Survivor Winners at War. Is Jeremy a goner?
Jeremy used his advantage last week to escape from tribal council (just as well) and Tyson was sent back to E of E. So Jeremy will be in the firing line again. Michelle seems safe, though.
Jeremy used his advantage last week to escape from tribal council (just as well) and Tyson was sent back to E of E. So Jeremy will be in the firing line again. Michelle seems safe, though.
We get straight into it with the loved ones, and this time it’s partners AND kids. I know some of you hate it but watching Jeremy fall to his knees in anticipation was moving.
This is the last season of Survivor we are likely to see for a while, so lucky it’s a good one. I want to see Boston Rob’s reaction to losing the Edge comeback challenge to Tyson. They are great mates… Continue Reading
Well, here we are already. Noooo! What will distract us from our self-isolation? We are down to the Golden God, Moana and Sharn. Who’d have thought that Dave would have lasted this long … I know the rest of the… Continue Reading
How can this be the second last ep? What are we going to watch to distract us when Coronavirus is in full swing over the next few months?Finale is Monday night with reunion show hosted by Osher afterwards.
Guessing we will start with the Rob and Amber reunion. Who is looking good in the post-swap trio of tribes? Will Soph and Sarah try to team up with Ben or Adam? I’m thinking Adam. Yul is in a good… Continue Reading
So, who’s in trouble tonight?
Tues chat. Predicting another ep of Sharn looking extremely frazzled. Does Dave show her the fake idol so she thinks he only has a fake, only to bring out the real deal at tribal?
Mon chat. Has Jacqui flipped for good or was it just to ditch Zac?
What a welcome relief WaW has been for the US franchise, after the shock and angst of last season. It’s a tribe swap episode and we get to see who was swap screwed. The promo had Michele bemoaning the fact… Continue Reading