Bachelor in Paradise Mon
Monday Bachidise chat
Monday Bachidise chat
Sorry, gice, I forgot about the four days of Bachie this week so I did not do a Tuesday thread.
Except more douchiness tonight from Daniel and Grant. I expect this is where we get the tears from Leah we saw in earlier promos. Daniel is such an obvious dick that he has no hope with the ladies. Our Aussie… Continue Reading
The Americans storm Bachidise tonight, and it means war for some of our magnificent Aussie stallions, but it looks like none of the girls is putting of fight, especially Keira. Well, actually, I think the annoying one is actually Canadian… Continue Reading
It’s episode 4 already. I wonder how the ratings are going? The premiere was the fourth most-watched show of the night (after Seven and Nine news and 60 Minutes), so a strong opener. But on day two it slipped into… Continue Reading
Finally, Bachidise is back. After the constant stream of MKR episodes it seems odd to have a show that is not on five nights a week. Let’s hope it was worth the wait. How will Jarrod react when he sees… Continue Reading
Can we cut straight to the big question: What discount does the Bachie wardrobe department get for ordering men’s linen shirts in bulk? Tonight no doubt the Flo/Davey/Jake drama continues. I’d like to see Flo kick them both to the… Continue Reading
Bachelor in Paradise is about to start for those on the east coast. Still half an hour to go here in Adelaide, but chat away. If you don’t want spoilers, wait until it’s aired in your state. Let’s hope it’s… Continue Reading
The show we’ve all been waiting for starts on Ten at 7.30pm and runs until 9pm. Should do quite well, given MKR is on an extended break. While there is a large group on the island at the start of… Continue Reading
Ten announced today Bachelor in Paradise will start Sunday, March 25. That’s the one with Jarrod, Keira, Apollo, Laurina et al. And I just realised from reading this Marie Clare article that annoying Sam with the crazy hair is in… Continue Reading