No drama at tonight's dinner party? We'll see… 😏 #9Married pic.twitter.com/l2tUYbvncG
— MarriedAtFirstSight (@MarriedAU) 19 March 2017
Tonight is the final dinner party, but the show continues on Monday and Tuesday and next Sunday.
If you are watching this episode on catch-up TV, be sure to first read Daisy’s “precap” (published below):
We come to the home stretch of this season’s MAFS, and as we anticipate the revelations of which couples found everlasting or even semi-lasting love, revelations also emerge of skeletons from smutty cyber closets. As we watch tv to discover if Alene loves Simon, if Michelle has cleared up her confusion over her feelings for Jesse, if Nadia will give up her promising career as an air hostess to be a race-track groupie, and if Susan will get a good house cleaner and decorator out to the pony ranch; tidbits of juicy gossip, and photos of tidbits are finding their way onto the internet.
It’s now that we get to the part that some have anticipated, and others have sneak-peeked. Our questions will be answered. Will Simon move to Sydney for hen-pecking Arlene? I think he might. Will Susan get those cobwebs from Sean’s kitchen ceiling, and install air-conditioning? I hope so.
Will Michelle confess that she never liked Jesse but wanted her mug on tv? I doubt it? Will Sharon realize she is a mean girl, and Nick really is a bogan who drinks too much and pukes on his girl friend? No and then yes.
Perhaps Nadia has a secret penchant for controlling men with a superiority complex. But it’s more likely MAFS was a great opportunity for her to expand her media work. Maybe Andy will find his voice, and when he finally speaks, he will shout, “F**K OFF!!!!
And when, oh when will the sexperts quit their charade of being legitimate psychologists who have the capacity to use science to match couples? Well, we know that as long as MAFS continues to rate well and tantalize lounge room voyeurs, that won’t be happening. I predict that even though the show ends this week, the juicy, off camera details will continue to provide entertainment fodder for another few weeks.
And let us not forget, but give a final salute to the MAFS love casualties. Sue has probably married a Fijian, yoga teaching minister, while John is probably still working his way through speed dating all the 40 something women who contacted him post show.
Johnathan has probably already lost Scarlett’s number, and Stripper guy has probably seen a rise in his work load. Scarlett is probably on page two of that novel she has been writing. Star couple of the season, Cheryl and Andrew Jones, who have already gone separate ways, are evidently suffering very different fates. Cheryl has had to explain naughty photos to Mr McYou-didn’t Dress Properly McDaddy. And Andrew still can’t even step outside to collect milk without getting eggs thrown at him.
I hope you have enjoyed the scandals, the love, the faux love, and found it all worth the crap we have had to listen to coming from the real psychologists. It’s been real. And now, get cracking on your applications for next year’s MAFS and get ready to “move for love”. Happy viewing.

LOL. Nadia has decided that she has not had enough airtime so decides it is time to be a drama queen.
Jus, did you get my MAFS report last night?
Sorry just posted – emailing you in a sec
Daisy, you have been far too generous in your assessment of the progress of Scarlett’s novel. We doubt she has advanced beyond the second sentence.
Belly laugh, Maz. 😂
It can’t be easy to write a novel using crayons.
So John can turn up at a dinner party…
The producers are really feeding them the alcohol tonight.
Jesse sprays cologne on his shirt. His shirt doesn’t stink.
Nadia.Morning sickness?
Anthony talks with a mouthful of food, mouth wide open. He can probably call a race doing that.
That is a skill to be proud of (in Sydney)!
Doubt it. She has been downing the alcohol tonight.
Anthony force fed Nadia a glass of water on arrival and next she darted off to the loo, presumably….so I thought that she’s pregnant. I hope Nadia has figured out that race caller can also mean problem gambler. She could wind up eating a cold hot dog at the Dapto Dogs on a winter’s night, before walking home. I missed her hitting the turps, thanks Maz.
FFS. What is Jesse’s obsession with doors?
He is so obtuse. Don’t use big words Michelle.
Feeling ripped off. We didn’t see all the participants ask their partners questions.
Andy may not say much but it doesn’t help if he is edited out.
Gice, have just added Daisy’s precap to the post above – I’m terribly late with it. I see the TV guide now says the shows stretch out for over a week. Monday week’s episode is entitled “The Aftermath: Part I” and focuses on the couples returning home. It never ends!
Thanks Juz. 😙😙😙😙
Thank YOU for doing it!
We may see some of these gice again on tv …..on RBT.
If Nadia gets that job at Quantas we might see her on Border control.
Oooh. Here comes the box. Community chest or chance? Producers think there has not been enough tension and bickering, so they need the box of “honesty questions”. I hope they ask, “Did you just come on the show to get on telly” , and “Do you think you have really been scientifically matched.
Did anyone else notice Nadia light up when John, the “sexpert” entered the room and addressed the crowd whilst they were at the dinner table? She was beaming. I have never seen her look at Anthony like that – ever! The twins have all the so called “correct” responses, but I can’t help but hear a lot of media training, come back lines.
Nadia looks a bit “frigid” while Anthony talks about their promising future.
Then she looks like she will throw up if she has to fake it for one more minute.
But I didn’t quite understand what she was thinking here….
Alene was really getting on my nerves. It seems she is constantly expecting Simon to make all the changes.
Me too Simon. Me too.
The party kicks off.
Nick gets “naughty”.
No she will Not. Sharon looks like she can hold her own.
Jesse sees hope. 😐It helps if the lady is stringing you along…..and if you are looking through the bottom of a glass.
Sharon shows her stern side some more.
Susan makes Sean’s day. She will go out and buy a cobweb broom tomorrow.
Sorry, I couldn’t do this guy. Doesn’t open up enough for Vanessa but I also prefer some personality. Just being a nice guy with nothing to say…..
Anthony’s face when he realizes he’s been taken for a ride. Which is quite apt for a race caller.
Jesse thinking about how many children he and Michelle will have.
Again Michelle puts her foot down…on Nick’s nuts but he is too smitten and drunk to feel it.
Nick just knocks off some red, happy in the knowledge that if all fails, there are always plenty of strippers’ clubs.
And the dopleganger even repeat their own words. I wonder if there will be a double spread in a girlie mag soon.
And the doppleganger even repeat their own words. I wonder if there will be a double spread in a girlie mag soon.
Don’t worry Nadia. It will all be over soon.
What was going on with Nadia’s chin last night? Had her botox alarmingly and suddenly started wearing off in random places? At one point, Woolif noted horns on her chin. All I could think was, “Oh dear, she is going to hate seeing this back”. Maybe it’s why she ran to the toilet. To glue it back up.
Nadia was cold toward Anthony from the moment she saw him and is glad it’s nearly over.
It’s interesting….. they are all given serious questions to answer whilst under the influence of alcohol. Yet, none of them would be, by law, Would be even able to drive a car. Obviously, it’s all for the producers to get the most out of their guests, prime them with drinks to create the most “honest” responses. In wine there is truth don’t they say?!!
Daisy, you’re a classic. Those photos and words just crack me up. 🙂
As classic as an old bomb, Why. 😆
“Maz: FFS. What is Jesse’s obsession with doors? ”
I was pondering that exact same question last night:
1. Something traumatic happened in Jesse’s childhood involving a door. Although, as Freud once famously said “Sometimes a door is just a door”.
2. He’s been reading way too much The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Jesse, you’ll find it at the back of the closet behind all the fur coats.
3. It’s a strange PG-rated analogy for cock-blocking. Has Jesse even been through a door yet in his life? No wonder Michelle’s not that into him: he’s actually a virgin trapped in Narnia.
As for the others:
1. Anthony would stride confidently through that door, squelching Nadia, the doormat, on his way out.
2. Susan and Sean would float in their love-bubble over the threshold, they A-DOOR each other.
3. Andrew’s become a Jehovah’s Witness, he’s had so many doors slammed in his face (by Lauren AND Cheryl).
Favourite Band: The Doors
Theme Song: You keep a knocking but you can’t come in
Holiday Destination: El Door-ado
Pet: Doormouse
Film Star: Dooris Day, Diana Doors
Movie: Finding Doory (a cartoon, natch)
Read; The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Large print picture edition. After Michelle has tucked him safely into bed in his clean jim-jams and kissed him reassuringly on the forehead.
Jesse gets so drunk finding the door is often a problem .Spends as much time looking for the door as looking for love. He’s “unhinged” a bit too easily.
AliO. Hilarious.
Knock knock, who’s there? Could that be love a calling?”
Michelle just hasn’t found Jesse adoorable.
“3. It’s a strange PG-rated analogy for cock-blocking. Has Jesse even been through a door yet in his life? No wonder Michelle’s not that into him: he’s actually a virgin trapped in Narnia.”
That would indicate that he’s hidden deep in somebody’s closet, which is an entirely different problem, I think.
This writer says “Jesse gets as drunk as a door.” I would suggest Jesse is more a Knob, rather than a door.
Hit prediction: Alene will renew her vows just so she can continue to prod and poke Simon at random times in various random body parts. Simon will refuse for that same reason.
Last night Jesse was banging on about walking through doors, Andy wanted to climb a ladder and Anthony was zooming straight through the finish line. Are all these men just dying to escape?
Ali – you’re on fire.
Jesse is a boy trapped in a man’s body. I agree , he is socially awkward . Not adooorable at all , more like an annoying 10 year old boy.
So a doork then, Lola?
Good one Daisy, yes you finished my thoughts
It would not shock me at all if this was true. Producers would be lucky to have any couples left at this point if they weren’t being enticed to stay.
They can refute all they like. You can tell Michelle didn’t like him. Now today I saw 2 highschoolers in the library and immediately saw love hearts in the air. You CAN tell. 5 paces apart please kids. 😙
Jesse works at the Central Market at a fruit stall that has no doors. Perhaps he misses them?
And magazines say that one of the twins is pregnant 😂
Jesse likes his food
I know. Did you see that huge bulge in his cheek?
When Jesse’s foot wasn’t in his mouth, there was a slice of pizza disappearing down the hatch.
Nick Furphy https://badoo.com/en-au/profile/01290484635
Furphy definition: a rumour or story that is untrue or absurd.