Australian Survivor – day 2 and 3
Who’s going to tribal next: pink or teal (you know I’m never going to remember their real names)?
Who’s going to tribal next: pink or teal (you know I’m never going to remember their real names)?
Yay – Australian Survivor is back and we’ve been promised a season of scheming – none of this “mateship” hooha. Ten, tonight 7.30-9.10pm; tomorrow and Tuesday 7.30-9pm (aargh – such loooong episodes! How are we meant to watch everything?) Everyone… Continue Reading
Watch the first 15 minutes of Australian Survivor, which starts this Sunday on Ten. Watch here.
It’s just over a week until Australian Survivor returns on Channel Ten. For those who have not seen it already, here’s a snippet from the first immunity challenge. Starts Sunday, July 30. SNEAK PEEK: There's nothing as intense as an… Continue Reading
Woo hoo – we have a date for season 2 (ok, technically season 4 but let’s not get all Star Wars I is really IV here). Survivor launches Sunday, July 30, the same day as The Block. So I won’t… Continue Reading
Channel Ten has gone into receivership but swears it’s business as usual for its shows. Given Australian Survivor just started filming season two a few weeks ago in Samoa, it seems likely we’ll get to see the finished product. Season… Continue Reading
How can it be finale time already? And 9Go is showing it live in a few minutes – yay – and I happen to have the day off!
Here are the Ponderosa videos for last week’s boots, and Michaela’s is particularly loopy.
Only one more week until the finale of Survivor GameChangers – Nooooooo! How can season 34 be over so soon? It screens in the US on Wed, May 24, so Thurs for us. Hopefully Nine will continue to be awesome… Continue Reading
The tears will flow for the loved ones visit.