Will Simon and Alene stay together (and will Simon ever get his ringlets back?). The nerves are kicking in… Simon and Alene make their final decision tonight! #9Married — MarriedAtFirstSight (@MarriedAU) 20 March 2017
Looking for a man who will belittle you and then lie about it? Don’t miss your chance to apply for the next season of MAFS! Searching for the one and ready to settle down? Be a part of Australia's biggest… Continue Reading
Looks like there will tears aplenty tonight on Married at First Sight. Every single marriage is on a knife’s edge during tomorrow’s commitment ceremony! #9Married — MarriedAtFirstSight (@MarriedAU) February 24, 2017
Nadia is worried whether she and Anthony share the same family values. I’d be more worried he has gaffer tape and ropes in the basement so he can keep her locked up, all to himself. Intimacy and family values: Nadia's… Continue Reading
Episode 4 of MAFS screens tonight from 7pm-8.30pm. Over to MAFS correspondent, Daisy (thank you!): Hi ttv gang and MAFS fans. This isn’t a recap but a review of events so far and preamble header for this week’s shows. So… Continue Reading
MAFS will be a weekend fast forward job for me, with so much going on in TV land. Feel free to chat away and I will start a new thread if this one gets too long. Michael’s checklist: The strangest… Continue Reading
The old thread was getting long so here’s a new one for MAFS.
Daisy is kindly doing us another recap for the fourth MAFS. In the meantime, make sure you read her rundown from last night. Here we go: The show tonight begins, as usual, with a summary of highlights and lowlights so… Continue Reading