memories.
    Maybe we are just on a countdown to the first elimination.

    • There wasn’t anything particular memorable. The challenge was searching through garbage, followed by a couple of dudes talking about PPD, followed by some more silliiness, and ending with a long Hello Fresh ad. I wish sponsors would just have regular ads and not insert their brands into the episodes for ten minutes.

      Sam is starting to be my favourite, although maybe Zach. I think Reggie will be audience fave.

  17. Hi everyone. Sorry I have been mis. I haven’t been watching much TV.
    Yesterday I realised mafs and iac have started, so I watched 3 episodes of mafs and will catch up with celebrity.

  18. As far as episodes go, this was entertaining enough. A nice change from the last couple. Ah well. I can’t expect excitement every day. If the celebs are bored, it must be doubly difficult for the producers.
    I quite like the challenge. I prefer these sorts of challenges: a bit difficult and not gross. I know that it was an imbedded ad but it was cleverly done and I suspect that I would get excited if I was starving, and I hate Maccas. I liked Julia’s comment about it being all about the sponsors. There is more of a take-no-prisoners with Julia this season. It’s almost as if this might be the last 🤣🤣.
    It will be interesting to see who will be in the bottom 5. My guess is that our girl Siggy would have to be there. I wonder if they would rig it so she doesn’t go, given that she’s probably our only true celeb. And our lifeguard, Harrison. I don’t mind him. It’s just that I have not warmed to him as much as the others. It’s almost like he’s auditioning for a job on the bachelor and failing.
    Generally, I still like everyone.

  19. I enjoyed the episode, too, even watched the whole thing :). Julia’s one-liners and comments are much more forthright this season, and funnier for that reason.

    Have you noticed that behind Sigrid’s bed there is a lot of bottles, potions, and tubes? The rules about having personal items in camp seem to have been relaxed this season as far as bathroom cabinet items and cosmetics are concerned. It makes no difference to the show, but I always thought personal items were limited to toothpaste, soap, deodorant, menstrual products, and medicine.

    Bottom five – Samantha because she still surprises me when I see her, and maybe Harrison because he is pretty much just in the background aside from his romance with Matty. J.

    • Oh your Matty. J. comment was cleverly done. I hope you meant it 🤣🤣
      Much appreciated if you did. But still, good one if you didn’t.
      I hadn’t noticed the bottles etc. I will have a look. It will keep me focused.

      • I did mean it :). It’s unlikely I’ll ever think of Matty. J. after this series is over, but, if I do, it will always be as Matty. *pause* J. Forever.

        I always laugh when Robert does that on the show.

  20. I’m glad that Matty …. J, is not in the bottom 5. I’m still enjoying the joke.
    Plus, I agree with Hughsey. Matty …. J is very nicely put together. He’s nice to look at with his shirt off.
    I’m not really surprised at the bottom 5 but I reserve the right to be surprised when the last one standing is eliminated.

  21. Well, you got it in one. There you go.
    Any of the bottom three could go and it wouldn’t make any difference to the entertainment value. Maybe Dave because he is absolutely a strange one. I knew he was odd but I am still taken aback sometimes.
    I enjoyed this episode. I liked the challenge. And I even laughed out loud when Harrison fell off the couch, and generally, this is not a laugh out loud show.
    I do wonder what some of these people do to make money. It’s a mystery to me. 🤷‍♂️

    • I guessed Samantha because she’d made no impression on me. Not good, not bad, but, who?

      I enjoyed that challenge, too. It was tricky and had nothing gross in it. I doubt there were crocs or hippos in the water under the bridge, so the emphasis on the dangers of falling in was overdone.

      I laughed at Harrison’s tumble, and at a few of Julia’s zingers about marriage.

  22. Firstly, really hot here. I hope your doing okay there. Part of me wants to enjoy it because they are beautiful days but still, just a little oppressive. My happy place is 26 degrees.
    Not a fan of tonight’s episode. It didn’t hold my attention.
    I thought the trial was cruel. I thought the camp split along gender lines was outdated and I’m glad the camp called them on it.
    I’m liking Geraldine more all the time. As she pointed out, every thing is relative: a small lizard to an Australian is a huge lizard to a Pom. And who was to know that it wasn’t poisonous. Absolutely not me.
    But mostly, I didn’t watch.
    I’m starting to think that I might be cutting back to Thursdays and Sundays. We’ll see.

    • Well, summer in Perth is usually hot. We get a nice day here and there, followed by 3 or 4 stinking hot days. I’m okay with temps up to 33-34, then I bitch along with everybody else :).

      I don’t like trials involving people getting electrical shocks. And Raygun does not own, nor did she patent the word “breakdancing”, so that whole bit was dumb.

      Splitting the camp into teams of women vs. men was never going to go over well. But didn’t Shayna turn into a whinging little brat. And Tina taking a bite of rice and beans and then letting it fall out of her mouth was infantile and puerile. If nothing else, the split has shown who is an adult and who isn’t.

      Episodes five nights a week is too much. I’ll probably still have IAC on, but mostly as background.

  23. I didn’t mean to watch the episode tonight and yet, here I am.
    It had its moments. Some of the conversations were interesting.
    I liked Julia’s pantsuit. I would wear that. I think I’m too short for it so I would look like a small sailing ship but I would still feel fabulous. 💃

  24. I watched the trial, a couple of the chats, and the dinner being announced. They should have told Matty. J. and Shayna that one of the boxes held Mr. Potato Head and another did have fluffy bunnies.

    I don’l like Shayna and her bad attitude. She was not only a sore loser last night, but was a rather ungracious winner tonight.

    I liked Julia’s brown and white dress.

  25. Two woefully inept grooms have run away from MAFS already.We’re one week in.

    The couples that are working at present don’t get air time. Betrayal and friction work better. One idiot tried to get an embarrassing scene cut. No way.You signed up for it, so his dancing blooper went National.

    The alleged experts have made some awful pairings. Some of these searching for everlasting love have PTSD from online dating.

    Imagine a 35 year old BS artist who arcs up and leaves because his wife isn’t 25 and wants 5 children. This is MAFS.

    • I haven’t watched but I have been loving the commentary.
      Like most of Australia, I am in awe of the guy with the nose ring. He will have to leave the country to escape the bad press. And I’m betting he will spend the rest of his life single.
      Mostly, I keep saying to myself, “What was he thinking”. I’m looking for a noise that sums this goose up but I am at a loss.

  26. I didn’t really watch tonight. I started with Qi which has to be one of the best shows ever made for television and then I switched to 1%. I don’t know how anyone got that last question and yet, so easy when they show you.

  27. I watched a few minutes of IAC, then switched to The 1% before the food trial. On that, I started at the 70% question, went out on the one with arrows in squares. Had no idea on the 1% question.
    I went back to IAC for the meal, all the tears, bitching, and hand waving. The female vs. male contests weren’t tests of strength or speed; the guys won more often apparently. Full stop. The women had as good a chance to win.
    Anyone thinking that discussions of misogyny and the patriarchy on a silly little reality show will make any difference is delusional, looking at you, Julia.
    I’m glad that the split of the camp is over. It was a boneheaded decision, and took the entertainment value out of the show while it was going on.

    • Absolutely agree. Stoopid decision and I’m glad that the producers felt the blowback, I hope that puts an end to that on any channel and on any show.
      I got the arrow/square question. Not that it would have done me any good because I went out on the question before (counting the letters in the words). Sometimes I think I’m clever and then reality hits me in the face 🤣🤣.

  28. Yea, nah.
    I know there’s an elimination but I just can’t.
    Good decision to have an elimination every night.
    Nice people and all but we are all flagging.

    • It’s fun on MAFS to see a giant, tattooed “groom” terrified of a cockatiel. What an asset he’ll be in a home invasion…….

      Some of these gice have inflated themselves as “protectors”

  29. I had it on. I watched the first challenge where Max and Zach had to retrieve stars from a watery cave, from a tiny rubber raft. They got 8. There was so more stuff going on, then time for dinner. The rack of lamb had only eight serves of course. After some hinting, the guys said the two who got the stars and the women, who had no protein the previous night, should get the chops. Tina would have had another pouty hissy fit if it had not gone that way.

    Nicky Buckley was eliminated. She tried to make a quick graceful exit, but had to hug everybody, some of whom were in tears. She didn’t tear up until Robert played her a message from her husband.

    The remaining camp members had what amounted to a freaking wake for Nicky after she was gone. She didn’t frigging die, for chrissake. This season is dragging now and I’m glad there are eliminations every night. Even Julia and Robert seem to be searching for new things to say.

  30. Dave and Sigrid got the challenge. Dave had to follow a tune on an organ, while Sigrid tried to cross a rickety bridge. If Dave missed the tune, planks fell from the bridge. They got eight stars before Sigrid fell.

    Shayna was eliminated. I’d have preferred it be Tina, with her sour face and pouty lip. But I won’t miss Shayna either. I’m at the point now where I have people I want to stay, and people that can piss off anytime.

  31. I like the secret challenges. I am easily amused.
    Apart from that, this episode was mostly on mute for me.
    I am not surprised it was Shayna. She has consistently been in the bottom five. At least she was interesting which is more than I can say for person-who-I-have-instantly-forgotten but who left first.

  32. And as a passing comment on MAFS, the commentary is saying that one couple is so insufferable that no-one wants to date them. Ever.
    I’m assuming that if there are normal couples on this show that it’s going under the radar.

  33. QI was delightful.
    I watched Max being terrified of a caterpillar. It is a little bit funny. No one runs to save him anymore. Even funnier.
    I really only watched the end of this ep. No surprises and neither of these two will be missed.
    It will be interesting to see if those who vote are consolidated to the same people/person. Dave seems to have moved up in the rankings. You know that I would hate it if he were in the final three. Of course you know that 🤣

  34. I watched the beginning, skipped the food trials, and saw the end. Sigrid was really good at the challenges, and I respect her for that. Tina won’t be missed. I’m glad if it is double eliminations now; the show is dragging on.

    It’s mostly guys left. I wouldn’t be surprised if final three were Reggie, Geraldine, and one guy. I don’t really dislike any of the men. Even Dave has been bearable in this show :). I know, Bobi, I know.

  35. This episode had to be the most boring to date. I’m at the point where I don’t even care who goes. Just go.

    • You’d be relieved that Dave was eliminated :). Food trials hold no interest for me, too many anuses (anusi?), so I wandered off and came back at the end. The campers categorizing themselves was a little bit funny. But I had a real laugh at their elation at the sight of CocoPops. Blerg.

    • Yay! 🤣🤣
      Yes. I missed it. Serves me right for being so impatient.
      I will miss tonight’s episode. I am having a cataract done today and will be spending the night at my brother’s. There is zero chance that they will be watching.
      I am happy with anyone winning from here. The remainder have all been good entertainment value.
      I am surprised at how much I have ended up liking Bachie (plus he is easy on the eye). Plus the footie fellas. Usually footie fellas are boofheads but these two are turned out to be excellent.
      I am all good from here. It’s not like me to agree with the general public. Always a first.

  36. You have to watch the replay to see the challenge that Max and Sam were in. It was a ridiculous game, but Max’s comments all through it had me laughing out loud, and Sam’s efforts were outstanding.

    Their dinner was fish and chips and vegetables. Then messages from home again, with tears of course.

    Zack and Harrison were eliminated. Another two will be sent home tomorrow, leaving the final three. I still think Reggie and Geraldine will be in the three, but picking the third is difficult; I like all the guys left.

  37. I am home. It will take a couple of days but so far so good. It’s like the world has been washed clean and everything is shiny and bright.
    I’m sorry Zack has gone. I liked him more and more all the time.
    I had forgotten about Harrison so clearly, I am not going to miss him.
    I’m guessing that the younger people will vote for Max.
    Reggie is very, very likeable without seeming to try. I see why she won Big Brother.
    Yes, it’s hard to pick the final three.

  38. I had a giggle at Matty. J. in his little chenille dressing gown. And then I had a laugh at them all doing a silly slo-mo bit on the way to the challenge.

    These last two episodes could be the best yet, because they are all being goofy.

  39. Geraldine and Max are out. That leaves Sam, Matty. J., and Reggie as final three. From that bunch, I’d like Sam to win.

    • I am happy with the final three. I did like the surprise at the end where they brought out their significant others. Genuinely unexpected.
      I could put a strong case forward for each of those left and I might over time.
      In the meantime, it’s 5.30 am over here. I have been woken by a thunderstorm and I am just sitting back and contemplating how lovely it all is. I don’t want to do too much thinking.

  40. The last episode was a lot of reminiscing and repeating. I had it on mute.
    The children really like Reggie. I thought she might win for a while.
    I am not surprised it was Sam. He appeals to a whole bunch of demographics and has been a revelation. Overall, he seems like a really decent guy and I am happy for both him and his charity.
    Altogether, not a bad season. Although I am glad it was short. These people were too nice for interest to be sustained.

    • I had a look-in on Facebook earlier to see who won. I knew the show tonight would be full of repeats of challenges, and declarations of undying love and friendship from the campers. I did like seeing the three re-unite with their families, but then did other things for a while.

      I’m happy Sam won. He is a nice man, and was friendly and helpful with everyone, threw himself into the challenges, and made me laugh more than a few times.

      The outfits Julia and Robert wore this season were good, with Robert’s occasional foray into the ugly shirt closet :).

      It was kind of a meh season. I did like most of the campers, but definitely got tired of a couple of them toward the end. Congratulations and well done to Sam.

  41. I’ve never watched the show and have no idea of how the game is played. But I don’t like the thought that you might be all on your lonesome. I’ll try to look in some. Anyway, I can always comment even if I’m talking out my butt.

    • It would be nice if you were a convert.
      It can be a roller coaster. You never know with this show.
      Talking out of your butt is mandatory.

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