The tribe has spoken: There will be not one but TWO seasons of Australian Survivor this year.
The first, Brains V Brawns II, starts Monday, Feb 17 on Ten at 7.30pm.
The first season of Brain V Brawn gave us King George, Hayley and Simon, and the subsequent AU seasons have been on fire.
Yes, each season goes for 100 years and it’s a huge time investment, but thanks to slick editing and canny casting, it’s must-see TV.

Will you be watching? Who’s your winner pick?

Hi Juz. I will absolutely be watching.
The ads make it look like this will be good to.
I suspect that I will be on my own. I am a little sad about that.
Still, never mind. It’s been a good ride while it lasted.
I’m thinking that Juz and Dave, possibly Daisy, will join you for Survivor comments.
I’ll have a go, for whatever that’s worth :).
I know it is not for everyone, but I am glad it has gone from being a niche show here to having a broader audience.
Bobi, and US starts soon so it will be Survivor 24/7!
Both versions have their charm.
Americans are more aware of the cameras and play to them more naturally.
More ick moments with Australians but more unexpectedly fun moments.
One hour in and, as usual, the cinematography is sooo much better than the US. And already several contenders for future Heroes V Villains seasons
So many promos for Sam Pang tonight – luckily I like him
Well. I Googled “How Does Survivor Work?” The easiest explanation to understand was that it’s a reality tv show of Lord of The Flies.
I watched the whole episode. I’ll admit to a few eye-rolls when they were introducing themselves to their team; there’re a few arrogant twats on both sides.
I don’t like the blonde in the denim onesie, for no other reason than her shorts are so teeny that they go halfway up her butt crack, which seems a stupid choice for physically challenging games.
I think I understood most of it. Couple of questions:
Why did that supercilious bald guy burn the other dude’s hat? Is there an advantage to being a dick?
There’s no loyalty to your own team members, even at the very beginning?
I’ll stick with it.
I can’t answer the question on the hat burning. Beats me. Maybe Juz will have answer.
The question on loyalty is long and complicated.
The better players will always set up some alliances and stay true. It doesn’t pay to burn a friend. My favourite season of Survivor was American and two people (a super strong young guy and a very clever slightly older woman) and they set up their alliance when they met on the plane (boat? Long time ago 🤷♂️). They kept the alliance secret until the very, very end and it was only revealed when the two were the last left standing. She won and he was happy for her. Such a good season.
Whereas my memory of the first season was that the eventual winner had no loyalty to anyone. He was a snake. To this day, it beats me how he won.
And we have had everything in between. I think as people become Survivor experts, it must be more and more difficult to trust.
It will be interesting to see where this season goes. I’m already pointing the finger and going, “Nope. Nope”.
Thank you. I’m already running out of fingers for my “Nopes”, but am trying not to be so judgmental so soon. I like the Brains guy with glasses.
How many times a day does that multi-millionaire say that he is a multi-millionaire? If being on Survivor is the last thing on his bucket list, he must lead a pretty dull life in all his multi-millionairedom.
I think the hat was a shout out to Sandra (who won US twice) burning the hat of Russell, who is a controversial villain. But she did it after she got to know him and he’d been an ass. Not on episode one as a ploy for camera time
I wouldn’t know why the multi millionaire would want to burn the hat. He’s perfectly okay with burning people , too. I don’t mind if he burns the pretender witch.
Dunno why Nash could find an idol in five minutes. Then be so dumb at the immunity puzzle last night. Did he tank?
They must be the shortest denim shorts I’ve ever seen. She wants to watch out for hermit crabs getting in there. Just saying.
I don’t know who was knifed tonight, will see the encore tomrrow.
The Dark Side Of Reality TV aired on Viceland tonight. It showed among other things , a US producer surreptitiosly giving energy bars to a Survivor, It gets murkier. Worth a watch.
Hermit crabs, ha!
Same/same with blonde girl. I noticed how quick she was to take an unnatural pose – almost like she expected the camera to zoom in on her. It didn’t, btw. Thin is not a good look these days.
I liked the challenge. Survivor can have good challenges. I was surprised at how bad the Brains were at this challenge. Maybe they’re not that bright? Or Brawn are not that dumb.
So many people to dislike this season. Let’s see how that goes 🤣🤣.
I predict that guy-who-found-early-idol will be turfed as soon as possible. He has a target on his back (he is in the not that bright camp for me).
I like the self confessed nerd. I hope he lasts.
Too many people trying to be the new George. Denim shorts girl is lucky AU lets them bring more than one set of clothes. She would freeze on US
George was on Deal Or No Deal the other night. He had terrible luck.
I’m enjoying the games. Not so much the strategizing and backstabbing, both of which are mean. But this isn’t IAC, there’s only one who gets the money, and I suppose I’ll get used to it, even though I’ll never like it.
My likes and dislikes of people are all over the place now :).
Survivor brings out the petty in me 🤣.
I take delight in thinking of the slippery dip burns left on Blondie girl with micro-shorts after that challenge. I’m guessing that she didn’t anticipate that 😬.
I sometimes wonder if the producers set up the games deliberately with pain in mind. This is not the first season that inappropriate wear has appeared on this show.
I’ve never understood someone thinking that string up the bum is a good look, and it’s not going to get them extra air time. It’s not that sort of show. I knew a guy once who wore one to the local swimming pool. He was asked to leave. Just in case you are wondering, yes, yes, he was absolutely as creepy as you could imagine.
Sad to see someone go through injury. It doesn’t seem fair somehow.
I did jump between Survivor and 1%. 1% was fun tonight.
Too much faffing around on Survivor for me tonight.
I had to laugh. We are voting for Kent. We are not discussing this again. That’s it. And then …. endless running around in the same spot. (Rolling of eyes emoji. I haven’t brought that one out in a while 🤣.)
AJs got it right. Why vote for someone who is no threat. The girls are making decisions based on who irritates them most. Geez, have they never watched this game before?
I can’t be bothered wading through the tribal. This tribe is going to eat itself from the inside and then, when the two tribes merge, the remaining girls are going to be served up for breakfast.
Some episodes are just annoying. Would it be too much if I rolled my eyes again?
I watched all of The 1% tonight, got to the 10% before I was out. I missed one question during a toilet break, but that doesn’t count :).
I tuned in to Survivor for the voting. Eye rolling is appropriate, even required. Who was injured? The coven of women, or whatever they’re calling themselves tonight, is annoying; yap yap yap, change vote, change vote… None of them want to get in a poker game, their faces give everything away.
I am looking forward to Gogglebox tomorrow.
His name was Zen and he was a hip hop artist. So many jokes to make here 🤣.
He was absolutely gutted. Poor lad.
However, he was easy on the eye and suitably strong. He broke his wrist in a previous brute strength challenge. He would have made it a fair way through the season, I’m sure.
Hip hop artist?
Should be grateful he didn’t get shot.
I did enjoy Gogglebox this week. Lots of laugh out loud moments.
I do miss the two women that they fired. Very few people left that represent me. I know it’s a young persons game these days but I am feeling increasingly marginalised (or invisible) as I get older.
See me shaking my fist at the sky ☹️
I also loved the Silberry family. I did enjoy seeing Malik back and wreaking havoc with his little brother
Survivor tonight (Sun) at 7, then Mon 7.30, Tues 7.30
I don’t know what it is about the girls (both tribes) on the season that is really irritating me. I’ll contemplate on that.
I still enjoy the battles. I think they are clever this season.
I didn’t enjoy the sniping at Myles before the soccer one began. A bit unnecessary and I’m doubting whether any of the snipers could have kicked the ball. It’s harder than it looks.
I’ve got a feeling that this is going to be my theme for this show.
Apart from that, not much to see here.
Not having a fire could be an interesting development as the days go by. 🤷♂️ We’ll see.
On MAFS tonight, they were called ” these ****ing women” Endemol Shite are celebrating appalling behaviour.
Gogglebox captured many MAFS cringeworthy moments the other night.
Hoping Myles does well at Survivor,and that the bald Elon Musk wannabe gets stabbed in the back.
I don’t think it needs much contemplation, Bobi. The women keep forming cliques, but not forming effective alliances, if I understand how an alliance is meant to work. Plus most of them are irritating; one decides to dislike somebody and the rest of them immediately agree with her – mean girls.
I’d think there would be a few cases of plantar fasciitis resulting from that first challenge, ow. Does Brains not even try to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together, or whatever other flintless efforts might work?
Why aren’t all of them scruffling around in the bushes looking for idols?
Mean girl vibes. That’s it. 👍.
Interesting the number of men (I’m looking at you , JD) who have acknowledged that they have probably blown up their game, whereas the women are patting themselves on the back, preening about how clever they are.
So self deluded.
This season is going to become really interesting in a couple of weeks 🙂
I’m glad to see Nash eliminated. I’ve known bullshit artists. Some were likeable, Nash wasn’t.
I still like Myles, who may be another bs artist, but I haven’t seen much of that yet :).
Hey Dave, I read the MAFS recap. Some of the men seem extra appalling this season.
I’m aware of “bad edits” but nothing can make up for some of the words that come out of their mouths.
And the lack of personal awareness has me gobsmacked. 😶
No wonder some of these people are still single.
And no wonder this show continues to rate 🤣🤣🤣
There is not much searching for idols. The camera says they are right there.
Too much gabbing, not enough looking.
I spent a lot of time letting the tv know, very loudly, that some of these people are really, really stupid.
I did lose focus, became distracted and miss the last ten minutes. And apparently it mattered 🤣. I’ll have to catch up tomorrow. The eye roll here is for me.
I don’t know many names yet. But I know Zara now because she is so obnoxious. Are these people real?
I’ll watch the games, which I enjoy, and the elimination. The rest of it, the backbiting and bitchiness, I will happily skip. Just ew.
Goodbye Roberta Flack. Thank you for sharing your beautiful voice with us. Rest easy.
Oh no. How sad. Mostly for me, of course. She sang some of my favourites.
These Brains have some problems with their English usage. Last night, “her and I”, and “me and she”. Tonight the women can’t distinguish between alliance and align. Alignment =/= alliance. I know it’s petty, but that stuff pisses me off.
Rich’s scroll does give him an edge. I doubt I’ll find out how he uses it; I’ll be switching to The 1%.
Hey, I got the 1% question! Did you hear me shout out the answer and applaud myself? Because I did :). Dork.
I went out on the 25%, but of course kept playing. Of the 8 guys who made it to the 1%, all of them got it wrong.
Part of me was congratulating myself on how well I did, completing ignoring the fact that I got the third … and fourth … question wrong 🤣🤣.
I can be deluded.
I did not watch a whole lot of this episode. Obviously.
But I did come back to watch the manoeuvring. At last. People are starting to play properly. Probably too late to save anyone but still, less annoying to watch.
Myles lives to fight another day.
Mean girl is voted out. WAG girl with lips (why does anyone think that is a good look?) throws a tantrum.
Guy who thinks he is clever and owns this game Is blindsided with a voting group that he’s not part of. So good to see his face when this dawns on him.
And no one is looking for an idol. Seriously. Rolls eyes because this was fun.
And now the merge. Just when it was getting good.
Not quite a merge. More of a mixing.
Much angst. Not a lot of caring by me.
Yada, yada, Rich goes home.
And we all saw that coming a mile away.
The only interesting thing that happened tonight was Jonathan having a crack at the Brains team eating themselves. Not that the Brains team will take that on board. They are too busy self destructing. I snigger at the concept of these people being called Brains.
Apart from that I read a book and watched some of Muster Dogs. It’s not quite a substitute for 1%. Hopefully tomorrow night?
I thought the MC said “drop your duds”. That would have made for a more interesting episode of Survivor than what it’s likely to be.
I’m getting a little lost now but I’ll probably sleep well nonetheless. I still enjoy the games.
Who the hell is Kristin? I’m sure I’ve never seen her before. Ursula is a snot; her smug little know-it-all smile makes me want to smack her.
I don’t like any of these people.
This is the seven steps of watching Survivor. Only this season it is the women that are particularly awful. Like really, really awful.
Part of me thinks that i can’t wait for trout lips to go home but part of me is enjoying her tantrums when things don’t go exactly her way. She must be a nightmare to live with. It amazes me that it never occurs to her that at some point, people are going to be voting to send her home. That will be a fun episode.
This episode left a bad taste for me.
I know that the girls are mean girls, and I know it’s a game, and I know that “strategic” play is required but there was something really off about the way Noonan went about this one.
And that Wag’s mouth was extra odd tonight. I wonder how she feels watching it back 🤣.
In the meantime, and more interestingly, weren’t the fashions from the Oscars horrific this year. What are these people thinking? How do they move ? 🤷♂️.
I always enjoy seeing the Oscar’s outfits, and having a laugh at some of them. Ariana Grande thinks she is a real-life Disney princess, albeit a very skinny one. Her co-star wore a big velvet tent which would have taken up three seats. And her nails – ick. You know what everyone is wondering after seeing those needle-sharp long claws.
I watch the first few minutes to see who the teams are deciding to hate tonight, the games usually, and the last ten minutes to see who goes home. Skipping all the bullshit is the only way I can deal with these really awful people. Yes, most of the women are seriously unlikeable. The WAG – imagine describing yourself by what your husband does for a living. Self-respect much?
I see tonight’s ep is only one and a bit hours. Is it nearing the end?
It will be 42 actual whole days. No respite 🤣🤣.
It does get better. I promise. It gets more interesting when the two tribes merge. Hence I got excited when I thought we were at that stage.
This first bit is just getting rid of people who think they know how to play the game, or sometimes sadly when good players get together, getting rid of people who would be a real threat. Or maybe there is a genuinely good player here, lurking. 🤷♂️
In the meantime in the other camp, real bonds and alliances are being formed.
Speaking of “in the meantime”, why is no one looking for an idol? Idiots.
The guy who thinks he has both tribes in the palms of his hands, is he playing the game properly? Or is he full of shit and will be given comeuppance soon? He’s the poker player I think. I still only know the names of a few of them.
Yes, he is playing the game.
Yes, he is really bad at it.
Yes, he will go home soon.
Sometimes you can just tell.
Ursula’s out. I am not sorry to see the back of her and her supercilious smirk. Now she can go home secure in her martyrdom, and in her belief that everybody had it out for her from day one, and NOBODY LIKES ME BOOHOO. Idiot.
I didn’t really watch tonight’s episode but came in for the elimination.
Alex is gone. I’m pleased. He got too caught up in the whole look-how-clever-I-am thing.
I’m guessing Myles had an idol? 🤷♂️
There’s only so long you can watch these people circle the drainpipe.
No 1% to take my attention. I’m assuming that it’s been temporarily replaced by Idol.
I didn’t watch either except for the last few minutes. I missed the first bit and then became totally lost. The hate sessions seemed to cover every single person, It looked as though Brains threw the challenge, and,,,I haven’t any idea.
I don’t watch MAFS, but do read James Weir’s recaps. One of the men got into an argument with his pseudo bride, and ended up punching a hole in a wall. He wasn’t thrown out of the show, The “professionals” told him that doing that was unacceptable. Unacceptable. I’m sure many a woman knows that, when her partner punches a wall in anger, the next thing he’s going to punch is her face. So go ahead MAFS, you cheap, trashy, execrable reality show, normalize domestic violence for the sake of ratings. Because there haven’t yet been enough women killed by their partners.
We have two domestic violence “men” in this season. Both should have been shown the door.
This has been the worst season ever.
I’m sure that somewhere in the background the producers are justifying this as a teachable moment, but the backlash is greater than expected. It’s a bit horrifying.
I’m not reading about it. Even James Weir can’t make this funny.
I thought Max was eliminated from Survivor, whoever he was. I don’t know many of the men because the women are so memorably awful, individually and as groups.
The 1% is on tomorrow night.
Max. Yes, it was Max. They all look alike to me at the moment. I will put an effort in after the merge.
Thanks on info on 1%. My days are all blending at the moment.
Are you all right?
Mostly yes.
I am still recouping from the cataract operation. It’s been a real eye opener 🤣🤣. I didn’t realise how much I was affected and it’s a bit of a readjustment.
I have a new dog arriving today. I didn’t really want to get a new dog so soon but I needed to do it before winter arrived. I am a little anxious in case it doesn’t work out. You never know what you are going to get with a rescue.
So as you can see, it’s just little things but with potential big repercussions.
I’m sure all will be fine in a couple of weeks. 🤪
It was so sweet to see Max go home and for Myles to a) find the idol when he was not even really looking because he was doing the challenge properly when his teammates were throwing it and b) play the idol correctly
I like Myles. He is entertaining rather than annoying.
I am impatient waiting for this merge.
On The 1%, I missed the 45%, kept playing, then missed the 20%. Not my best night :).
We have a groom on MAFS whp priotitizes using his testosterone at the gym before romantic interludes with his wife. Some of these hubbies are best suited to blow up dolls.
Love the commentary. Been rooting for Myles since the start. The millionaires and self deluded alphas are gone.
Like all good greys, he has taken to sleeping like he was born to it.
Aww, it looks as though he has made himself at home already. I hope it works out for both of you :). You’ll never stop missing your other boys, but it must be nice to have a dog in the house again.
Iggy’s deaf and incontinent…..he sometimes forgets to bark to go out. Newspapers,deodorisers. He turned 15 in February. I’m happy for you, Bobi.Rescues can be hard work at times but worth a million dollars
Pats for Iggy. I’m happy to hear he is still around.
Me, too.
Deaf is not a problem. I don’t think I’ve ever had a dog that came when they were called, except maybe to dinner.
Looks like the perfect TV-watching companion
I’m totally losing track of who is siding with whom on Survivor. AJ seems to have screwed himself with all his schemes. He set up Paulie to be voted out, but Paulie had an idol. Unfortunately, AJ played his idol as well.
Noonan was sent home.
Noonan was inevitable in the long run (an injured player will always be jettisoned) but I thought for a moment that she was going to pull this one off. She was screwed by people who should have had her back. That won’t be forgotten. All in all and given circumstances, I think she played a good game.
AJ can’t win now. There’s no one who doesn’t think he’s a snake (followed by my inevitable cry of, have these people never watched this show?). They may even take him to the last three knowing that he’s a lame duck.
All in all, I enjoyed this episode. Loved the playing of the idols. A bit like Snap 🤣🤣).
I didn’t dislike Noonan, but had a laugh when her limp was so exaggerated when she walked away. I don’t like AJ. If he’s playing the game as it should be played, is the winner ever a nice person?
Thanks for giving me a help when I get confused.
And no. Now I have no idea what’s going on. I just know that everyone seems to hate everyone.
If this follows the usual reality tv format, all those getting air time are doomed to be removed, which can only be a good thing because I am thoroughly annoyed by the high school vibes.
Thinking that someone you just met is your bff, FFS. And that you manifest things into your life. Give me a break.
No wonder I couldn’t follow the plot line. 🤷♂️
This will need to be explained to me. I wonder if I need to resort to FB. I wonder if I care.
So much bullshit, so much. They all hate each other…and I hate all of them, except Myles. What’s with the 5-minute alliances giving themselves cutesy little nicknames? They’re not even high school clans, they’re primary school. They should complete the picture by sticking out their tongues and going nyah nyah at the current low person on the totem pole, or liar, or traitor.
The skinny chick with the teeny pants needs to stop pulling her even teenier bather bottoms out of her crack when she’s on camera.
There were some fun bits tonight. The pasta eating was not one of them. I don’t care how hungry you are, you should respect people who are going to eat from the same bowl. Like just ugh. Plus, of course, your mother is probably going to watch this.
I’m always sorry when someone gets hurt. It doesn’t seem fair.
And skinny girl is way too skinny.
The pasta eating didn’t bother me, not the actual pasta.. It was the guy who crammed meatballs into his mouth like a someone making an ad for gluttony that put me off. That was disgusting.
I looked up why Ben left, and who he was. What happened to the guy who got hurt?
Looks as though the merge is on Sunday. Whatever that means.
As much as you can trust the internet – not much – he seems to have variously: torn a calf muscle, caught pneumonia, had Ross River Fever.
I would go with generally not well. 🤣
It is unusual for there not to be an explanation on the day 🤷♂️.
Upon merge, there will only be one tribe. Good players will quickly adapt. Some players will be picked off. Scores can be settled.
And then this can either become fun or it is just predictable.
My first prediction is that skinny girl’s days are numbered. She has no value. She is not strong, not clever and has minimal social skills.
After that, I don’t know.
And we really don’t know the other team as yet.
Best quote from MAFS this year.
“You shat on my heart”
It has potential as a break up song ballad, title,
in my opinion.
That’s so eloquent. Perhaps a really bad country singer could compose something using that phrase. Kid Rock maybe.
I nominate David Allen Coe for the task
“You Never Even Called Me By My Name” Lyrics
Well, it was all
That I could do to keep from crying’
Sometimes it seemed so useless to remain
But you don’t have to call me darlin’, darlin’
You never even called me by my name
You don’t have to call me Waylon Jennings
And you don’t have to call me Charlie Pride
And you don’t have to call me Merle Haggard anymore
Even though you’re on my fighting’ side
And I’ll hang around as long as you will let me
And I never minded standing’ in the rain
But you don’t have to call me darlin’, darlin’
You never even called me by my name
Well, I’ve heard my name
A few times in your phone book (hello, hello)
And I’ve seen it on signs where I’ve played
But the only time I know
I’ll hear “David Allan Coe”
Is when Jesus has his final judgment day
So I’ll hang around as long as you will let me
And I never minded standing’ in the rain
But you don’t have to call me darlin’, darlin’
You never even called me by my name
Well, a friend of mine named Steve Goodman wrote that song
And he told me it was the perfect country & western song
I wrote him back a letter and I told him it was not the perfect country & western song
Because he hadn’t said anything at all about mama
Or trains, or trucks, or prison, or getting’ drunk
Well, he sat down and wrote another verse to the song and he sent it to me
And after reading it I realized that my friend had written the perfect country & western song
And I felt obliged to include it on this album
The last verse goes like this here
Well, I was drunk the day my mom got out of prison
And I went to pick her up in the rain
But before I could get to the station in my pickup truck
She got run over by a damned old train
And I’ll hang around as long as you will let me
And I never minded standing’ in the rain, no
But you don’t have to call me darlin’, darlin’
You never even called me
Well, I wonder why you don’t call me
Why don’t you ever call me by my name
Absolute class 🤣
So … merge.
Then way to much yadda yadda yadda. Someone will have to remind me but I don’t remember there ever being this much pointless talking before.
Challenges, plus sidebar bitching. My brothers tell me that this is a women thing. I’m starting to reluctantly think that he might be right.
I tuned out for a while (Darby and Joan: it’s a bit of cosy mystery. Nothing too stressful. I wouldn’t seek it out but if it’s on I’ll watch it) and when I came back we were at Tribal.
Lots of talk of revenge.
I wasn’t really surprised at the elimination. He was a bit unaware. I was surprised at the multiple splits in the votes. I was expecting two distinct camp. I must have missed something somewhere.
We are half way. My expectations of an interesting episode were let down. Or maybe I’m annoyed at some of the pettiness and I want some petty people to go home.
Damn, I was hoping Zara would be eliminated. I don’t think bitching is generally only a woman thing, but it is in this series. They got themselves into their little cliques, stayed there, and take it so personally if someone changes her mind. Aren’t they all playing to win? So at some point, loyalty is going to be forgotten as they all hope to be the last one standing.
I hadn’t taken much notice of Jessie. I wasn’t aware of how the voting would split because I couldn’t stand to listen to all the blah blah blah. Sometimes the way to get ahead is to stfu and observe.
Obviously, I missed a whole chunk in the middle. My attention span can’t last through the same conversation again and again. Lordy.
But then, just when I had given up all hope, a reminder of why I love this game.
I’m not sure why they voted for PD and not one of the girls but I have to trust Myles. He’s one of only a few of these people that know how to play this game.
I’m guessing it’s because he went along with the girls rather than the lads, and it does weaken the strongest female player. But idk 🤷♂️.
Now, even if they all get voted off, the jury is stacked against some of these people.
So much fun.
Tonight was the first time I watched the whole episode, even the boring bits. That’s because of the promo with Myles and his little surprise. And didn’t he play that well. Someone, I forget who, brought up PD as an alternate after they were all united in hatred of Paulie.
I felt a little sorry for Paulie. I’ve missed out on some of his snakyiness, but no one was even talking to him. And he’s a bigger snake than AJ, the big fat liar?
I enjoyed this episode. Never thought I’d say that :).
I watched Sam Pang Tonight. That was good, quite a few funny bits. They need to stop using laugh-track top ups during his monologue, but I’ll watch it again.
I’m already sick of MasterChef promos, and I’ve only seen two. Laura, ick.
I thought his debut was fine. Yes it was a little clunky but it was not awful. I enjoy Sam the most when he is bouncing off others (like HYBPA) so hopefully he settles into the new solo role.
I may have to watch MC because Andre is on it. I ate at the Adelaide restaurant he first opened after his first stint in the show and the food was divine – fabulous Italian and the polenta was a standout. That one closed before Covid and he now owns several restaurants, including one on his farm where he cooks with what is grown there. Very hard to get a booking
I’m going to watch MC. I like the second chance shows, and the celebrity stuff.
It means you don’t have to waste a whole lot of time on backstories and doing it for my nonna.
Another fun episode.
That challenge was brutal but fair to everyone.
Proper behind the scenes games tonight. There were still repeated conversations but with slightly more point to them.
So much for Laura being able to read things. She got it wrong for Logan and she got it wrong for herself.
I’ve assumed that no one’s going after Zara because she is insignificant. I still think that AJ is a snake but he needs to stay to protect Myles.
Apart from that, it could go anywhere from here.
Two episodes in a row that I’ve watched most of and enjoyed. That immunity challenge gave me the creeps; I’d last about 20 seconds in that.
My money is still on Myles right now, but I wonder about Kaelen. He’s not been featured much, except for the games.
Of course I know what a jury is, but how does the jury change things on this show? Every time I think I may be caught up on the game, another twist is thrown in.
At the end of the show, the jury listen to the last two Survivors and vote on who’s bullshitting the least. There’s your winner
Thanks, Dave. So some of the eliminated ones, with all their grudges, decide who wins? How odd.
Yeah, people with chips on both shoulders to convince.
It’d take $15,000 to get my vote.
Go Myles.No fee for you.
Myles said he got sick of everyones kumbaya, well said and hilarious. Those bloody women rabbiting on about revenge and justice and trust; they can’t get away from their mean girls personas. Jesus, grow up. More importantly, shut up.
Kaelen is not the only one that’s barely been featured.
There’s some girl lurking in the background whose name I don’t know and who only pops up every now and then. I always get suspicious as well.
Kaelen could win the immunity challenge multiple times which could carry him through to the end. Dark horse.
In the meantime, AJ definitely thinks he’s a better player than he is. His days are numbered. I can’t see Myles making it to the end but stranger things have happened. I’m not sure that Myles cares. Better to play than sit around staring at your naval and he might get invited back to a Villians/hero’s episode.
Myles said that he didn’t care what happened, even if he lost, for the satisfaction of seeing the reactions to his surprise saving of Paulie.
How did it go with the grey, Bobi? Was he a keeper?
Another MAFS gem:
” I just can’t conversate with you”
I love these people.
It’s just a constant reminder that our schooling system doesn’t value literacy.
Myles is just having the best time out there and it’s fun to watch him play. I loved him narrating the challenge while “snorkelling”. He will be back for sure. I hope the graduates stick together for a bit longer.
Here’s a pupdate.
He is still incredibly thin. I am struggling to get the weight on him. And there is separation anxiety.
Apart from that, he is a very nice dog. He does that greyhound teeth chatter all day long which is so endearing and he loves the girls.
I will keep him but it will take a month or so for awful behaviour to emerge (not counting the need to kill my socks). I have high hopes that all will be well.
My dog had severe separation anxiety. Prozac worked a miracle for him. See how yours goes, his anxiety should improve with his sense of safety over time. Vets overcharge terribly for medication, I have an understanding GP.
The dog’s good company. Don’t begrudge being home a lot. Society seems to be falling apart gloriously out there,anyway.
I am trying all the natural remedies first but to no avail. I did resort to Gabapentin. That maybe worked a little better but not much. Early days.
They are nice company.
And, secretly, I didn’t really mind lockdown 🙂.
I am trying to look on the bright side of the news. Good luck to me 🤣. The best I can come with is that we can now stop this nonsense of thinking of America as “our friend”. Never been. Never was.
I hang on to small things. 😰