The losing team from the greenhouse challenge now face elimination. The first three to fail the blindfold taste test will have 75 minutes to prepare an impressive dish to stay in the competition.
I LOVE it when they do the taste test. Was it last year they did the one where all the food was in same-sized cubes? That was cool. Let’s hope no-one bombs out early because that’s no fun.
– Dr Ray gets a flashback. Is he a goner?
– Eloise loses her nerve and plays the pin.
– It’s Sweet Week so everything they taste is sweet or can be used in a dessert. Given they use fennel and beetroot in desserts that doesn’t help much
– captain Tamara is first and she gives it a good squeeze first. Licorice. I hope they get a palate cleanser – those on the gantry should be whipping up a cucumber sorbet.
– dr Ray gets a talking head about how he has a good palate, so you know he’s a goner. He’s handed what’s obviously grapes but is befuddled and says watermelon.
– the food Golden Ball Mich spat out on all the promos is fresh ginger.
– Beardie Ben guesses rockmelon when it’s banana. Shows how much we rely on our sight.
– Tamara guesses rockmelon for cucumber.
Damn – that was too quick.
– The losers have to hero their death ingredient.
– Beardie Ben is making banana pancakes with ice cream and a rum and choc sauce.
– Tamara is a bit freaked out by the cucumber so she starts making a yoghurt parfait in the red moulds of doom.
– Ten mins in Dr Ray is still in the pantry. He’s running out of time to make even a grape jelly.
– He is doing a play on a cheese board, including a goat’s cheese mousse with grapes four ways. Oh he IS doing a jelly. And a gastrique (a bittersweet reduction)
– Tamara goes cucumber mad, slicing, dicing and juicing for a granita. Didn’t Glowing Elena do heaps of cucumber dishes last year.
– the judges pop by to tell Ray he needs something crunchy.
– Tamara pops some cuke in a bag to vac seal it for pressed cucumber.(Mr Juz: is she putting it through a laminator?)
– Ben is getting distracted and starts burning stuff.
– Tam is obviously going to be safe.
– George looks like a serial killer watching a victim as Ray’s tuille shatters. Luckily the broken one still looks pretty on the plate.
– Now I think Ben is going home – his dish is not as refined.
The judges taste:
– Cuke: They love it, especially the granita.
– Banana: (Thank you, Ben, for saying you’d rather cook hearty food than “micro” food.) They love the choc sauce and ice cream but the bananas are overcooked. He’s a goner.
– Grapes: They think it looks great and the mousse is delish. And they love the sauce Ray was worried about.
Ben is going home. He says the highlight of the comp was the greenhouse challenge.
Now he’s working as a cook at a WA eatery and will embark on a charity motorbike ride.

Tamara, Ben and Jess telling us the bleeding obvious at the ‘to camera’ pieces ad nauseum!
Eloise relinquishes her pin quite easily.
Ray can’t distinguish between the taste of grapes and watermelon! What the!
He deserves to be in the next round.
Well since that pin was earned quite easily, Eloise deserves to relinquish the pin just as easily.
Ray can’t tell the difference between watermelon and grapes.
The judges can easier take out who they don’t like in this test.
Benjamin can’t tell the difference between banana and rockmelon.
Seem rockmelon is the default answer when you don’t know. Tamara lost out on cucumber.
Best chefs eva and banana pancakes is the best you can come up with?
Can all three go home?
Just sayin’.
They are all annoying in their own way.
Too bad the whole team wasn’t eliminated.
This is a competition, every week 2 contestants will be eliminated. Why do they have to say I dont want to see so and so go? Or I want them to stay? Then they should just eliminate themselves
Well, well,well, Gary just admitted that Ray is marked for elimination today and they haven’t even started cooking.
“He (Ray) has to make it hard for us to eliminate him today.”
Best cook ever. All Benjamin can do is banana pancake. He thinks he is doing well
75 minutes to cook banana pancakes. Ben should go home on that lame ‘best eva’ cook.
Snap Littlepetal
And all that running back into the pantry is getting on my nerves.
Ben’s banana pancakes look disgusting.
Ray’s doesn’t look any better!
But Ray re- plates, cries and is safe. Anything would beat those horrible pancakes!
And Benjamin said that is the kind of food he likes to cook
I find it hard to believe that Ray’s dish was tasty. He was so lost to come up with something and he creates sweet and sour grapes and a cream cheese mousse. How about a grape cake, grape tart, grape tarte tatin? Tears and sad pouty faces continue to help contestants stay in the competition.
Benjamin’s banana pancakes and another ice cream….yawn.
Both of them should have been eliminated. Actually all 3 of them could have been eliminated along with the rest of their team mates (except Samuel).
George walks over to stand over Ray in an attempt of intimidation as he tries to roll his tuile.
Ray is copying the plating of the french chef.
Ray works out that the only chance he has is to well up and cry.
Snap, Maz
Ray should be safe. The tears will do wonder
He’s watched a lot of Ma$terchef.
I’m really not sure whether I find the judges or the contestants more annoying.
Both Jayblossom
The tasting was rigged because it wasn’t random. The producers selected the spheres for each contestant. So Barbie was safe with coconut. She doesn’t seem to do much else – just decoration?
So now we have to put up with more footage of Dr Ray making dough with his two daughters! We’ve seen it a hundred times. Do these kids actually go to school or anything … or just make dough with daddy all day?
I don’t know why he’s still there; perhaps they’re short of medical staff on set and need him for the odd bandaid.
And where is Dr Ray’s wife?
He never mentions her and how much he misses his wife.
Tamara was always going to be safe, she with the gesticulating hands!
I read he is a single parent
Yes, divorced, deceased? Who knows. It’s odd because we usually get inundated with backstory details, including the blood types of their grandmothers.
I just wish it wasn’t over so soon. What a fizzer
Oh my God, how could he not get banana? It fucking stinks. I can smell a banana from miles away. If I’m sitting at my desk at work & someone starts eating a banana I can smell it.
And cucumber has a strong smell too.
I hate banana & cucumber. I wouldn’t even know where to start with them.
Cooking with bananas would be my worst nightmare. I would have to put a peg on my nose. That whole room would have stunk of bananas. Ew
I thought Ray was a goner. First he took ages to decide what to cook. Then while cooking he said his mousse was lumpy. Lucky he swapped that first tuille where it was leaking everywhere to the other one. It did look better.
‘George looked like a serial killer watching a victim.’ Hilarious Juz.
Over cooked grilled banana which then were warmed in an oven for 20 minutes- gross!
Twice cooked pancakes in burnt butter with the burnt banana chutney sizzling in the sink – Ben’s banana dish was truely revolting and he had 75 minutes to stink out the Masterchef kitchen!
Even though sweet week has ended I assume there will be at least one ice cream next week. If not ice cream then a sorbet. 😉
And a parfait and more jelly
And failed sponge.
Don’t forget the fennel.
Those new $wisse Liver Detox ads George is doing are a train wreck, yeah? He’s ott on the hand gestures. too. Reeking of insincerity.
Finally bothering to watch it – the one thing I know is I never want to hear Tamara say the word “cucumber” again,
Three syllables is a massive, enormous, cumbersome challenge for many amatas. Without a cancer stricken nonna for guidance, many are bound to struggle. It is what it is in the wanderful Ma$terchef kitchin. Best evah amatas. $wisse can help.
Wow, we are still within the first 4 weeks of MC and I already gave up on it. I was so bored with it, switched it off, just red the recaps and comments here. 2 out of 3 judges annoy me to no end (and all I can think of is: Hopefully a former staff member really sues Boom boom shake the Georgie). The contestants are all so bland and blend into each other. It is all so repetitive.
Dont we know that already.
‘It is almost sickening’: Celebrity chef David Thompson accuses MasterChef judges of being too nice to contenders
Many of the amatas just won’t be able to handle the truth.i.e.
“You’re deluded”
“You shouldn’t be allowed within ten miles of a kitchin”
“That dish smells and tastes like $hit”
“Your hair sucks”