Australian Survivor – episode 2
Day two in Fiji. Chat here for Australian Survivor. Any faves so far? Or anyone getting on your goat (or looking likely to be a final three goat?).
Day two in Fiji. Chat here for Australian Survivor. Any faves so far? Or anyone getting on your goat (or looking likely to be a final three goat?).
Champions V Contenders is finally here! MasterChef is done, so put away your panna cottas and granitas and grab your buffs and torches. How long before we hear someone on the Champs tribe say they have no idea who Russell… Continue Reading
Australian Survivor will start once MasterChef ends. IT'S TIME. #SurvivorAU returns 7.30 Wednesday August 1 on TEN. 🔥🙌 — Australian Survivor (@Survivor_AU) July 14, 2018 At least there is a good gap before US Survivor starts season 37, with… Continue Reading
The theme of the next season of Australian Survivor is Champions V Contenders and Ten today started releasing the names of some “champions”. So far we have swimmer Shane Gould (good to see some older people) and AFL women’s player… Continue Reading
Finale time already? But Probst still has to snuff the torch of half the cast? At least we should see some idols played tonight. The question is, will Dom and Wendell turn on each other? And who wins the fire… Continue Reading
Surely the Dom and Wendell dominance will continue and Kellyn will be rolled tonight? Unless Angela is collected as collateral damage. And Laurel and Donathon will chat about flipping but won’t.
The loved ones are here. And yet another episode where there is a lot of talk but not much happens.
It’s a double vote out tonight. Surely Michael’s number is up? But we’ll see him again soon, for sure. Jeff will jump at the chance to cast him again. Perhaps they will do it on a back-to-back season, so Ghost… Continue Reading
I’m thinking tonight will be an under the radar girl – say Chelsea – or Lauren will muster the troops to get Dom or Wendell. Hopefully Michael finds an idol.
So now the best rapper on Ghost Island is gone, will everyone target Dom? Wendell is smart to use him as a shield. Or is it finally Libby’s time to go?