The show we’ve all been waiting for starts on Ten at 7.30pm and runs until 9pm.
Should do quite well, given MKR is on an extended break. While there is a large group on the island at the start of the show, new contestants arrive on a regular basis. I will be interested to see if there are any Survivor-like alliances formed, so people can save their friends from being eliminated. I’m thinking Jarrod won’t last long, although the producers would be desperate for him to stay.
The blurb for the following night (Mon, 7.30-9pm) says: The women’s power in the impending rose ceremony tonight is playing on everyone’s minds, with speculation mounting on whether there would be any new arrivals beforehand to stir things up.

The moron who relieved himself in Jarrod’s pot plant is there. Paradise Lost.
I’ve been planning to watch this. Looks a volatile bunch.
Yeah, it looks ghastly, doesn’t it?
Sign me up!
It looks like a total trainwreck.
Sign me up too!
Many of the nasty people on Matty J and Sophie Monk season are in it. Of course Kiera is there as well.
…..and the little blonde stripper/exotic dancer/adult entertainer….
Dave, you just described half the franchise.
only HALF?
Gosh you’re charitable Windsong!
well of course the nasties are typically only in it for the 15 mins of fame so it makes sense to agree for them to agree to a free holiday now too.
Watch Tara in the promo. There are completely new rules for crying since women wear those hideous lashes.
Oh no. Just saw the extended ad. Whos the little blonde dude with the ponytail from Sophie monks bachelorette. 🤮 vomit squared (can’t find symbol for squared)
oh no, not Sam was it, who started giving her singing advice?!
was he the one with the cute nephews?
Yes. Sam. The bullshitting music producer. Awful memories flooding back.
That beige soccer player is there as well.
Sam will irk everyone and get the boot. Have to have a few “villains” to boo
The one with the hideous comb over?
Oh yikes. I remember him now – his hair was just plain WEIRD. Super long bald-compensatory but-not-quite-man-bun-just-messy. Bad on every possible level.
Wasted potential. The move with his nephews was adorable, and then he just turned into a disappointment.
It’s the kind of island paradise where there’ll be more crabs on the contestants than in the water.
“Don’t forget your passports … and a solid dose of antibiotics.”
I can smell the fake tan from here. It will be awful, cringeworthy and all the rest of it and I’ll be watching with the rest of you. As for the eyelashes, well they are something else.
I notice Sam is already wearing his hat at a jaunty angle in the promos.