LOL 😂 A bit of sponge looking thingy and they said its the most beautiful thing they ever seen.
First 10 mins of a Survivor are up on Tenplay if you want a sneak peek
Thanks for the Hope for the Future reminder. One more day of this to go!
2 hours 15 mins to reproduce and serve their usual – mousse, icecream, icy stuff. It has been dumbed down this season to suit the chosen contestants, yeah? ( Channelling George, who is currently in a dark tunnel.) Simon said that his style of cooking has changed. He is now confident about what he’s putting on the plate. Misplaced confidence as we know due to the contrivances and lack of integrity of the judges. It is Matt who has severely disappointed me in that regard.
“Simon said that his style of cooking has changed”
That’s true. It’s got worse.
He’s been consistent with his scant regard for hygiene, however.
I am behind – again. Only just watched last night’s and, as I ate my wombok stir fry, I was thrilled to hear from the judges that cabbage is on trend right now. What’s next? Potato?
Yep, probably yams Juz. They give off that whole South Pacific, food as dowry vibe. Ripe to be infused with meaning, probably by calling them a pickle after a quick dousing in vinegar and salt and applying no heat.
Second thoughts: Simple Simon isn’t confident about his food, he’s just punting on continuing to be misrepresented by the judges. The audition dish shown looked good, but a whole nothing but charred cauli, boiled cabbage wedge (“marinated” in butter and verjuice for a brief time whilst raw, being a “strong” vegetable which ” can have a lot of flavour punched into it”) etc don’t cut the mustard. I wonder if Simple Simon can cut mustard.
Simon said he is not a sweater!! What! He has been perspiring like you know what
In fairness to pigs, they don’t really sweat, not having sweat glands.
But yeah, Simon sweats enough for two pigs.
I laughed when he said that, Littlepetal. We’ve seen sweat dripping into food on several occasions, not to mention bits from his floppy hair as well. His eatery would be shut down pretty quick with so many breaches of hygiene standards.
I don’t think if my name was Larissa I would like it to be abbreviated to Larry. It just sounds like a sarcastic old Guy of non specific culture. Even Lazza would be better
Why does George keep swapping his specs. It reminds me of me and my yr 5 pals who thought it was so cool to have glasses we would wear one pair on face, and hang second pair around neck
Maybe one pair for near and one pair for distance
What a suck-up by Simple Simon. A creepy chuckle by the judges.
Pre-fabricated assessment by the judges. No wonder they can say Simple Simon “nailed it”. How come they haven’t ever said he screwed it?
What a load of rot by George. After 3 contestants it comes down to the finest detail. Larissa’s coral looked the best yet, but was said to be a bit dense yet the others were too. I bet her other elements matched the recipe. And why is Tessa emotional ask the judges? Because it’s a big public contest you silly pretenders.
Matt proclaims Tessa the best looking with the best looking coral
Oh FFS, bloody Slimey got through
Worst news of all fuckin’ time. I’m off to watch Dirty Harry on 7 mate . Got to be better than Dirty Simon. Dandruff for sand in his coral. So next level.
His strategy was simple but superior. No hygiene. Crawl to $tooges. Pretentious.
Isn’t tonight’s dish best presented in a bong?
Yeah, the cat got the cream, Big H. He’ll probably use it to “sauce” an otherwise naked whole pumpkin.
Tess is crying. Looks like she’ll make it through.
It’s come down to ice cream. I would never have dreamed such a thing.
George has been dumped as the face of WA Tourism
No offence Juz. That’s old news on your awesome blog. Windsong shared that terrible news here yesterday. From the kitchen tonight, I heard George being sliced and diced on HYBPA?. All of George’s squabs are coming home to roost. Like a short, bald, knife licking Icarus, he flew too close to the financial $un…… for a fistful of dollars. Jails need good chefs.
So Slimy in the Finy, what a surprise. It was never in doubt – no matter what horrors he plated up, the judges ‘loved’ it. Seeing it’s all rigged, I think the producers planned for The Chosen One to make it to the end all along.
This guy’s repulsive, a fake and makes truly awful food. He should be arrested for vegetable abuse. At least the two best cooks made it – Larissa and Tessa should be joint winners.
I miss desserts with colour. Remember this one?
Timbo goes home at last and as predicted over a week ago there will be three in the finals à la Masterchef USA. No surprise there, as they wasted a whole boring week not eliminating anyone, so Blind Freddy could have guessed what was up. The fake looks of surprise on the contestants faces were hilarious. Maybe as well as not being able to cook, they can’t add up either.
I don’t think that any of this year’s final ten could have won any of the previous seasons of Masterchef and I’ve never seen a season where we had so many repeat dishes. It’s as though they knew they didn’t need to be innovative, just cook what they knew and try to do it well – very strategic, but mind numbingly boring for the viewer. It rates as my second least favourite season (behind the trainwreck that was Season 5).
Peter Gilmore was lovely tonight – I do really like him a lot and I’ve eaten at De Beers when he was Head Chef there and the food was outstanding. I was a bit surprised that Slimy didn’t fangirl him as Peter has written an excellent book (From the Earth) on heirloom vegetables and cooking with earthy ingredients. I’d thought that would be right up Slimy’s (pretend) alley, but as we suspect, Slimy’s only a recent, hipster adopter of the vegan movement. That said, he did do a nauseating suck up to the judges during plating, though it wasn’t enough to secure him the coveted first place into the finals.
The service challenge tomorrow should be interesting as you have to present a menu so Slimy won’t be able to leave off a slab of pork on his “vegan” dish and pretend it was how he wanted to serve it. I did see a beetroot on a plate in the promo, so I’m guessing that’s Slimy’s dish.
Someone said yesterday that they referenced the youngest winner in Masterchef history. That would mean Larissa as she’s 22 and the youngest previous winners (Billie, Brent and Andy) were 24. But it’s not like them to give away the result in advance, so I think it’s a red herring. I’d like to think it will be Tessa who wins, but I wonder if Slimy has left a horse’s head in the judges’ beds just to be sure of that number one spot.
Seeing they have 60 chefs and previous winners as diners tomorrow, it would be good if they could have a vote in the final outcome, but that might be too fair and equitable for those who systematically underpay their staff.
I can’t wait for this season to be over.
I think they said IF Larissa won, she would be the youngest. Not a prediction but a speculation.
MC have the bad habit of wanting to be making history for everything.
History could also be someone getting 10s from the judges for all 3 courses.
That sounds more likely. I’m at a disadvantage living overseas so I don’t see the endless promos on tv and only got that titbit second hand. It would have been dumb of them to say that and give it away. My money’s still Tessa, though who knows if Slimy’s sweat and dandruff might win the day.
That dish replaced the Snow Egg?
I have serious questions when PG says it takes hundreds of hours to perfect the “coral” dish, and yet Tessa does it well enough on first reading to be served in his restaurant. Considering the fancy machine does all the work, I suspect that PG’s chefs perfected it pretty quickly, and that the hundreds of hours was a little white lie.
Why wasn’t the bowl edible? Sorry, I wouldn’t bust a gut to get into this restaurant for that icecream on icecream dessert, even though I love prune flavour.
I also thought that the bowl should have been edible. To me this was certainly not one of the most difficult pressure tests. None of the faux coral looked like coral.
Great dish for someone suffering from constipation….prune ice cream and prune jam. Don’t order if you will not be able to access a bathroom for a few hours.
no way would I order that dish. I hate white chocolate anyway and although I don’t dislike prunes at all they are not my idea of a good time. That chocolate tart that I think Tessa made in a WA challenge I think looked way more appetising to me. . . I can’t imagine getting CORAL in a restaurant and being anything other than disappointed.
Mind you, I also like Peter Gilmore so I have to assume it probably does taste really good and he is so nice to contestants that I forgive him.
Why do they need Shannon Bennett around to mentor the cooks in the finale?
This service challenge is so MKR style.
I think the producers knew these Top 5 (after the WA week) are not great cooks. They must have done a switcheroo with the format for the finale.
They knew the Final 4 can’t do another real service challenge in a real restaurant. Just use the pressure test ( which is not the most difficullt) to eliminate one of them.
Then for the Grand finale just cook a 3 course meal. Not very exciting.
I agree. Disappointing way to end. I much prefer the three-stage finale, with each stage designed to challenge the cooks in a different way.
And I don’t like telling them in advance what they are doing, and to begin preparing their choices of dishes. Too much preparation allowed.
They’re having a mentor for the ones in the finale? These three people are the best ever, brightest, most innovative, talented, and accomplished cooks. But they need a little help? *snort* Pathetic.
This is the Stooges last gig. Thanks, George.
The elimination we’ve been waiting for. The format was stale, the judges complacent and the ratings were falling. Not a good time to ask for a 40% pay rise, especially when earning a million plus numerous endorsements (that will vanish as soon as they aren’t on Masterchef).
Oh the irony of George being sacked over a pay dispute…
Interesting that both MC and House Rules are doing a final 3 rather than the usual final 2.
Simon should never work in a restaurant that has an open kitchen. Watching him cook with his hair hanging down and the sweat and grease dripping off is gross.
Is it predictable that there will probably be at least one ice cream, sorbet, parfait or mousse in the finale? Will Simon hero a vegetable, cook it 15 different ways, call it a vegan dish and then put a slab of meat on the side?
Easy to eliminate icecream, just take away the machines and make them make it the normal way.
I am sure there will be ice cream or sorbet. What dessert can Simon do except something soft and mushy
I’m expecting a fish with butter sauce entree, a main vegetable dish that had the meat component whipped away in the final seconds and some kind of dessert featuring parfait, mousse, ice cream and pannacotta. Just to show us how all three cooks have grown over the competition. At least in their own delusional worlds.
Hope there is/are some outside judges tonight otherwise we can rightly claim that the whole thing is rigged.
They are there eating but don’t think they will judging. Maybe Curtis Stone as he represent Coles
I was worried for Larissa for a while. She stuffed up her egg white for the mousse then forgot to add the hot juice to the ice cream & added it later. But luckily she got through.
I didn’t think that dessert looked that flash. I can imagine how expensive it would be. Doubt I would order it on the off chance I ever went to his restaurant.
Aww, I’m sad Timbo is gorn. I really enjoyed his big grin and happy demeanour. Would much rather watch him in the finale than some of the others.
Sportsbet wouldn’t want to miss out in making some money.
You can bet whether George will still be a judge for 2020 or who will be the new judge
Which jail will George be doing Ma$terclasses and licking knives in next year, yeah? Boom boom shake the cell!
Littlepetal, all three Stooges are leaving Channel Ten. “Failed contract negotiations” See the news tonight.
“$tooges, you’ve been aliminated. You’re going home. Take some time to say your goodbyes. We’ve loved having you “
It appears George “the wage thief” has scuttled the MC image and Jowl$y and Gary are collateral damage. I Googled “Masterchef judges sacked” and voila. 22, 000 signed petition to see George aliminated.
It came down to the books you cooked George, yeah?
That’s good news. This was way overdue.
I wonder if they were mentoring Poh, Billie and Matt Sinclair to take over.
Yeah I just read that. Wonder who they will replace them with. This will be a good chance for MasterChef to refresh itself & will hopefully be the end of favouritism. Hopefully they will get at least one female judge or even have 3 female judges. Oh & maybe now Marco Pierre White will come back with Matt Preston gone.
George told Timbo he ‘s going to be a “superstar” .Yawn. I’ve heard that one used on The Voice, Australian Idol etc. It means we’ll never hear from you again. We’ll never see you make ice cream again. I’m choking up.
As annoying as Timbo was – and who can forget his ridiculous blubbering over The Press Club’s ‘closure’ – I prefer him over Slimy any day.
But I’d prefer Caligula over Slimy.
As underwhelming as this season was, Tessa and Larissa are terrific cooks, and Anushka and even Abbie were pretty good too.
Certainly better than some previous winners: Brent, Emma Dean the toast burner and Sachi, who could only cook one thing well. (But that one was for the huge Indian fan base)
Tut tut Peter Gilmore. Over 100 tries to get this dessert right? I think not. Lovely man, but that was a fib. And not so much coral than a dying reef. He certainly likes white things.
What a way to finish. A service challenge is more like a roller derby than refined cooking.
Hope one of the girls prevails. And cabbages and cauliflowers everywhere are hoping for the demise of their torturer.
Pay negotiations my arse
All the judges are gone? Radio news said only George and Gary were leaving, but you guys say Matt is going, too. I like Matt. And I liked Gary in master classes. Can’t think of any reason to miss George but maybe something will come to me later.
Let the eulogies begin.
Yeah, the channel 10 news just said that all three of them were leaving.
Wow, George’s screw-up seems like a wild ride of dominos that’s leaving this trail of destruction in his wake.
I’d love to have been a fly on the wall in salary negotiations. They’re supposedly leaving MC because they weren’t paid enough. I’m pissing myself laughing.
Jesus, George, you have the hide of a rhinoceros.
There’s an interview, doing the rounds of social media at the moment, that George did a few years ago now, where he complains loudly, and at length, about having to pay his restaurant staff penalty rates.
It’s hilarious, in hindsight, but I’m guessing that George isn’t laughing.
I suppose channel 10 is both overjoyed at the publicity that their show is getting, while also quietly seething that the publicity is universally negative. I suppose they couldn’t get rid of George fast enough.
Lol – George is back on Celebrity Name Game. Grant asks him after 10 years what does it take to impress you on the show. George trots out the tired old line about good food – yawn. What he meant to say was “A bigger paycheck.”
Peter Eatmore.
LOL 😂 A bit of sponge looking thingy and they said its the most beautiful thing they ever seen.
First 10 mins of a Survivor are up on Tenplay if you want a sneak peek
Thanks for the Hope for the Future reminder. One more day of this to go!
2 hours 15 mins to reproduce and serve their usual – mousse, icecream, icy stuff. It has been dumbed down this season to suit the chosen contestants, yeah? ( Channelling George, who is currently in a dark tunnel.) Simon said that his style of cooking has changed. He is now confident about what he’s putting on the plate. Misplaced confidence as we know due to the contrivances and lack of integrity of the judges. It is Matt who has severely disappointed me in that regard.
“Simon said that his style of cooking has changed”
That’s true. It’s got worse.
He’s been consistent with his scant regard for hygiene, however.
I am behind – again. Only just watched last night’s and, as I ate my wombok stir fry, I was thrilled to hear from the judges that cabbage is on trend right now. What’s next? Potato?
Yep, probably yams Juz. They give off that whole South Pacific, food as dowry vibe. Ripe to be infused with meaning, probably by calling them a pickle after a quick dousing in vinegar and salt and applying no heat.
Yam ice cream?
I think you can get yam ice cream in Asia
You’re hot tonight, Rox :).
Colour of Larissa’s face matches her top.
….and Simon’s nose.
Yes! I thought it was just my tv
Second thoughts: Simple Simon isn’t confident about his food, he’s just punting on continuing to be misrepresented by the judges. The audition dish shown looked good, but a whole nothing but charred cauli, boiled cabbage wedge (“marinated” in butter and verjuice for a brief time whilst raw, being a “strong” vegetable which ” can have a lot of flavour punched into it”) etc don’t cut the mustard. I wonder if Simple Simon can cut mustard.
Simon said he is not a sweater!! What! He has been perspiring like you know what
In fairness to pigs, they don’t really sweat, not having sweat glands.
But yeah, Simon sweats enough for two pigs.
I laughed when he said that, Littlepetal. We’ve seen sweat dripping into food on several occasions, not to mention bits from his floppy hair as well. His eatery would be shut down pretty quick with so many breaches of hygiene standards.
I don’t think if my name was Larissa I would like it to be abbreviated to Larry. It just sounds like a sarcastic old Guy of non specific culture. Even Lazza would be better
Why does George keep swapping his specs. It reminds me of me and my yr 5 pals who thought it was so cool to have glasses we would wear one pair on face, and hang second pair around neck
Maybe one pair for near and one pair for distance
What a suck-up by Simple Simon. A creepy chuckle by the judges.
Pre-fabricated assessment by the judges. No wonder they can say Simple Simon “nailed it”. How come they haven’t ever said he screwed it?
What a load of rot by George. After 3 contestants it comes down to the finest detail. Larissa’s coral looked the best yet, but was said to be a bit dense yet the others were too. I bet her other elements matched the recipe. And why is Tessa emotional ask the judges? Because it’s a big public contest you silly pretenders.
Matt proclaims Tessa the best looking with the best looking coral
Oh FFS, bloody Slimey got through
Worst news of all fuckin’ time. I’m off to watch Dirty Harry on 7 mate . Got to be better than Dirty Simon. Dandruff for sand in his coral. So next level.
His strategy was simple but superior. No hygiene. Crawl to $tooges. Pretentious.
Isn’t tonight’s dish best presented in a bong?
Yeah, the cat got the cream, Big H. He’ll probably use it to “sauce” an otherwise naked whole pumpkin.
Tess is crying. Looks like she’ll make it through.
It’s come down to ice cream. I would never have dreamed such a thing.
George has been dumped as the face of WA Tourism
No offence Juz. That’s old news on your awesome blog. Windsong shared that terrible news here yesterday. From the kitchen tonight, I heard George being sliced and diced on HYBPA?. All of George’s squabs are coming home to roost. Like a short, bald, knife licking Icarus, he flew too close to the financial $un…… for a fistful of dollars. Jails need good chefs.
So Slimy in the Finy, what a surprise. It was never in doubt – no matter what horrors he plated up, the judges ‘loved’ it. Seeing it’s all rigged, I think the producers planned for The Chosen One to make it to the end all along.
This guy’s repulsive, a fake and makes truly awful food. He should be arrested for vegetable abuse. At least the two best cooks made it – Larissa and Tessa should be joint winners.
I miss desserts with colour. Remember this one?
Timbo goes home at last and as predicted over a week ago there will be three in the finals à la Masterchef USA. No surprise there, as they wasted a whole boring week not eliminating anyone, so Blind Freddy could have guessed what was up. The fake looks of surprise on the contestants faces were hilarious. Maybe as well as not being able to cook, they can’t add up either.
I don’t think that any of this year’s final ten could have won any of the previous seasons of Masterchef and I’ve never seen a season where we had so many repeat dishes. It’s as though they knew they didn’t need to be innovative, just cook what they knew and try to do it well – very strategic, but mind numbingly boring for the viewer. It rates as my second least favourite season (behind the trainwreck that was Season 5).
Peter Gilmore was lovely tonight – I do really like him a lot and I’ve eaten at De Beers when he was Head Chef there and the food was outstanding. I was a bit surprised that Slimy didn’t fangirl him as Peter has written an excellent book (From the Earth) on heirloom vegetables and cooking with earthy ingredients. I’d thought that would be right up Slimy’s (pretend) alley, but as we suspect, Slimy’s only a recent, hipster adopter of the vegan movement. That said, he did do a nauseating suck up to the judges during plating, though it wasn’t enough to secure him the coveted first place into the finals.
The service challenge tomorrow should be interesting as you have to present a menu so Slimy won’t be able to leave off a slab of pork on his “vegan” dish and pretend it was how he wanted to serve it. I did see a beetroot on a plate in the promo, so I’m guessing that’s Slimy’s dish.
Someone said yesterday that they referenced the youngest winner in Masterchef history. That would mean Larissa as she’s 22 and the youngest previous winners (Billie, Brent and Andy) were 24. But it’s not like them to give away the result in advance, so I think it’s a red herring. I’d like to think it will be Tessa who wins, but I wonder if Slimy has left a horse’s head in the judges’ beds just to be sure of that number one spot.
Seeing they have 60 chefs and previous winners as diners tomorrow, it would be good if they could have a vote in the final outcome, but that might be too fair and equitable for those who systematically underpay their staff.
I can’t wait for this season to be over.
I think they said IF Larissa won, she would be the youngest. Not a prediction but a speculation.
MC have the bad habit of wanting to be making history for everything.
History could also be someone getting 10s from the judges for all 3 courses.
That sounds more likely. I’m at a disadvantage living overseas so I don’t see the endless promos on tv and only got that titbit second hand. It would have been dumb of them to say that and give it away. My money’s still Tessa, though who knows if Slimy’s sweat and dandruff might win the day.
That dish replaced the Snow Egg?
I have serious questions when PG says it takes hundreds of hours to perfect the “coral” dish, and yet Tessa does it well enough on first reading to be served in his restaurant. Considering the fancy machine does all the work, I suspect that PG’s chefs perfected it pretty quickly, and that the hundreds of hours was a little white lie.
Why wasn’t the bowl edible? Sorry, I wouldn’t bust a gut to get into this restaurant for that icecream on icecream dessert, even though I love prune flavour.
I also thought that the bowl should have been edible. To me this was certainly not one of the most difficult pressure tests. None of the faux coral looked like coral.
Great dish for someone suffering from constipation….prune ice cream and prune jam. Don’t order if you will not be able to access a bathroom for a few hours.
no way would I order that dish. I hate white chocolate anyway and although I don’t dislike prunes at all they are not my idea of a good time. That chocolate tart that I think Tessa made in a WA challenge I think looked way more appetising to me. . . I can’t imagine getting CORAL in a restaurant and being anything other than disappointed.
Mind you, I also like Peter Gilmore so I have to assume it probably does taste really good and he is so nice to contestants that I forgive him.
Why do they need Shannon Bennett around to mentor the cooks in the finale?
This service challenge is so MKR style.
I think the producers knew these Top 5 (after the WA week) are not great cooks. They must have done a switcheroo with the format for the finale.
They knew the Final 4 can’t do another real service challenge in a real restaurant. Just use the pressure test ( which is not the most difficullt) to eliminate one of them.
Then for the Grand finale just cook a 3 course meal. Not very exciting.
I agree. Disappointing way to end. I much prefer the three-stage finale, with each stage designed to challenge the cooks in a different way.
And I don’t like telling them in advance what they are doing, and to begin preparing their choices of dishes. Too much preparation allowed.
They’re having a mentor for the ones in the finale? These three people are the best ever, brightest, most innovative, talented, and accomplished cooks. But they need a little help? *snort* Pathetic.
This is the Stooges last gig. Thanks, George.
The elimination we’ve been waiting for. The format was stale, the judges complacent and the ratings were falling. Not a good time to ask for a 40% pay rise, especially when earning a million plus numerous endorsements (that will vanish as soon as they aren’t on Masterchef).
Oh the irony of George being sacked over a pay dispute…
Interesting that both MC and House Rules are doing a final 3 rather than the usual final 2.
Simon should never work in a restaurant that has an open kitchen. Watching him cook with his hair hanging down and the sweat and grease dripping off is gross.
Is it predictable that there will probably be at least one ice cream, sorbet, parfait or mousse in the finale? Will Simon hero a vegetable, cook it 15 different ways, call it a vegan dish and then put a slab of meat on the side?
Easy to eliminate icecream, just take away the machines and make them make it the normal way.
I am sure there will be ice cream or sorbet. What dessert can Simon do except something soft and mushy
I’m expecting a fish with butter sauce entree, a main vegetable dish that had the meat component whipped away in the final seconds and some kind of dessert featuring parfait, mousse, ice cream and pannacotta. Just to show us how all three cooks have grown over the competition. At least in their own delusional worlds.
Hope there is/are some outside judges tonight otherwise we can rightly claim that the whole thing is rigged.
They are there eating but don’t think they will judging. Maybe Curtis Stone as he represent Coles
I was worried for Larissa for a while. She stuffed up her egg white for the mousse then forgot to add the hot juice to the ice cream & added it later. But luckily she got through.
I didn’t think that dessert looked that flash. I can imagine how expensive it would be. Doubt I would order it on the off chance I ever went to his restaurant.
Aww, I’m sad Timbo is gorn. I really enjoyed his big grin and happy demeanour. Would much rather watch him in the finale than some of the others.
Sportsbet wouldn’t want to miss out in making some money.
You can bet whether George will still be a judge for 2020 or who will be the new judge
Which jail will George be doing Ma$terclasses and licking knives in next year, yeah? Boom boom shake the cell!
Littlepetal, all three Stooges are leaving Channel Ten. “Failed contract negotiations” See the news tonight.
“$tooges, you’ve been aliminated. You’re going home. Take some time to say your goodbyes. We’ve loved having you “
It appears George “the wage thief” has scuttled the MC image and Jowl$y and Gary are collateral damage. I Googled “Masterchef judges sacked” and voila. 22, 000 signed petition to see George aliminated.
It came down to the books you cooked George, yeah?
That’s good news. This was way overdue.
I wonder if they were mentoring Poh, Billie and Matt Sinclair to take over.
Yeah I just read that. Wonder who they will replace them with. This will be a good chance for MasterChef to refresh itself & will hopefully be the end of favouritism. Hopefully they will get at least one female judge or even have 3 female judges. Oh & maybe now Marco Pierre White will come back with Matt Preston gone.
George told Timbo he ‘s going to be a “superstar” .Yawn. I’ve heard that one used on The Voice, Australian Idol etc. It means we’ll never hear from you again. We’ll never see you make ice cream again. I’m choking up.
Read it and weep, gice.
Ha, they’ve all been sacked!!!
As annoying as Timbo was – and who can forget his ridiculous blubbering over The Press Club’s ‘closure’ – I prefer him over Slimy any day.
But I’d prefer Caligula over Slimy.
As underwhelming as this season was, Tessa and Larissa are terrific cooks, and Anushka and even Abbie were pretty good too.
Certainly better than some previous winners: Brent, Emma Dean the toast burner and Sachi, who could only cook one thing well. (But that one was for the huge Indian fan base)
Tut tut Peter Gilmore. Over 100 tries to get this dessert right? I think not. Lovely man, but that was a fib. And not so much coral than a dying reef. He certainly likes white things.
What a way to finish. A service challenge is more like a roller derby than refined cooking.
Hope one of the girls prevails. And cabbages and cauliflowers everywhere are hoping for the demise of their torturer.
Pay negotiations my arse
All the judges are gone? Radio news said only George and Gary were leaving, but you guys say Matt is going, too. I like Matt. And I liked Gary in master classes. Can’t think of any reason to miss George but maybe something will come to me later.
Let the eulogies begin.
Yeah, the channel 10 news just said that all three of them were leaving.
Wow, George’s screw-up seems like a wild ride of dominos that’s leaving this trail of destruction in his wake.
I’d love to have been a fly on the wall in salary negotiations. They’re supposedly leaving MC because they weren’t paid enough. I’m pissing myself laughing.
Jesus, George, you have the hide of a rhinoceros.
There’s an interview, doing the rounds of social media at the moment, that George did a few years ago now, where he complains loudly, and at length, about having to pay his restaurant staff penalty rates.
It’s hilarious, in hindsight, but I’m guessing that George isn’t laughing.
I suppose channel 10 is both overjoyed at the publicity that their show is getting, while also quietly seething that the publicity is universally negative. I suppose they couldn’t get rid of George fast enough.
Lol – George is back on Celebrity Name Game. Grant asks him after 10 years what does it take to impress you on the show. George trots out the tired old line about good food – yawn. What he meant to say was “A bigger paycheck.”
I’ve started a new thread for MasterChef judge sacking chat