A media release from Channel 7 – presumably “coming soon” means “but not until after MKR finishes”:
Is the grass greener on the other side?
Four couples in strife will put their relationships to the test as they participate in an experimental marriage with a total stranger.
In Channel Seven’s new series, Seven Year Switch, four couples on the brink of separation will embark on a daring new social experiment in an attempt to save their marriage.
Our relationship psychologists will be there to guide the couples, as viewers follow the journey of each broken relationship to see whether it can be saved by being placed in an extraordinary situation.
The lovelorn couples are at a crossroads in their relationship and will get the chance to live with a likeminded new partner for two weeks, in a trial marriage, to reveal whether similar traits and characteristics
in a partner is the missing ingredient to making a relationship stronger.
This unorthodox experiment is totally unpredictable and life-changing.
Two relationship experts will guide the couples through the therapy process, as they adjust to living with an experimental partner.
At the end of the month-long experiment, each of the couples will reunite and make the decision to either part ways or reaffirm their commitment.”

Sounds interesting if it’s for real.
Is it an Australian production Juz?
Of course I will be tuning in to have a sticky beak and see how it pans out.
Thanks for the lowdown Juz.
Gabby, I found a promo and inserted it into the post. Looks like an Australian version of an American show that screens on cable TV. Sounds a little but like Wife Swap, but without the angle of pairing a vegan wife with a hunting family etc to stir the pot.
Sorry Juz but I can’t find the promo 🙁
It’s at the very end of the post, but here tis anyway:
Yikes. A bit unfair to the spouse. It takes longer than 2 weeks to be sick of your hubby/wife. It gives the experimental spouse too much of an advantage. This is definitely trash tv so I might be watching.
Anyway, it’s nothing new. Wife swapping has been around for decades. But with carkeys.
Recap is up http://talkingtv.net/2016/03/i-watched-seven-year-switch-so-you-dont-have-to-youre-welcome/