Big Brother wk 4
Zoe is gone – will more of the alpha group be next? Is “lasagna sauce” cheese sauce in a jar? They could just make their own. If I was trapped in a house with those people I would be cooking… Continue Reading
Zoe is gone – will more of the alpha group be next? Is “lasagna sauce” cheese sauce in a jar? They could just make their own. If I was trapped in a house with those people I would be cooking… Continue Reading
Finally, Ten has announced Bachelor in Paradise will air on Wed, July 15. I am looking forward to seeing the beautiful scenery of Fiji and the sunshine – it will be a glimpse into our carefree past.
Three heavy hitters of the competition go head-to-head. Who will make top six? A reminder: No MasterChef until Sunday.
Our dreams have come true! The contestants need to use ALL the ingredients in their mystery box to create two dishes – a sweet and a savoury dish. I think someone like Callum would be good at this.
I’m so happy to see MasterChef bring back the cube taste test – I just hope they all last a few rounds so we are not left squinting at the screen, trying to work the leftovers out. The first four… Continue Reading
By DaisyEasing back to life as we knew it.How’s it going everyone? I suppose it varies depending on where you live, your age, your general cautiousness, work situation and people with whom you have contact.It’s feeling so back to normal… Continue Reading
This a smart move by Big Bro: your most interesting housemate is voted out so you put them in the control booth. No doubt this twist was planned ahead but they were waiting to deploy it when a suitable person… Continue Reading
Every five minutes an ingredient that can be used in their cook is revealed to our contestants. They can start cooking at any time but only have access to the ingredients revealed up to that point. And that’s it for… Continue Reading
In this episode’s golden box mystery box challenge, the contestants have to create a dish using one or more of the golden ingredients. The top four dishes will battle it out in the next immunity challenge.
Charlie Carrington of Melbourne restaurant Atlas sets this elimination challenge, focusing on food from different countries. The contestant with the least impressive dish will be sent home. And Reece is safe.