The weakest teams from each group challenge meet at Elimination House. As one team’s journey comes to an end, the other reaches unexpected heights – but not all the critics are impressed.
No MKR tomorrow (Thursday) and, at the time of writing, nothing scheduled for Sunday.

I guess we’re going into the Easter hiatus on a cliffhanger, ie, we’ll end with somebody being eliminated (probably the Italian boys. For all their culinary skill, neither of them is that likeable) and a tease at what’s to come .
In fact, that’s probably why they’ve really been amping up the, “Somebody’s getting kicked out!” ads, just to keep people guessing over the holidays.
Kim and Suong’s Giant entree is visually appealing with all that greenery
Manu looked so happy when he was putting his together
I was cracking up, Manu was licking his lips as they were bringing it out 😀😀
Three weeks break. Might as well give up
Sound reminds me of a fish. Can’t decide uf it’s a goldfish or a snapper
Marco kind of reminds me of Monterey Jack from the rescue rangers
Do Kim and Suong don’t look too happy in the talk to camera?
Also since I’m on a roll, I was reading something today and Sonya’s surname is faddy, and from behind in those ill fitting clothes she does look like a bit of a fatty.
Makes me think of faddys boot camp down by the bay
Ewww! Looks like poo
Glad I’m not the only one who thought that.
Mmmm dog Pooh agnoletti
Yeah, that was not a visually-attractive process.
Hadil has been in the navy for 5 years
I thought she’d be too short
Yummmm! Kim and soungs entree looks so good
Note to myself. When eating Vietnamese food, I need to tie up my hair. Or else I will be like Valeria, one hand holding the hair, one hand holding the food
Hadil in the navy?
From here.
She can sail the seven seas! … hopefully far away from the rest of us.
Read the post – what a self-serving piece of tripe. It can’t all be down to the editing when they were the ones loading up the ammo
Eugh. Self-serving tripe is right.
Ditto Big H. I couldn’t help but notice it ended with “… when provoked by others.” Yeah, so you’re not taking responsibility for your actions.
Vongole again??
That’s what I thought
Right down the front the little monkey!
The risotto is a bit “lellow” as my daughter would say.
The Vietnamese mums dishes are delicious. Make me want to do Vietnamese this weekend
Kim and Suong’s dessert looks swful
Asian desserts are usually very sweet and hard to make it cheffy in presentation
This presentation is at least better
Is it a nice dish to eat? I’ve not seen it before.
Liberty, glutinous rice balls can have peanuts filling, coconut fillings, red bean paste etc. It’s like Japanese mochi. Soft, chewy.
Malaysian or Indonesian onde onde may be something westerners may like. Also glutinous rice ball but filled with chopped dark palm sugar and rolled in coconut. When you bite into it you get the explosion of liquid palm sugar.
Thanks for the explanation LP.
Thanks LP. Moving house (and state) so haven’t checked in for a few days. Yum! liquid palm sugar sounds good to me.
One day, just one day, I’d love to hear a contestant respond to, “Why are you here?” with the answer, “My kids. It’s true. The longer I last in the competition, the more time I get away from those awful little monsters.”
I tell you what, Jordanians aside, I’m actually quite jealous of the teams around the table tonight. You have beautiful Vietnamese food alongside gorgeous Italian food incoming … those teams are going to eat well, tonight, and I’m quite envious of them.
Oh dear that preview.
Unfortunately I can only think of culturally insensitive remarks, so best say nothing
I’m just of waiting to see the Jordanian girls prove what awful people they are. I wonder what set them off? But even the waitresses were having a go at them. I was willing to give Sonya and Hadil the benefit of the doubt, mostly, until now, but yeah. Eck.
And I’m more interested in the ambulance. I wonder what happens? The sad thing is, you just know that even as 000 was being called, channel 7 was thinking, “this will make great television!” Sad face.
I freeze framed the ambulance scene. Looks like a guy’s arm in a black and white checked shirt so must be Henry. Maybe he cuts a finger or faints
Too much spice. But there aren’t that many blokes still in the competition, so you’re probably right.
Can’t believe that the Top 8 teams are 5 from Gp1 and only 3 from Gp 2.
They’ll have to combine the teams now – every pair for themselves
Last year Top 8 teams did the Ultimate instant restaurants. I guessed it will be the same as Many said it will be the last time you cook in the Elimination. house.
I know the next challenge is an ice cream challenge in Manly. Don’t think there will be an elimination. Maybe for some advantages in the ultimate round
I’ll admit that the preview certainly got my attention. It looks like the Jordanian girls prove their true colours by insulting everybody at the table, and then threatening them (“I’ll come for you!” is always the sign of a rational, logical mind, am I right?) to boot. Somebody hide the knives. Josh and Nic, the waitresses, Hipster Hat and the Plastics were all visible at the table, so I wonder who’s restaurant it was (either Team Truffle, the Russians or the Vietnamese mothers).
And the ambulance got called. I don’t really think channel seven would advertise if there was an actual life-threatening assault, so I’d imagine either there’s an accident in the kitchen (why didn’t someone hide the knives?) or someone has an allergic reaction to something (maybe Emma’s lips actually explode?).
*sigh* When did this stupid show stop being about food?
Anyway. Will anyone really miss Davide and Marco? I mean, they were a generally drama-free team, but they had very little onscreen presence beyond the *other* Italian guys. I barely noticed them while they were actually there, you know?
Well done, Kim and Suong. That entree and main looked amazing
Allright I will say it. Sonya and Hadil probably have dynamite strapped to their bodies which is why their clothes look so awkward.
Good on channel 7 for putting the middle eastern s at the centre of the controversy.