US Survivor – Oct 20
Chat for those who have seen episode 5 of Millennials versus Gen X (which screened on Nine Thurs, Oct 20).
Chat for those who have seen episode 5 of Millennials versus Gen X (which screened on Nine Thurs, Oct 20).
Well, this one’s pretty easy. FBF: Can you name each castaway in their school uniforms? #SurvivorAU — Australian Survivor (@Survivor_AU) 14 October 2016 Sunday night Survivor recap It seems like ages ago hat Brooke was voted off – that’s… Continue Reading
It’s a bit awkward to chat about this Gen X v Millennials season with Nine shunting the episodes into No Man’s Land or, in SA’s case, just not showing it at all one week. This thread is for episode 4,… Continue Reading
No recap from me tonight so chat away.
Survivor: Millennials versus Gen X screens in the US in a few hours but, unfortunately, Channel 9 has decided not to air the show for a whole week, which is, frankly, infuriating. For the past few years they’ve fast-tracked US… Continue Reading
Instead of starting with the awkward fallout of the attempt to vote out Kristie, we begin with kidnapped Sue’s introduction to her new blue tribe. They must all have been wondering which of them Sue was there to send back… Continue Reading
Our 15 remaining castaways have now spent over 25 days stranded out here on the islands of Samoa. #SurvivorAU — Australian Survivor (@Survivor_AU) 17 September 2016 The way Channel 10 are promoting it the poor ole yellow tribe will… Continue Reading
I still can’t get used to having three episodes of Survivor each week. When the US Version returns later this month with Gen X versus Millennials (yeah, I don’t know why they didn’t use Gen Y either) a mere 40… Continue Reading
Ten are promoting tonight as a Phoebe V Andrew showdown, but no doubt it’s all hype. I do enjoy listening to Andrew’s confessionals and seeing his Penner-style hat. I hope we do check in with the blue team this episode… Continue Reading
The ads are talking up tonight’s ep as the “biggest blunder ever”, so let’s hope it’s not all hype. Does Phoebe set a honey trap for Rohan and convince him to hand over his idol (shades of Erik the ice… Continue Reading