Brickman on The Block
Why is Brickman on The Block? Is he not on a Channel 10 contract? The Lego Masters judge appears at a challenge on Tuesday. Sunday night is the living/dining reveal and the theme for the rest of the week is… Continue Reading
Why is Brickman on The Block? Is he not on a Channel 10 contract? The Lego Masters judge appears at a challenge on Tuesday. Sunday night is the living/dining reveal and the theme for the rest of the week is… Continue Reading
Bachelorette: Sister Act premiers Wednesday on Ten at 7.30. Sisters Becky and Elly (from Matt Agnew’s season) are Looking for love. Let’s hope they get a better batch of blokes than the macho tools Angie was lumbered with.
Tonight it is kitchen reveals and the rest of the week focuses on living and dining rooms.
By Daisy We are driving home from Perth with the doglets on the back seat, when we took the opportunity to call in at the Dardanup Butchering Company to see if we could get some roo for the dogs. While… Continue Reading
Tonight on The Block it’s bedroom and bathroom reveals and then we segue into the room that interests me most: the kitchen. If you had an unlimited budget and space, what would you want in your kitchen? Walk-in pantry tops… Continue Reading
Junior MasterChef starts on Sunday, October 11. Not sure how many nights a week it will be on Ten but, in the past, the junior shows have been short seasons due to the age of the participants. I have told… Continue Reading
The end of Lockydown is nigh! Tonight it’s digital marketer/influencer Bella versus Victorian nurse Irena. As we know from the Honey Badger season, having a final two does not mean Bachie will walk away with a girlfriend. There are rumours… Continue Reading
October 7 is the premiere for Bachelorette sisters edition. Will you be watching?
By Daisy After hiding out from the virus, the Bold & the Beautiful are back, albeit looking a tiny bit scragglier, chubbier and with a few overgrown hairdos. I guess you might have to be picky to notice things like… Continue Reading
By Bobi My brother has a new kitten. Y’all think that kittens are adorable. I can tell. Apparently I should have been happy to provide amusement to my family. I know that we all need a laugh in these unprecedented… Continue Reading