Bachelorette Straya finale
Tonight’s the night. Who will Sophie pick?
Tonight’s the night. Who will Sophie pick?
Tonight, three will become one. Surely Jarrad gets the flick? She can’t take him anywhere tropical because his skin will burst into flames. Will Channel 10 borrow one of Stu’s boats to get to wherever it is? They are cash… Continue Reading
The race towards the inevitable Stu pick continues.
Sophie’s Bachelors are split into two teams and brave the waves in a lively sailing race. On the single date, Sophie takes one Bachelor on a group date: just them and eight adorable puppies.
Tonight on Bahelorette Australia: Sophie invites all the boys around to hers for the “perfect night in”, complete with animal onesies. (Just as well she gave Ryan the boot or he would have flipped out over the onesie). On the… Continue Reading
TV Blurb says: Sophie takes one lucky suitor on a New York-themed date. At the cocktail party, one Bachelor makes a wild accusation, while a game of Truth or Dare leaves Sophie speechless. Hmm, ok, who do we think the… Continue Reading
Tonight on Bachelorette Straya, Sophie takes one lucky Bachelor for a day of old-fashioned romance. Later, the group date sees the intensity taken up a notch in an ultra-competitive game of bicycle polo. I guess they are saving the intruders… Continue Reading
Announcing: #BachelorInParadiseAU is coming! Which of your favourites will return for another chance at love? — @BachParadiseAU (@BachParadiseAU) October 1, 2017 Does this mean we will see all the the former exotic dancers and bad boys locked up in… Continue Reading
Who are your front runners?
Who will Sophie give the flick to tonight?