Married at First Sight is STILL GOING

Thought MAFS was over? Don’t be fooled. Nine is going to milk this till every contestant is shacked up with someone else and is walking their grandkids down the aisle.
Sunday at 7pm is the Reunion: Part I (yes, there’s even more to come!).
The blurb says: All 20 participants who joined the experiment come together for one last emotionally charged dinner party.

And here’s an interesting read from Susan and Lauren AKA the Runaway Bride: story.



  1. This is calling to me more than MKR tonight.

    Emotionally charged. I imagine some will be charged before, during and after this social melee masquerading as a civilized event.

    Finally, the all knowing sexperts should be charged with fraud for unleashing their mindless “experiment” on the public.

    • I made these cauliflower cheesy fritters the other day in the hope Mr 5 would eat more veg. So guess what I’ve been eating for lunch …

    • There is many screenshots to be had. Jesse’s sweaty back, Cheryl’s dress…

      • Andrew the fireman’s sweating like a pig. His attention span is shorter than Scarlett’s dress.

      • Cheryl kept jiggling too much Maz, so it was hard to get a good shot. But Scarlett was a gift that kept giving.

    • all they do is mention the obvious stuff that the previous 30 second clip already told us!

  2. Scarlet has ran.
    Andrew is still playing victim.
    Anthony still can’t afford socks.

  3. ‘Reality TV’ turns out not surprisingly to be not real at all…

    The participants surely couldn’t be that naive to think it is a genuine experiment to find a partner… it is manufactured drama to attract rating$

  4. Those beers are taking their toll. Nick at 50. Wait, that was last night.,

  5. That nasty taste in her mouth is Anthony. You will see what my thoughts on this are in my blurb. What are yours?

  6. The voyeurs said, “You can see the pain on Nadia’s face”. I thought it was more like disdain and it was pretty much fixed throughout the season.

  7. Great recap Daisy.
    When they all view the Bucks Night tonight, Everyone, particularly Susan, will see how much Sean didn’t object to Andrew’s behaviour or that he didn’t have Cheryl’s back at the time.

    • Thanks, Why. I am looking forward to the brawl tonight. They have gone quiet on the twins. I wonder if they will still want to defend Jonesie.

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